Favorite sidearm while hunting?

Just got back from elk hunting. I carried my regular CC handgun, a Kahr CW40, switched the hollow points for FMJs. I carried it in my IWB holster, hardly knew it was there.
Blackhawk .45 Colt. It accompanies a rifle. I kill a doe or two every year with it and will shoot a buck someday if I have the self control to let it get close enough instead of popping it w/ the rifle.
Glock 19 Gen 4.

Enough power to dispatch the deer if it needs to happen, and great for personal defense in the woods. Also very light weight and pretty compact but still an effective handgun for it's size.

I'm not far from you in NH. I started carrying a single six .22 mag or GP101 .357 mag while bow hunting because of the coyotes. When they start looking more like wolves than coyotes I figured it was time, plus I've nabbed a bunch of small game with the .22!
If handgun is primary weapon while deer hunting I'd carry either my 357 or 44.

If just carried as a sidearm I carry my buckmark. (use it on partridge)
I carry the same sidearm hunting I carry in the city: a Glock 19. It's there to protect me from anyone with any "funny ideas" if I'm tracking wounded game. It's easier than bringing the rifle along and perfectly capable of delivering the coup de gras if neccisary.

I would like at some point in the future to get a magnum caliber revolver and swap it in while hunting deer.
Usually, it is a Ruger Security Six with the first cylinder loaded with snake shot. However, now that it is getting cold (no more snakes) I'll probably switch to a S&W 617 10-shot. Never can tell when I'll get attacked by squirrels and armodillos. :D
:eek: With Yotes, Hogs, Black Bear and Florida Panthers wondering around in the woods I carry a S&W .357 magnum during General gun season and a .44 cal. Remington New Army black powder cap and ball revolver during Black powder season.
Favorite sidearm while hunting?


And the holster that it rides in.


I bought a scarred up SW 357 {M&P R8} from a friend of mine, it would not fire and was abused, someone did a horrid job of taking off the hammers lever, the release was trashed, so I cleaned it up, call SW, and sent her in, SW actually covered everything BUT the hammer {they paid all the shipping and labor}... I got the gun back working and great...

The gun actually didn't have many rounds down the pipe, just beat up, actually one of the only used beaters I bought that I couldn't get nice enough to have coated or reblued...

ANYWAY , if I am going to take a side arm hunting its usually that guy, sometimes I will just leave me ccw on....
Ruger 22/45 .... for those times when the long arm (.270WIN or 12 guage is too much gun) ...... like when a cottontail is playing the "You can't see me 'cause I'm still as a statue." even though he's in plain sight 10 feet away ..... either of the long guns would make a fine mess of him .... the 22? just the thing.

I used to carry a .357 ..... decided I did not need that much gun as a sidearm in the woods ......