Favorite drink after the hunt is over.

Holy Ressurection, Batman, and it isn't even Easter!

Hhhmmm...I need to drink more after hunting...too bad I gotta drive home...when am I going to wise up and buy some land, already?
an like an icy cold Pilsner no matter what the weather but usually just one

COKE n CROWN...........Sacriledge!!!!!Should only use cold water.
are you kidding me!? rye and water!? that tastes like slough water not to offend but jeez couldnt we find something that didnt just taste like watery rye.
Guiness Extra Stout. Oh how I love that dark brown beer:p . I dont do well with the strong stuff, it burns up the bulls**t filter between my brain and mouth.:D ,then stuff just starts pouring out.
Depends on the weather and the hunt as follows:

Cold weather: Ice cold Bud Light
Warm weather: Ice cold Bud Light
Successfull hunt: Ice cold Bud Light
Unsuccessfull hunt: Ice cold Bud Light

PS: The time of day counts too but please see the prior list. :D

In cold, snowy weather: Peppermint Schnapps and Hot Chocolate.
I am a fan of Scotch, on the rocks/neat if it's chilly outside. Almost any Glen will do.;)
My mom is French, and growing up beer was drank at a rather tepid temperature. It kind of stuck with me, I dont like "ice cold" beer.
I like red wine, however it is like liquid headache/migraine in a bottle for me, so I cannot touch it. :( It is a shame.
Tea or milk with dinner; no exeptions to the rule.

Libation after dinner: The tradition is any avalible whiskey and ice water. I'd personally go with a nice spiced Rum, but who am I to argue with tradition; especially when I'm not buyin'.
Any of the following:

Usually: Coors Light
Often enough: Killians Red
Occasionally: Canadian Club & Coke or Ginger Ale
Rarely: Canadian Club & Water

Always with a shot of Jezynowka...and a Marlboro.
Just back to the cabin after the hunt, usually Gatorade or coffee, depending on whether we were driving or standing.
When we're sitting around the wood stove with our feet up, usually whiskey (Canadian Hunter) and Coke.
drinks after the hunt

Look where I'm from.....MOLSON MOLSON and CROWN ROYAL our bottles don't say "IMPORTED"
noli contra ventum urinara ! (never piss into the wind!) The happy Canuck:rolleyes: ;)
Beers - Coors Light and Yuengling Lager
(You Killian Red fans have got to try Yuengling if you ever visit PA. Yuengling is america oldest brewery based in Pottsville PA, and Yuengling Lager is an amber beer that IMHO taste better than Killians Red, and it hasn't changed much in almost 100 years so it like your drinking the same thing your great grandparents drank)

We also bring various Irish whiskey and Baileys (for Irish Coffee)

My Usual PA Deer hunt. We get to the cabin 2 days before deer (rifle) hunting season and have a Feast and party that night, for some in our group we only see each other once a year so we get caught up on old time, and stay up late. The next day we scout out and plan our hunt usually drinking only water, coffee, coke or gatorade, some fighting a slight hangover.
the day before the hunt is usually short since everyone wakes up late and goes to bed early. No one drinks to excess when the hunting starts. Usually we make Irish coffees when we come back and it is real cold outside, and we celebrate when someone gets a deer and have a few beers, but nothing major, we are all superstitious that if we drink too much beer the deer will get the scent and stay away. On Wednesday we have another mini feast and party, since some of the young guys (me included) have to go back to work, while the old timers (my dad included) are retired and can hunt the entire season. Nobody in my group drinks then drives, and usually all the rifles are put away before we start drinking. A few in my group don't drink, but usually make up for it with food. Steak, Chicken, Pork Chops, sometimes even seafood, deli Meat for sandwiches and lots of sweets. Between Thanksgiving, Hunting, and Christmas, I easily put on 5 to 10 pounds.