Favorite drink after the hunt is over.

My favorite (from my country of birth, South Africa) is a concoction we called "snakebite": half brandy, half Van der Hum liqueur. Van der Hum is a local liqueur, which I haven't yet found in the USA (if anyone knows a supplier who will ship it, please let me know!). It's brandy-based, to which is added extract of "naartjies" (pronounced naar-cheese, with a shortened "cheese", as in "chiz" - that's about as close as I can get in English), herbs, etc. The mixture is great on cold nights; get in your sleeping-bag, drink a tot or two, and in five minutes you're warm as toast and singing at the stars! :D
About thirty years ago, before I was even married to my wife, I began hunting with my soon-to-be father in law. At the end of the day he used to mix a pitcher, actually more of a vat, of Manhattans, and all of us used to get half sloshed and swap lies.
He's gone now, but we still make that vat, toast him and swap lies.
Nothing like a cold beer when the day is over... though I'm not quite sure why. Kinda like the best fish you ever had is one you just caught.

For more civilized campfire discussion, I've been known to keep a cocktail shaker in camp, for a proper Manhattan. (Maker's Mark of course.) If we are forced by circmstance to be less civilized, Makers with a chunk of ice or two.

When I was younger I threatened to bring a "partymate" blender to elk camp... just in case anyone thirsted for a post hunt Daqueri. I was part timing as a bar tender... I think it was getting to me. Hunting is about having a good time hunting.. not partying.

Remember––booze and guns don't mix well.
Although most control it well, I only drink on the last night of the hunt. As in: we're pulling out in the morning, after we sleep in and the sun's been up a while.

Before that I'm usually headed out at 3:30 or 4:00, and don't get back till well after dark.(Some say I take it too seriously, oh well.) No time for a relaxing drink.

But on that last night, I'll have some Bailey's Irish Creme and Jack Daniels in a cup of hot chocolate. I think it's called tenessee mud. Or maybe some crown on the rocks.
Mountain Dew if its hot out, Hot chocolate or coffee if its
cold. Will not drink alcohol in a camp situation with guns
I have a 17 year old, and other members have teens
there also. I am setting the example for my kids.

When I was 15 at my first deer camp, everyone had beer
and/or whiskey, at the time I thought it was cool. Until
one of the guys got pissed at another for taking his
buddies camera for pics and used up all the film. Then
the irate (buzzed) guy walked away and 5 minuites later
Shot the accused camper thru the side !!! three times
before the guys talked him into putting the rifle down.
With all due respect - -

- - To those who eschew the use of alcoholic spirits for religious reasons, I do not. I am always cautious about the handling of firearms when impaired in any way, though. When the hunting or shooting is over for the day and the guns are cased or racked, I see naught wrong with "a drop of the creature," and will happily share what I have at hand, either in camp or in my home.

I am equally careful about drinking when there's driving to be done. I know how much I can drink and still function well, and long since resolved to stop well short of that point unless within a secure perimeter with trusted companions.

There was a time when I was not so restrained, and I give thanks I managed not to hurt myself or any other person back then.

Winter : A good corn whiskey or Maker's Mark ... unpolluted with either ice or foreign liquids.
Spring : Guinness extra stout
Summer : Shiner Bock
Fall : Guinness, whiskey, or Gekkeikan sake
Down at The Cabin I like to sip on a little Maker's Mark with a cup of hot perked coffee when it's cold. Turkey and hogs in hot weather require an ice cold beer. However, toasts and congratulations demand TEQUILA. :eek: I propose a toast to lots of congratulations! :D

During those hot early fall evenings, Make mine a Cerveza Presidente, from the Dominican Rep. In the cooler months, I take my Old Fitzgerald 90 proof with just one ice cube, thanks.
For years, we had a standard.

Trudging through the field to and from my stand, it's just plain H2O. But in the evening, Dr. McGillicuddy's Menthol Schnapps, after the guns were cased and put away.

Then, in the last several years of my Air Force career, I discovered Knob Creek 9-year old Kentucky Bourbon - very nice! Later on, AAFES had a tent sale at my local base exchange, with one heck of a good discount. So I bought a case of the stuff. It says "Small Batch", so I figured I'd better stock up...
Hot Chocolate with a little Nutmeg and Cinnamon sitting on top of some whipped cream. I also have a couple of "Lorna Doone" cookies to go with it.

If I had to choose an alcoholic beverage I guess I would like some hot buttered rum. It takes the chill from the body and makes one pleasantly sleepy!

Not too exciting but there you have it.
cold weather: Nice hot cup of Cocoa and a nice meal
Hot weather: Nice cold bottle of Sprecher: Amber or Black Bavarian