Favorite drink after the hunt is over.

Barbancourt Five Star (Haiti)
Appleton Twelve Year Old (Jamaica)
Cruzan Estate Diamond (St. Croix)
Black Seal (Bermuda)

if you don't mind me adding to you're list

Appleton 21yrs ( $40 a bottle strong harsh taste )
Flor de Cana 8yr age
Barcardi Anejo ( very good )
Barcadi 1873/Solerna ( not the stuff bottle in Mexico)
Matusalem Gran Reserve
Havanna Club drk aged rum ( avail in Cuba, Mexico , most of the Caribbean and Canada )

Any of the above rums are great with a splash of coke a wedge of lemon. Rum imho is 10x better than whiskey and much cheaper.

But it isn't fair to play favourites, there are other good single malts out there too. :)

Civilized people do not mention whisky. And Coke. In the same sentence.

Now coffee. Only thing suitable for mixing in coffee is home brew. Home brewing in my neighbourhood is a science, the product should be at least 95 per cent alcohol by volume. Anything weaker will only make the coffee cold. Put a small coin in the bottom of the cup, pour strong coffee til the coin is no longer visible, then pour the brew til you can see the coin again. Add sugar to taste. In some parts of the country this is known as a "coffee doctor", guaranteed to kill or cure. :D

Btw, alcohol and cold weather do not mix. A wee dram doesn't warm, it opens the pores and increases blood circulation in the outer layers of the skin, leading to more rapid loss of body heat. Those who think that 70 degress is "cold weather" don't need to worry about this...
"I gotta chuckle at the memory of the number of times we did the "vertical rotisserie" at a campfire. Slowly turning 'round and 'round, warming the cold side. And drinking cold beer, usually. Why go inside the camphouse, by that nice little woodstove? That might show signs of intelligence! "

How many times have I done that, and better than having a camphouse with a woodstove my 28' travel trailer was parked 15 feet away.................hot shower, central heat, central air, nice stove, TV, VCR, warm clean bed. Hell we even stood ther in light rains sometimes.........................intelligence? Sounds like dumb coonasses to me! Boudreaux and Thibodeaux must have been around!
>>>>>Any of the above rums are great with a splash of coke a wedge of lemon. Rum imho is 10x better than whiskey and much cheaper.<<<<

I would argue that if you're going to mix any good spirit with Coke, you might as well buy the cheap stuff!

I do agree that rum is by far the best value in spirits. It just hasn't been discovered yet by most people. It's not an "acquired" taste either. If someone was take any of the rums from my or your list and taste it straight up from a brandy snifter they'd almost certainly like it. Try that with single malt scotch or good bourbon - most people have to "learn" to like it.

I note a couple of your rums are from the Dominican Republic and I was unaware that you could buy them outside of that country. We like to vacation in that little paradise and you can buy the premium Barcello and Brugal rums for the equivalent of about $11!!

Of course, you can rent an entire beach house (villa) with a maid for $40 a day, a meal for $3... What a country!
A small glass of Irish Mist tto sip slowly and talk about the one that got away and hopefully, the one that didn't.
yorec, drinkin' straight mix is bad for you. Rusts the pipes. :D

UltimaThule, in Terlingua, water freezes at 60F. :) That's reasonable, though; 50 to 60 degrees below our summer highs...

Back B.C. (before Castro), my father-in-law brought back a case of Cuban Bacardi Anejo. There were some other descriptive terms indicating great age and high quality. Talk about smoooooth! I think that was the most appreciated of all the wedding presents. We stretched it out over a long, long time. The Sacramental Rum, as it were.

Since mule deer season opens Saturday and Johnny Guest left most of a jug of Mr. Weller's Sippin' Stuff out at camp last year, I guess I'll offer a toast...

Well lets see. I am only 16 so no alcoholic beverages for me. I just don't see how people can drink it. It seems to taste nasty to me. But not that I have tried any. I would have to go with caffeine free pepsi.
I note a couple of your rums are from the Dominican Republic and I was unaware that you could buy them outside of that country.

I live in the greater Miami area, part Dominicano , used to live in a Dominican neighborhood,

Trust me Brugal, Bermudez & Barcelo are in every Mom & Pop and Latino Bodega and the others are easy located in most pkg stores except Havana Club ( due to US anti-Fidel views )

They all makes for a good evening after the hunt cool down drink.
Well, I sure wish I could get Dominican rums in these parts! I'll have to look on the web and see if anyone mail-orders.

If you haven't been to the Dominican Republic, you should check it out. The people are wonderful and since it hasn't been "discovered" yet, the prices on everything are unbelievably low. Crime is fairly rare low and it's even "gun friendly" to some degree, you'll note a lot of people packing pieces - maybe that explains the low crime rate...
We like a place called Las Terrenas on the NE coast. I'm considering buying a winter home there, something I couldn't really afford anywhere else.
My Grand Parejnt are form La Vega & in 20 years I plan to retire near a tourist location like Puerta Plata . "A dollar goes along way over there"

Rums are good also.
If you're serving it with the venison, red wine. Doesn't have to be Chateau Latour. Chilean and Californian cabernet sauvignon often offers splendid value.

For general sipping, I lean toward tea. Most of my favorites are from Twining's, est. 1706, and holder of the Royal Warrant: "Tea and Coffee Merchants to Queen Elizabeth II". My favorites include their Ceylon Breakfast, Irish Breakfast (a good blend from Assam) and English Breakfast.

Try their site: www.twinings.com This excellent site discusses the firm, the history of the tea trade, and shows all of their selections. Also like Bigelow's Darjeeling, which is a little fuller than the "standard" Twining's Darjeeling. Twining's have better Darjeeling in their Queen Anne and Vintage Darjeeling, but they're hard to locate in the States. www.bigelowtea.com

If you live in any of several major Texas cities, see if you have Central Market gourmet grocery stores. They stock the above brands, but also Taylor's of Harrogate (Yorkshire), which is also good in traditional blends. Try their Assam and English Breakfast.

Lone Star
After hunt libations

On hot days, "the real thing" (Classic Coke). Maybe a Shiner Bock or two when the firearms are cleaned and put away. I'm also partial to Black Jack and Coke. When it's chilly, some hot chocolate with a shot of Bailey's. All in moderation, though. RKBA!;)
Nothing is better than that cool water you've carried around in your pack all day waiting for that time when you're finished dragging your deer out of the swamp to the logging road. :cool:
BEFORE and DURING: gallons of water.

AFTER: Black Seal and coffee, or (even) Black Seal, Amaretto, and coffee. Maker's Mark and Coke is another favorite, though more of a warm weather proposition.