Fav DA/SA pistol?

I agree with something Mas Ayoob said a long time ago, the DA/SA semi is better for police use than for military use. (and keep in mind this was before Glocks, and before DAO semis were anything but a total custom pistol). The reasoning was simple, the job of a soldier is to shoot the enemy. For this, an SA was better. But the job of being a cop often involves holding people at gunpoint, and for that, the DA/SA pistol was seen as a reduction in the risk of accidentally shooting a suspect.

I don't know if I agree with him on this. One of the most important aspects of a military handgun is safety, because you might be diving into the dirt and rolling around on the ground and climbing over things, usually with other guys around and in front of you. Not to mention the military will often spend time bouncing around in armored vehicles or tanks, or flying in helos where an AD can be catastrophic.

A DA/SA gun is superior for military use because if need be you can still do all these things while safely keeping a round in the chamber, especially if it also has a manual safety like the M9.

Also, drawing and shooting quickly is less important for military use because most engagements happen at pretty long ranges, and because you will rarely be alone in combat. You will have other guys with rifles around you.

These aren't the case when you're a cop and you are dealing with threats at close ranges and having to draw a gun from a holster and quickly fire it is more important because you aren't gonna have a fire team with loaded rifles around you and you often don't know what other peoples intentions are. Plus its generally not good public relations for cops to have their guns drawn a lot, so a cop might still have their gun holstered in a potentially dangerous situation, whereas that's not really a thing in the military.

All of these are why Glocks caught on like wildfire in law enforcement while the military took a pass. Glocks are great for drawing and firing quickly, but this comes at an increased risk of AD's. In the military things must be more idiot proof because of the nature of the job and the environment, and by that I'm not implying military personnel are idiots, they usually have superior firearms training and vetting over cops, at least in combat arms.
Cz p0 7 duty and cz sp01 phantom. I carry both and love both. Also have a p09 but i dont like it ..at all...lol

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CZ P01

Everyone is different but - the change in trigger pull, between the first and subsequent shots has never bothered me.
I like the option to carry cocked and locked on the CZ 75B. And you can still have double action first pull if you want, so that would be one of my first choices given you’re looking for something different than what you already have. I’ve held a few HK USPs in the past and I found the double action on them to be very nice while dry firing, and really liked the single action pull as well, they can also be cocked and locked. So An HK would also get my vote.

I almost bought a USP 45C but just couldn’t find a good reason to. It just seemed too small and big at the same time and didn’t fit any kind of practical use in my mind other than owning it for the pleasure of it, which considering the price and the way I felt at the time, wasn’t enough.