Fanny Packs?

here is mine, I never even thought about using it for a gun. I tried it as a smartcarry, it's ok not too bad, but take some propper preparation.


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I bought elite belt clip holster, the one that is worn inside the pants. Anyway, not bad but the clips sticks out too long, I was thinking of cutting the clip of a bit, too long.
Bakck in old days they were werey popular. Anyway I have a question, as i mentioned earlier I purchased an Elite clip holster, if my clip(not the gun clip, the holster clip) is slightly visisble sometimes does that consider printing?
It's just a little fun satire. Cool off PBP
Learn the meanings of emoticons. See that :) at the end of my sentence?

Still, you just hurled an insult at a lot of people. If you cannot take even a little playful heat, you should probably keep insults to yourself.
f my clip(not the gun clip, the holster clip) is slightly visisble sometimes does that consider printin
No, lots of items that are legal to expose have clips. Work in construction for awhile and see how many clips and fanny packs you see...and almost none of them are carrying a gun. Heck, most of them could not carry a gun if they wanted to carry one. If you want to see a worksite clear out fast, have a sheriff's vehicle drive through. :)
if my clip(not the gun clip, the holster clip) is slightly visisble sometimes does that consider printing?

I dont think so...there are lots of things that clip to belts; cell phones, PDA's, pagers, etc. Even a buldge from under a shirt is common place with all these accessories we carry around. Most people will pay it no attention. Just keep your clips black or tan and you will be fine (preferably black as most cell phones and such are black).
ohh, cool mine is black. Yes it shows near where the ziper is. Thanks, i thought that it would be a problem

Here is the pic, very comfortable when walking, and not bad, I mean it not bad at all when sitting.


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Still, you just hurled an insult at a lot of people. If you cannot take even a little playful heat, you should probably keep insults to yourself.
Everyone on this thread, I'm sorry for the insult. It was wrong of me to post that.
I have never liked a fanny pack. :barf: even as a kid. I don't think they are manly, as a matter of fact, I think they are a little quer :), but to each his own. Yes, the gun is still "concealed", but really, what else would a guy be carrying in a fanny pack :rolleyes:. If there is anything manly about it, it is the mere fact that there is a gun inside. If I saw a guy wearing a fanny pack and there wasn't a gun in it, I would think he was a know.
Everyone on this thread, I'm sorry for the insult. It was wrong of me to post that.

Don’t worry bro, unless someone here invented the fanny pack, then you really aren’t insulting anybody.

I wouldn't wear one either, but that's just my personal preference. Actually I take that back...I did have one when I went on vacation to Disney World. Of course I was 11 yo and definitely wasn’t packing a gun in it. :D
They have straps on the back of the pack that connect it to your belt. Plus, they are not something you are not going to notice someone removing. One could easily argue that it would be easier to take someone gun from their holster than from their fanny pack.

I didn't know they had a strap to connect to the belt. Definitely a nice feature. That would make me feel much better about wearing one.

The slash and grab with fanny packs is very common in tourist areas. They come up behind. Quietly grab the rear of the belt, slash it and are gone. If there is a big crowd it's even easier. The pickpockets will steal from the pack itself too. A good pickpocket is tough to defeat. That's why the Pac Safe ones have a padlock system for the zippers. We were planning a trip to Italy a few years ago and were warned (from multiple sources) that this type of theft is very common. Especially in Rome. Not saying that it is as common in the US but it's a risk, which I now know is mitigated by the belt clips :)
Hulk Hogan always wears a fanny pack on Hogan Knows Best. Since the show is set in Florida there might be a CCW in there. Then again it might be because he is usually wearing those "Rex Quan Do" body builder cotton pants with no pockets.
this is funny. I lived in Russia for many years and it is still very popular to wear fannypacks and mens purses :)))))))) Not just older crowd, yonger too.
I wish it were more popular since it's a very practical way to carry all the junk that we need to have with us nowadays. It would make it really easy leaving the house in the morning just to strap on the pack and go. Outside of camping or traveling I never wear mine. I'm only willing to look like a dork where nobody knows me, although I suspect those who know me already know I'm a dork.:)

Even more than fanny packs I wish it were popular to carry a big leather bag like Chewbacca. I've wanted one of those since I first saw it. Of course I also want the laser crossbow to go with it.
I didn't actually see anyone else mention this. I wear a fanny pack - and I'm not even carrying in it. I keep my wallet, cell phone, camera and Surefire flashlight in it.

But when I wear it to the range, they always ask "renting, or shooting what ya brought?" with a glance at the fanny pack. :p
Fanny packs are a great way of carrying, especially when traveling. Bought mine at a leather shop set up at a bike rodeo. Guy was custom making them. Got talking to him, apparently carrying in this fashion is fairly popular as he was back-ordered. Only thing i did wrong was not buy two. IMO, manhoods got nothing to do with it,conveneince does.