"Everyone should have at least one .308."

silly thread. but I do think for most people, they can do everything they need with a .223 semi auto and a .308 bolt gun. those are two very "good" cartridges, not the "best" of their class, but enough for most people and affordable for most everyone. I would rather say, everyone needs a 38/.357 wheel-gun, a 9mm semi-pistol, a .223 semi-rifle and a .308 bolt-gun. that's gonna get most people a gun for every situation/distance/type of prey while keeping ammunition costs low and available.

but all of those calibers can be easily swapped for one that performs better, and if one is an avid reloader or has the finances to not be overly concerned with economics, than that list might not appeal to them, but I think for most it'd be a good all-around arsenal
Tikka T3 Lite
Savage 10P-SR
PTR 91 - G3K clone

Have owned and sold several others as well. I like .308 as a good all around cartridge. Capable of long range shots, CQB, hunting anything in the lower 48, and ammo is easy to find.
Pathfinder45 expresses my thoughts pretty well!!

The M-1 Garand was the first center fire rifle I ever fired (U.S. Army) and I LOVED it, nothing has changed, the 30/06 is still my choice and I happened to have an M-1. The closest I have to a .308 is a .307 in a Winchester lever gun for heavy timber which is perfect for where I live. There are other calibers I have plus I feel no need for a .308 when there's nothing a .308 will do one of my other rifles can't do as well or better. 30/06 is my caliber of choice for most big game animals.. William
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A 308 is my go-to rifle, but there are at least a dozen that will do just about the same thing. But the one advantage 308 has is easily available ammo at reasonable prices.
I went the other way...

Several have said, "because I have a .30-06 (.270, 7mm etc)..." well, because I have a .308, I have no need of an 06.

Does everyone need a .308??

That is NOT for me to judge. I do not judge what other people need, and do not accept their judgment about what I need. That mindset, my friend, is the mark of the anti gunner.

What's mine?
Remington 600
Browning BLR
Springfield M1A
H&K 91
various custom sporters on Mauser or Arisaka actions.

(through a friend) experience with 3 different makers AR models in .308 Win

experience with various 7.62x51mmNATO LMGs from several nations...

I don't do match shooting, or long range target, so how the .308 performs there is of no concern to me. If I want to throw 200gr+ bullets I go to a larger bore size. (the oft stated ".308 won't handle heavy bullets" is crap. The .308 will handle 200-220gr just fine, what it won't do is throw them at the speed people want these days.)

.308 is a fine round. So is the 06. So are many rounds. If you have one, I won't say sell it and get the other, that's foolish. You don't "need" the others, but if you want one, by all means, get it. Its not about "need".
T O'Heir

I was just rounding up.

' "...3/8th inch holes in paper targets..." That'd be a .375. snicker.'

And after measuring the holes I made this AM at the rifle range. 9/32nds fits better. Considering that the paper was pushed out and the hole size ends up smaller than the bullet that made it. I know a wad cutter 308 might make a 5/16th hole.
Tough crowd.

I agree more or less.

Its a pretty capable round, and as the military uses it, maybe we can hope for cheap surplus whenever they move to a better round?

So far my only .308 is a PTR.
It depends what you want from a rifle!

If shooting smaller groups is what your goal is the shorter stiffer action in theory will shoot smaller groups (taught that in Gunsmith school at TSJC in Colorado). The longer actions while not as stiff will flex a tiny bit and not shoot as small a group, will the average shooter be able to tell the difference, NO. If you like to compete your choice should be a .308! If on the other hand you are a hunter and will not be taking shots 400 hundred yards plus the longer cartridge will do an outstanding job taking game!! William

"Everyone should have at least one .308."

1. Agree or disagree?
2. Why?
3. What's yer .308?

1. Maybe, but it's a personal decision.
2. For some, the rifle & ammo are heavy & the ammo is expensive.
3. My .308s are a pair of custom built & modernized semi-auto M14s.
The .308/7.62x51 isn't for everyone but it's a darn good choice, at least for me. I had an M14 in the Army for most of 1966-69 so got an M1A and also got a cheap Savage Axis XP .308. It's a nice step up from my 30-30 and available for 50 cents a round if you look around.
The .308 is a good tactical choice. Very popular and lots of ammo scattered about. If you get down to scrounging in the post SHTF scenario, it will probably be easier to find than many other rounds.
It does well for many uses, is easy to reload, and generally accurate. I have several from 20' carbines to 26" heavy barreled match grade.
I'm not a .308 fan, nothing wrong with it I just don't need it. I am a .243 fan though and a .30 caliber fan. It's like everything else, there's a lot of rounds that are similar to others or are between others.

Been a fan for years, since I inherited my Grandad's M88 Win so chambered.
My other two are: a Savage Scout, and a Savage Hog. For a 6-7 yr span I was issued an M14 (semi only) as a "heavy" duty rifle. I had to give that one back when I aged out.

Why? Well, its an accurate cartridge, for one. Read somewhere that National Match scores using the '06 never did equal the scores shot by M14/.308 shooters. That could be due to a variety of factors, but is a researchable fact. My experience with the 3 rifles above supports it too.

Ballistically, in the field, I think there is not a bit of difference between the .308 and the '06. The 'o6 can gain a bit with heavy lugs due to its higher powder capacity. But with the short tubes common today in so many rifles, the .308 is not far behind, if not the equal, especially with the mid weight 147-150 grainers.

A wide variety of modern "tactical" SA rifles are commonly available in .308, as well as the common SA sporters. The only "tactical" 'o6 is the Garand, (well I guess the old BAR combat rifle) and its certainly a hero, but not cutting edge anymore. There are of course, a number of '06 sporters in all action types. But there is a wider choice, overall, in .308. And the .308's are available in true "short actions" which can yield a slightly lighter, more portable rifle.

Finally, for a reloader, its a bit (albeit a small bit) cheaper to shoot over the long run, than its .30 cal older brother. Powder charges are a bit lighter, so as to support the thought that "every 9th shot is free".( vs. the '06) And the days of cheap brass and surplus brass in '06 are fading,if not past , but occassionally you run up on such in .308. I will say at the local public range, before EVERYBODY began saving their brass, that '06 was the most common.

Hey, I own the same number of '06's, have nothing against anybody's favorite, but believe the .308 is versatile and practical.
Unless your in the military or police, having a gun because it's "tactical" makes absolutely no sense. Yes the AR crowd can't go to Walmart and buy one in .30-06 and someone else said the .308 was the best military round. Well you can buy long action ARs chambered in .30-06 and if you can find one some Saiga rifles were chambered in .30-06. Government rounds also include the .45-70 and .30-06, I can't see how the .308 is better than them. It'll have more range than a .45-70 but at closer range the .45-70 is better and at longer ranges the .30-06 is better. In practicality is the .308 more accurate? Basically the same as the .30-06 with just less power. I know sometimes weaker rounds are more accurate and that coupled with more modern guns and ammo probably make the .308 more accurate. However, by how much? Not enough to worry about.
More agree than disagree.

Good all-rounder, can tackle most game, plenty for SD (although a risk in urbanised areas), widely available, not the most expensive to reload nor buy off the shelf, stacks of chambered offerings (both bolt and semi), acceptable in many competitive respects.

Not many cartridges that can do that where I live.

Mine? CZ550 bolt-action, heavy barrel and just plain heavy.
To me, the 308 is the Honda Accord of rifle cartridges-- good at everything, but not the best for anything. (I've said the same of the 5.56 too).

Speaking in general terms, newer 6.5mm cartridges shoot flatter and more accurately with less recoil, 7mm retain energy longer, 30-06 is a litter faster. 6mm are better for varmint/predator, etc.

If someone buys a 308 as their first rifle, they will certainly be happy with its capabilities. But I personnaly would rather have 2 or 3 rifles that are a little more specialized in their application. I've got 243, 260 Rem and a 30-06.
I got hunting rifles from 243 to 458, and usually go out with my Tikka T3 in 308. Best compromise in weight carry vs recoil, and takes down an elk with one round. Yes, there are situational better guns out there, but for an allrounder the 308 is near perfect for me.
"More agree than disagree."

That's not what I got out of this thread.

It's not a bad round but there are much better. As for myself, I much prefer the 7mm RM and 45-70. I gave away the two 30 caliber guns I had because I find others much better for the things I do.