I remember "back in the day" thinking that a revolver was not subject to the several issues that could affect the operation of semiautos. I was a "revolver guy", having come along reading Skeeter Skelton, Elmer Keith, etc.
I started shooting IPSC in a local club with my revolver (a Ruger Security Six) and figured that while I had fewer rounds than the 1911 shooters and slower reloads, at least my wheelgun was virtually unstoppable, whereas the automatic shooters were dealing with FTF, FTE, etc.
In my first or second match, I fired six rounds, reloaded and then found that my cylinder would not close. I was stopped dead. What!? Revolvers don't jamb-automatics do. It took me several precious seconds to find the problem: a single flake of unburned powder lodged under my extractor star and it was enough to keep my cylinder from closing. I wiped it out with my fingertip and I was back in business.
It taught me, though, that NO mechanical device is foolproof or perfect. Even a rugged revolver like a Ruger.