Does your gun do both CCW and nightstand duty?

Mine are usually different, though they sometimes overlap.

In my case, I live in MD where I can't carry, but I'm often in VA and sometimes in PA and WV where I can (I have a UT permit). So, not carrying everyday may change my answer. After I move to VA (I'm looking at apartments and moving this year if I get a job there) my answer might change.

My potential carry guns include a S&W 65LS (3" .357mag), S&W 1911SC (Commander sized 1911), Ruger LCP, Taurus PT140 Millennium Pro, SIG P290RS, Kel Tec Pf-9, S&W 442, Taurus 85CH, and Rossi 461. I will soon have a .45ACP SIG P250 Compact for that role as well (currently MD State Police have a 2-3 month backlog on their state background checks, while the 7 day waiting period the state requires is long over, they have bullied most FFLs into waiting for the background check before releasing new guns). I no longer carry the 1911 because I am moving away from SA autos (only DAO and DA/SA with only a decocker for autos), I don't carry the 65LS because I need to take it to a smith (it is out of time and spits lead horribly). I haven't put enough rounds through the Rossi or Kel Tec to carry them yet. I used to primarily carry the S&W and Taurus snubs, but since getting the SIG P290RS it has seen about 80% of my carry time. I suspect the Kel Tec and the SIG P250 will get a lot as well once they are shot enough.

I prefer revolvers for home defense. When awakened at 4am and groggy, I'd prefer the simplicity of a revolver (though I may consider the DAO P250 when it is finally in my possession). My home defense/nightstand guns are not actually my first choice for that duty. My Sentry quick access safe is too small for the gun I want to use (my .45LC S&W 625MG), my 65LS needs to be sent to a smith, so I have my S&W 442 and Taurus 85CH in the safe and pop the 442 in my pocket when I want to investigate a suspicious noise or answer the door for an unknown person knocking (but when my overall alert level is low). If the alert level is high, I grab my shotgun or AR.
Ok...that was funny
Thank you, Mr. Howard. I aim to please.

When I was waiting for my CHL to come in, during the great DPS backlog of 2008, I REALLY wanted it to still be chilly out, so's I could strap on all of my handguns (5 at the time), put on my winter overcoat, and walk around the block once. Just to do it. It had warmed up by the time it came, so no dice. In retrospect, prolly for the best. With my luck, I would have been stopped, and had a lot of 'splainin' to do...

I have a few more than that now, so wouldn't be feasible.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.
Different guns

I carry a Glock19 Gen3 for CCW, and a Mossberg500 with a flashlight sits next to the nightstand.

The shotgun is too heavy for CCW :D
I'm still doing the same. If I don't already have the tac light mounted when I CCW that day/night. If not I just.

Glock 19: Out of holster > TLR-1s > lay down on nightstand. Night night.

My Glock 21sf feel so alone lol kidding, 13 other handguns in there to keep him company. Just lost his duty as carry and night watch.

Also have 4 mags of 9mm Glock 17 mags out on the table just in case.

For those who have said they have a shotgun at night, do you leave it out all day and just put it next to you at night? Or is it locked away in a safe?

I wouldn't leave any weapon out and not in a safe when I'm not around it. Just wondering how you guys do it.

CZ-85B (top) was my first gun and was for HD. Shortly thereafter I got my carry license and realized that the CZ was a bit heavy and big for comfortable carry. I wanted a slightly smaller full size gun that was lighter as well, so I got the FNS (bottom).

Now the FNS serves as both a carry and nightstand gun.

I'm looking to get a Rem 870 to keep next to the bed at night. Just haven't found the right price.
Night gathers, and now my pistols watch begins. It shall not end until my death. My pistol shall take no cheap ammo, hold no one elses security, mother no glocks. She shall wear no target sights and win no three gun matches. She shall live and die at my post. She is the sword in the darkness that goes Boom. She is the watcher of my home. She is the shield that guards the realms of my loved ones. She pledged her life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.

I might be carrying one of three or four choices (incl. Kahr PM9, Para LDA Carry 45, NAA Guardian .32), among others, depending.

My "nightstand" gun stays in my "nightstand"; a Ruger Security Six in my apartment and a Taurus Tracker .44mag at my home.

Oh, and a Rossi 20ga coach gun under the bed, I wouldn't mind finding a way to CC that one :cool:.

Night stand--- Colt 1991A1 (ORM)
Winter carry-- Same Colt 1991A1 or S&W M&P9c
Summer carry- Kahr CM9 or S&W M&P9c
Currently using a Glock 19 (Gen 4) for everything. I don't have a weapon mounted light on it. I have a 220 lumen hand held light next to it.
I carry this heavy SOB all day, and at the end of the day I take it out of its holster and place it beside my bed, just slightly out of arm's reach.

I carry either a G26 or a G23. When I am traveling, the carry gun is the bed side gun. At the house I have a G24 with the full accompaniment of extra ammo and flashlights.
Carry: SIG P238

Bedroom: Beretta 9 mm PX4 Storm Compact w/ Protec flashlight attached.

Closet by front door: .45 Colt 1911 in case my ex-wife tries to make good on her threat to "blow your f----ing head off" with one of her shotguns. :eek:
The Glock 19 works well for me. During the day I carry it IWB. While I sleep, it's in the nightstand at arms reach. When I put it in the nightstand I leave it loaded and in the holster. I bought it at a time when I could only afford one gun, so the "double duty" option was one of the main selling points for me. Not too big for carry, not too small for HD, and has good capacity.
I also keep a Mossberg 12ga by my bed ALL the time. And I normally keep my lc9 in the nightstand. But if things get really bad, my bedroom is about 8 feet from the gun safe where the other pistols, shotgun, and the ars are. Lol My son has had the "talk" about never EVER touching mom's guns without permission. He's also seen the watermelon demonstration so he can see what the guns will do. We are always working with him on gun safety, even with his toy guns. His BB gun gets kept in the safe too. Lol Don't get me wrong I know kids are curious, but he has had it drilled into him that they are very very dangerous. And so far when he wants to look at one he will come to my fiance or I and ask... plus he can't reach the 12ga at my bed side. ;)
In summer usually carry sig 238. Nightstand RIA .45, 12ga. 00 cruiser W/pressure pad light at head of bed against wall and UltraFire flashlight next to .45. . Plus a full perimeter alarm system. Bring it on. I'm a light sleeper too!
Not usually. But I've go a bunch of different guns I trust for both duties and many have been both carried and done nightstand duty.
Sort of. I'm awaiting my carry permit but I plan on my S&W 9c doing both. It's my nightstand gun now. I do plan to pocket carry a S&W Bodyguard 380 on those occasions where my 9c is less concealed than I want.