New member
You are going to notice 3 lbs. on your trigger. I like my factory weights and I have a couple 3.5lb triggers on a few of my Glocks. If I was going to put a different spring in then I would pick the N.Y. 2 because if i was going to have a stiff trigger pull then I would want a real revolver feel so I would go with NY2. I'm sure you know this but, thats why the trigger springs were designed. To aid in the transition of some officers from revolvers to semi's.The NY2, to me, feels more like the trigger pull on a STOCK S&W65-whatever, or any S&W for that matter. The NY1 just breaks differently than a revolver but, still differently than stock. I actually believe, and this is based on my own assumption, that this is why the NY2 was even developed. Because the NY1 didn't reallyfeel like a revolver.