Does anyone else get the heebies jeebies at a car wash?

4 words to be safe at the car wash: "Intersecting Fields of Fire"

1/2 hour before going to the car wash I have 2 snipers pre-position themselves on nearby rooftops with .50 caliber sniper rifles and night scopes (and the anti's say there's no use for .50 caliber rifles!). I also make sure that the snipers are not favored family members or close friends, because if the SHTF they MUST be expendable!

Next I send in the recon team with a radio controlled "decoy" vehicle to see if it flushes out any Bad Guys. If not, the rest of the squad arrives, throwing "flash bang" grenades in any concealment spots and securing a perimeter.

Once the area is clear, I pull in my dirty vehicle and begin the washing process while the rest of the team lays down suppression fire (if necessary). If the WZ (Wash Zone) heats up too much, I'll skip the 2nd rinse after the hot wax and bug out.

Hopefully my wife will complete her pilot training soon. Don't konw about y'all -- but I feel pretty much NAKED if I can't call in air cover.

So to me car washes are safe enough as long as you have proper backup and don't try going in less than squad strength.

:D :D :D

But seriously ... I konw what you're all saying. Given the weird hours I have sometimes worked and my hatred for waiting in line, I don't know how many times I've pulled in to a carwash at 2:00 a.m. and been the only person there washing my car. And all before I even had the option for a CCW.

Going to the car wash is like any of the other iffy places, like when I'm walking with my wife to the car in downtown Denver late at night, or waiting for a bus after dark, or just walking through a dark parking lot with no one around.

Don't put your blinders on, check the area out before exiting the car, and don't be afraid to react to a potential encounter. And if you happen to have a high-cap automatic, so much the better!
Maybe I live in the wrong part of the country. I've never heard of anyone having trouble at a car wash around here. Come to think of it, I've not heard of anyone in this area being mugged, carjacked or raped in 15 years either. Maybe everyone is paranoid around here too, since about everyone I know has guns around full time.

Heard of one (1) armed robbery about 5 or 10 years ago, some morons robbed a Mcdonalds, but didn't figure out how they were going to get out of the Big horn Basin. Not all that many roads out. They got caught pretty quickly. Hard to blend in in a sparsely populated area. If you're an outsider, you sort of stick out, if you're a local, there's always someone around that knows you by sight.

Now Billings, that's another story, but 90 miles can make a real difference. Lot of people carriy there too. Haven't heard of much in the way of muggings or the like, seems to be mostly robberies by lowlifes of casinos or gas stations.
This is not an option all the time, however I usually take someone with me when I use the coin op. Someone else becomes the lookout so to speak. I usually take the other half, but sometimes I grab a buddy and we do some running around while we are out.
One of my buddies had a sketchy guy come up to him at a car wash. The guy asked him for money, and my friend gave him a couple of bucks. The guy then went away and some other people that were kind of freaked up came up and asked what the guy wanted. Apparently he had a gun tucked away mexican style. Nothing happened, but it was still kind of freaky for him.
Speaking of car washes, I had a dog approach me while I was in one washing my truck a few days ago. It just sauntered up and started growling, so I gave it a face full of high-pressure soapy water. Never came back :)
I'm with you on this Malamute,

Some of you must still live in Dodge City for cripes sake :D , I travel all over NY including Manhattan and have never felt compelled to be armed. Sure if you go looking for trouble you'll find it in any town, I mean, who washes their car at 3am in a seedy part of town? The right to carry a gun shouldn't mean the right to go and look for trouble either. In my state the gun carry laws may let you pull a gun if you believe your life is in danger, but it doesn't say you have to pull the trigger either if the attacker stops and backs off. This is where good judgement comes in and the responsible gun owner knows when the threat is stopped to, himself backoff. Its NOT his job to be judge, jury and executioner. I see quite a blurred line by some on these forums about what carrying a gun means.
Does that mean that people who live/work on the seedy side of town all have to carry guns? Here's an idea, move. There is a difference between carrying a gun for protection, and looking for trouble just because you carry. One guy writes he's worried the cops saw his gun while he was vacuuming the car, vacuum unarmed! What is a dust bunnie gonna attack you? I don't need to carry a gun to wash my car, no, nope, never. You take yor gun into the can too? What are you Tony Soprano? :D
Pythonguy-hope you are never attacked in your "safe haven" and only work in "safe" areas for your entire life.

The whole idea with carrying a firearm is "just in case".
If most of us knew there would be trouble at a particular area, we would wisely choose not to show up.

BTW, start a thread here and ask the members who has ever been in a threatening situation in a "safe" part of town?

Truth is, "safe" does not exist.

That you can sit back in the town of "Perfect" and judge everyone else is an indication that you have yet to have it happen to yourself or those you care about.
When it does, you will not be so quick to condemn the action of others for taking the responsibility for their own defense. Some folks do not have the wherewithall to live in "Perfect", be they college students or whatever their situation might be.
I am an adult with a wife and two children, not a college student. I live in NY so carrying a gun is not even an option as it is illegal in NYC and on Long Island. If I chose to, I could carry to and from the range as my permit allows me to do that, but I don't even want to be in the situation of having to use a gun, period. Its hardly perfect here, but we can't carry guns so we grow up and hopefully develop street smarts on how to avoid trouble and survive. There are times a gun can save a life no doubt, if its legal where you are thats fine, learn how to carry and use and then follow the laws. Remember though, its not the panacea some make it out to be, people who carry still get killed, sometimes even with their own gun. Flashing in a car wash isn't exactly smart, now is it? Good shooting to you.
Shame that your elected officials won't allow you the choice of protecting you and yours. Sorry.
I know you have crime in NYC-lots of people in close proximity makes it inevitable. For those who have developed street smarts, thats obviously survival, but I would not want to stake my life on it as a last option. Nor do I believe the government has the right to make that decision, but until the people finally speak up, the law will stay in place.

Flashing a firearm in public anywhere is not a bright idea to me, unless your locality has open carry. Never did that, and I'm not sure how comfortable I would be with it.

I agree with you that carry is not always the answer, and for a few people, maybe not always smart, but I defend the right.
Of course I am NOT against guns or their carry in the least, just irresponsible gun owners who think because they carry they are now Peace Officers. That does rankle me but I realize its mostly just talk, so I'll just relax for the rest of the day. :cool:
Of course I am NOT against guns or their carry in the least, just irresponsible gun owners who think because they carry they are now Peace Officers.
I don't think anyone here thinks that.

Read between the lines my friend, I am not saying all do, but you can pick out a few and they can ruin it for all shooters. Don't you think that some who carry get a chip on their shoulder and kinda look for trouble? I do ;)

I'm a newbie here to this forum and you folks have got me a bit nervous.
You mean I should be keeping one hand on the scrub brush and the other hand on my Ruger when I'm at the car wash? Hmmmmm!
I guess no more car wash for me without "cover me, I'm going to wash my truck" :confused: :eek:
HAHAHAHAHA, Don't drop the soap coloradochuck, I think that rag guy is looking at you funny, you talking to me? you talking to me? there ain't no one else here! Whoa, thats the Taxi driver. Wheew, almost plugged the cashier, she was coming at me funny though............ :D