Does anyone else get the heebies jeebies at a car wash?

I wasn’t ever concerned before reading this thread.

Now, I probably will be. I’ll be scarred for life.

First, I’ll go to the car wash and start thinking about everything that might happen.

Next, I’ll start cutting corners trying to hurry and my wife will undoubtedly start making comments, we’ll fight more often.

Then she’ll leave me for another man that will keep her SUV clean.

I’ll start drinking heavily; end up in treatment…..wait, that was the way it was done in America years ago.

There’s a new American way to handle these things, I’m going to hire an attorney, sue all of you for emotional scarring.

If you would like to avoid litigation, please send ALL of your weapons to my house. Mailing address available upon request.
You know, I was thinking that most of you are paranoid ex-military folk, then I started thinking about how easy it would be for someone to hit me with a pipe and take my truck when I'm bent over back asswards cleaning the inside. Thanks, now another place I can't go without my eyes darting rapidly. :)
We have two full service car washes and 3 automatics in our small city. I mostly use one of the full service car washes at least a half a dozen times a year.

Up until the time I encountered this post, I have never given the matter any thought. As a coincidence to your post, yesterday, I was trapped in the middle of an automatic car wash for over 20 minutes, due to an equipment breakdown. It just didn't dawn on me that I was in any danger from anything other than being late for lunch. :mad:

I'll be ready next time tho! Next time, instead of tipping the guy in the wipe down area, I'll just come out blasting!!! :eek: NOT!!! :o
Carwash solution!

Of course you could go with an obvious solution to this problem. Use the sray nozzle carwash instead of the automatic and make sure to use your off hand!
LOL, it would almost be funny to spray the hell out of a BG with one of those
high pressure carwash guns! With the soap on! Or the hot wax! HAHAHA!
Pin 'em against the wall.................rotflmao.............. :D :D :D
I was just think about that the last time I was using the vacuum at the car wash. Here I am with my back to everyone , can't here if someone is approaching or anything. I would agree that you are quite vulnerable at the car wash.

I believe there was a rapist some years back that would hang outside the carwash at a gas station. It is the kind where the doors come down automaticallly after you pull in. He would slide in after the car before the door came all the way down. Then he had them locked in there for 5 minutes or so and no one could hear any screams over the carwash running. If I remeber correctly they did end up catching him.

Does anyone else get the heebies jeebies at a car wash?

My 2 year-old does...She thinks the giant, spinning bristles are the baleen on a whale and she's about to be swallowed with a big gulp of water before it's strained out and she's eaten.
Car wash

The local self serve now has two or three homeless guys who try to wash cars for a fee. They look like parolees to me, or someone who has absconded parole. The risk factor is much higher than the old days. On weekends it is full of people playing loud rap music.
I go to a Vietnamese place a couple of miles away. They are fast, efficient friendly and cheap, but have a slight language problem.
heebie jeebies

I get them when it cost me $8 in quarters to wash the car, and when I read the thread from a guy who is afraid his house will be under attack when he comes home, and wants to know what sniper rifle he should keep in the trunk for such occasions.
haskell i must agree

:eek: I go to self serves in the day time when i figure out it's been a year since i washed my car. i try not to be overly paranoid about such situations or else i wouldn't sleep at night. :eek:
Eye only go to car washes in tha day and always carry my cocked and locked gold cup in my pants. When anyone approaches me I put my left palm up and tell them that "eye don't wanna hear it".

Any continued move by them towards me constitutes the time in which eye pull my pistol. End of story!
LSUBOY you are kinda mean, what if its a hot looking girl or just a nice feller who wants to ask you a question about your car becaus he has one just like it, an of duty officer coming to tell you the change machine is broke, or many difernt things that dont have to do with an attack. I always give someone a chance before i start waving my gun around.
Na, I dont get paranoid about being attacked at one, but after last deer season I was afraid I would get arrested for murder, im at the car wash around 3 am washing blood out of the bed of my truck, lol that seems kinda suspicious, I swear officer its deer blood.
Red Several years ago after a successful weekend of deer hunting we were driving home and we kept getting the finger from people, hard stares or looks of outright horror. We had no idea what was going on, as we got closer to home we noticed the snow was melting on the side of the roadbut we paid it no mind. Upon pullling into my brother's drive way we finally realized what was up...He had an older Jeep Waggoneer and we had put a set of roof racks on it and a plywood box about a foot tall to hold the deer and keep the road crap from covering them on the way home. Before we had left we had packed the chest cavities with snow to make sure the deer stayed cold on the way home but as the snow on the side of the road was melting, so was the snow inside the deer...and running out while now mixed with the now thawed blood to completely cover the entire tail gate of the Jeep, both rear fenders and who ever was following us. It really looked like we had slaughtered the der right there on top of the car. It was everywhere. So we pulled the three deer off the car and hung them up in the garage and started skinning. A couple of hours later we had the deer skun out and the truck unpacked and my brother hauls out a hose and hooks it to the hot tap he had in the garage and starts to wash off his car.
By now it is back to below freezing and and it takes some work to get the blood off and the car clean enough to drive to work the next day. So once it is done we retire inside for a beverage or two. When I walked out to get into my truck to drive home....I slid all the way down the drive way which was now a perfect sheet of ice. It took many pounds of salt to get that driveway clear enough to get a car back into the garage.

And Speaking of washing the car, I sit in the porch swing and yell at my kids that if they want to drive any of the cars in the nest month they better get that spot off the fender. The only thing I fear there is that I will run out of beer.
Car Washes Should Make Your Skin Crawl!!!!

Read a story of a couple in the carwash. It was in the Texas Conceled Carry Book published in the mid nineties. It was dusk and the girlfriend hid in the back on the floor while she heard her boyfriend argue with a guy who first came over for asking for change. They were coming back from the range. He looked suspicious so the boyfriend told the girl to hide and he took out his gun. The boyfriend had a 38 revolver on him and she heard him tell the assailent to stop. A little while latershe heard he boyfriend begging the guy not to shoot him. The assailent shot and killed the boyfriend. Police think the boyfriend let him too close and he grabbed the cylinder of the 38 making it inert while he blew the boyfriend away with his gun. This actually happened in a Louisiana self serve car wash. Oh yeah they never caught the guy so he's still out there. An instructor showed us how easy it is to do. Once you are within 21 feet of an assailent with a gun or a knife you got trouble.

Yup carwashes make my skin crawl. Never forgot this. Never let someone within grabbing distance of your gun. Stop means stop. I've seen guys in training that could disarm you with an automatic too. I've seen SIGS and Baretta's fieldstipped in 1/2 a second while the guy still held the frame!!! Jackie Chan even does it in the movies.

Learn defensive tactics. Better off be careful out there!!!!! :eek:
The problem with berettas was solved by the waw enforcement community by having a set screw installed by a compotent gunsmith where the little take down lever rotated, so that tis rotation was blocked by the screw sticking up. I don't know about sigs though
wow i never thought of a car wash as a potentailly dangerous place. makes sense though. but with the frequency that i wash my truck, its not likely to happen to me :p

In my hometown (Dyersburg, TN), the carwash is a hangout for local gangs, druggies, and the homeless.
It is not unlikely to see 15 to 20 people and only one car. And that one car is just as likely to be a black and white as anything else :(

Here in Washington, especially Tacoma, overpopulation is a huge problem. Most of the carwashes end up near crappy apartments or lousy neighborhoods.

I don't mind the one on post as much, but still don't like it. I prefer washing at home or doing a drive-thru when I can.
Think about it

You are in a semi enclosed space

Easy to be cornered in

Easy to be blocked from public view by somebody doing something as simple and unalrming to others as parking a car at each end

You are forced into a killing zone about 2 feet wide

Difficult to defend yourself from a simutaneous frontal and rear attack
Kenneth Allen McDuff, a well known Texas Serial Killer was paroled from DEATH ROW in Texas, went out and did some other murders and was sent back to Death Row and Texecuted in 1998. KAM like to snatch girls from car washes and convience stores.

I'm very leary at the car wash at night or when the gang bangers are cleaning their low riders. But I'm such a nice guy, I'm sure no one would want to hurt me.

Jungle Work