Does anyone carry a blackjack or sap?

Good call BlackFeather. I carry my push-button knife and my Colt. The way I look at it, is if I have to use my knife against someone to fend them off, I really need to be using the Colt instead.
Well, I DO prefer a knife in a lot of situations, mostly the ones I've been in. I can hardly find a situation where a gun would have been any better. But I've still never needed the knife. Also, most people don't have the skill or experience with a knife to be in a confrontation and NOT risk open wounds. I can't say I'm any better, even with practice.

I would rather cut someone off of me, who has taken me to the ground, than worry about a gun. I'd rather make a cut on someone who has decided to take a swing with a stick, than avoid and draw a gun. These situations require contact range, and getting out of there fast enough is difficult, much less drawing a concealed firearm. But empty handed I have less risk. My main point is, if he's alone, I don't think I need a knife. If I have to worry about who's next, I'm cutting him away, stabbing the next guy, and hoping I've cleared a way out. Perfect scenario, but I try and be positive. :o

I just don't believe it could be done the same with a firearm. Also, I'm in California and don't have that option.
In extreme CQB, like grappling, a knife is a very good option, better than a firearm in many ways.

If wielded properly, it is very difficult to be wrested away, unless the assailant has mad knife skills himself.

A knife can't be rendered inoperable by clasping or gripping it.

Knives are intimidating at a primal level; no one likes the idea of being cut.

Obviously, not letting someone close the distance to you would allow use of a superior weapon (read: handgun), but in the real world, you may not have that luxury.

Like any weapon, if a knife is carried with the intention of self defense, you should practice as you would with any other weapon. If you are not prepared mentally to use it, it won't be nearly as effective.
Saps and blackjacks are Illegal here in NC, that being said I've had one for years and still keep in handy in the car. Most folks don't realize how deadly a blackjack can be. Unless you are willing to end a life never hit anyone in the head with one; it's just to easy to kill someone.

As several others have suggested a cane is a much better defensive tool, legal everywhere, have a great reach, and will create a sympathy factor if ever used.
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There are many reasons to carry something other than a gun. The short list:

A walking stick, older guys have no problems with carrying one, is already in your hand, and if that elusive and mystical guy with a knife at 21 feet finds you, you can fend him off whilst drawing your gun.

You could have other things out like that walking stick or an OC canister when you see someone suspicious, and if it turns out to be a false alarm just put it back in your pocket, but a drawn gun can attract unwanted attention, and harder to return to the holster or pocket.

There are many smart reasons to carry additional protection, as a gun is last resort, and can get you deeper into a situation instead of out it in certain situations. It also depends on where you travel, etc...

Your best second weapon is expertise in hand to hand, but that takes time, so get on it! Martial arts teaches you things that directly apply to shooting, and that list is long ... must run!
I hear about how hard it is to try to wrestle away a knife from an individual, if i come across an individual wielding a knife at me I'm just going to shoot him and get the knife away from him and problem solved.
if i come across an individual wielding a knife at me I'm just going to shoot him and get the knife away from him and problem solved.

It sounds easy ... are you talking from personal experience? I doubt it!
+1 on never bring a knife to a gunfight...

I'm not going to get into knife duals or dueling blackjacks with someone, I'm not going to get into fisticuffs and wait unit I'm obviously on the verge of losing and being beaten to death.

I am in the gravest extreme in fear for my life, I draw the firearm. If the aggresion / attack stops I dial 911, if the aggresion doesn't stop I use the firearm.
Like others, I was issued one when I first started in Law Enforcement. You carried it in a sap pocked sewn into your trousers along side the seam. I used it ALL the time. If you weren't careful, and hit someone with the edge, you would open up a nasty laceration on their head or face, but if you used the beavertail side, it was a great tool. . . until I learned how to use my PR-24 more effectively. Sap went into the drawer in about 1980. . .Also, in Colorado it is a "dangerous weapon" and can't be carried or used by a civilian.
Not legal in Maine. However, I knew a guy who carried one 20 years or so ago, in his back pocket. He worked security on 3rd shift in a VERY bad part of town (and forbidden by his employers to carry a .38 snub), and reasoned that that bad guys carried what ever, so he was willing to risk a criminal charge, if it saved his life. He reasoned that his leather flat sap was silent and if used properly, non-deadly, unlike a gun.
^Right :D

Either way, if I'm in fear of getting my teeth knocked out I'm dialing 911, whether bullets come out of the end of my firearm or not.
legalities of saps

In different places you can get locked for different things, carrying a knife, carrying a sap, a baton and on and on.
Carry a mini c cell flashlight- I've never heard of anyone being arrested for being afraid of the dark. I used mine to back up some dopers in Amsterdam and it worked great- They "saw the light" so to speak
Gofast1320, you bring a valid point about the flashlight. Trouble is, if it's hefty enough to be effective it will kill if you aren't careful. A LEO in in my hometown in Kentucky put down an unruly jail inmate one night with one. Unfortunately, he killed him in the process and wound up going to prison:eek:. That said, I wouldn't hesitate to use one if necessary.
Looking at the proposed Illinois carry law, there is nothing in there that would allow for black-jacks, saps, batons or any other type of bludgeon.

I suspect Illinois will end up being one of those states where, there will be a permitting process for carrying a firearm, but black-jacks, saps, batons or other type of bludgeons will probably remain illegal.