Do you know anyone who supports Giuliani?

cabin pressure

New member
Giuliani = Feinstein plain and simple, yet there seem to be a lot of "republicans," including gun owners, who support him. Do you know any of these people? How are you educating them?
Conservatives are bitching about Giuliani now, but they all know if it boils down to him or Hillary, they will shut up and vote for him.
Guliani seems to be becoming more and more of a "Political Player" as time goes on.

No matter where he goes, he says what the crowd wants to hear, even if it doesn't agree with something he said the day before.


BUSH v2.0
Is there ANY chance Hitlary and the other bad choices could play golf in a rain storm anytime soon? I know I grew up hearing the ten thousand variations of sayings that politicians inherently suck, but why must it be so especially bad this time around?
Care to try to educate me?
You just made it pretty clear that you are not willing to listen to other points of view than your own and that you're hostile (in kind of a personal way) to those who disagree with you. You sound as if you just like to argue for the sake of arguing. Kind of strange for someone who advertises his business in every post.

Conservatives are bitching about Giuliani now, but they all know if it boils down to him or Hillary, they will shut up and vote for him.
First, what does "conservative" mean? Second, I'm rather surprised to see your hostility towards people pointing out how anti 2nd amendment Giuliani is (since this is a pro gun site). So much for a unified front in favor of the 2nd amendment.

I'm simply coming from a pro 2nd amendment perspective. All that "conservative" and "liberal" nonsense is too vague to mean anything.

How is Hillary any different on the 2nd amendment than Giuliani?
Guliani seems to be becoming more and more of a "Political Player" as time goes on.

No matter where he goes, he says what the crowd wants to hear, even if it doesn't agree with something he said the day before.


BUSH v2.0

That's how he's always been. Say what the crowd wants to hear, get lots of facetime on TV, and then does what he wants. If you dont support EVERYTHING he does, you might as well not exist to him, he wont hear out your viewpoint.. because you're wrong. Not the kind of president I want (same can be said for bush, "Yer widdus, or yer againus!").
Giuliani = Feinstein plain and simple, yet there seem to be a lot of "republicans," including gun owners, who support him.

I'd like an explanation about how he is "Feinstein plain and simple", too. You posted it, so it is not unreasonable to ask you to explain how Guiliani is Feinstein "plain and simple." If it is so "plain and simple", then it should be a plain, simple, and easy explanation.
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Outside of our forum you'd be surprised at how little the 2nd is an influence to the choice of most people. We are of one mind about this issue, this is a gun site after all and that commonality is why we are all here.

But to most people the 2nd is about where abortion is on their priority list. They have an opinion and a belief but it's not their hot button issue.

That said, Giuliani is quite popular. I know many people that consider him the obvious choice. They tout his strong leadership ability, his executive experience, his strong stance on the WOT, and his national positive name recognition. He held a solid lead in the polls from February till Thompson entered the race.

So, to answer the question presented by the OP, I know many people that not only support Giuliani, but they consider a Giuliani vs. Hillary the inevitable General Election decision.

I feel Fred is the guy myself. And frankly, the more people hear about him the more they like him over Giuliani. Fred lacks Giuliani's name recognition at this point though but Fred is still ahead of Giuliani in non-news agency polling.

Sorry for the off topic Fred plug, couldn't resist. :p
Kind of strange for someone who advertises his business in every post.

Thats for the guys that know me, and ones who know that despite the fact that I am "hostile" and "argumentative" they will get top notch pricing and top notch service....and for those who boycott me because I am a jerk...o well ;)

Then again I dont start threads with "Guliani=Feinstein, plain and simple" so perhaps your calling me argumentative is....naw I am stopping to avoid puerility.

No matter where he goes, he says what the crowd wants to hear, even if it doesn't agree with something he said the day before.

Without mentioning the "a" word, thnat isnt entirely true.

So much for a unified front in favor of the 2nd amendment.

Perhaps you should tell us what your view of the 2nd Amendment is so we can see if we want to unify :)

Who else here is confused by that simple analogy (you used the word "too")?


WildanyonehaveacandybarAlaska TM
You mean THIS Rudy? The one who switched from Democrat to Republican because he had to bypass the NYC Democratic machine to get elected mayor? Rudy and Hillary, two people I won't ever vote for. Yes, that is Chuck Schumer positioned for the photo op behind Rudy.

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I know a more than a few who support him, and that's their choice. That's the beauty of America! Heck, I don't think he's all that bad, and he certainly is no Feinstein.
I refuse to vote for Rudy or Hillary. When you choose the lesser of two evils, your still choose evil. I'll vote for a third party or independent before before I'll vote for one of those two anti-freedom tyrants, well that's what I normally end up doing anyway.
I don't like Rudy. I think anyone that likes to shoot would shun him. Having said that, if it comes down to Hillary and Rudy, then of course Rudy. Only because the pro gun folks might (I say might) keep him in line. Hillary would savage the 2nd amendment with a smile on her face, thinking Kamikaze (the divine wind) that lead her to this destiny.
Thinking that Rudy cares about individual freedom and liberty, also gun rights, requires a "willing suspension of disbelief". He cares about his own power, and I don't.
I refuse to vote for Rudy or Hillary. When you choose the lesser of two evils, your still choose evil. I'll vote for a third party or independent before before I'll vote for one of those two anti-freedom tyrants, well that's what I normally end up doing anyway.

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