Do you ever loan out your gun(s)?


New member
Just curious---do you ever lend your gun(s) to any one?

If so, when and under what conditions?

Have you ever had any notably good (or bad) experiences doing so?
No way...

However, I would let someone shoot off a few rounds if we were at
the range together as I believe in sharing the fun.
Same here with one exception, my son. I know how he takes care of his stuff and I know he would be quick to make it right.:)
I haven't, but I can think of maybe one or two people that I would loan one out to. I have far more acquaintances than actual friends [by choice], but the ones I'm thinking of in this instance, I trust implicitly.
Hmmm, I sort of figured that'd be the case...

Actually, I'd personally be more inclined to buy some one a gun than to loan him/her one of mine on any long-term basis.

Just wondering why that is...
some lessons are hard-learned!!

In the past, I have with many regrets. Seems as if no one but the owner, truly appreciates them. One even came back with some dried mud on it. another one of my target .22's with the elevation adjustment turned all the way up. Even when I'm present, I've had to watch others who feel they have to dry-fire everything they hold. Grabbed that one out of their hands. ... :mad:

Be Safe !!!
I love everybody, but......

Close, trusted, reliable & proven family members or exceptionally close firends who meet the same criteria only.
If you are talking about at the range, yes. But I have never loaned one to someone to take home, and I can't think of a situation in which I would. In my circle, the people who are familiar and safe with guns have their own, and the ones who don't have them are unfamiliar and likely to be unsafe. I don't want either the liability or any guilty afterthoughts.
Yes, I have to a few friends. I have done it with both hunting rifles and handguns. I value my friends more than my guns, and for a few who do know guns I do not mind loaning. I admit that they have enough guns that they do not need to borrow except for special circumstances.

No problems.
My brother-in-law.

Nobody else.

At the range, I've allowed people to shoot various of my guns but actually only quite rarely as the opportunity hasn't really presented itself very often.

I trust all my brothers with my wife and my guns. I have loaned a gun without regret to one of my brothers in the past.
Actions have consequences !!!

Not entirelly sure why you asking but guessing you are having second thoughts about doing so or having done so. .... ;)

Regarless, when you do, you have to be ready to accept the consequences without any complaints. I can assure you that eventually, you are not going to like what comes back at you. I speak from personal experience and have no one to blame but myself. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
There are a very few to whom I would loan a gun, but I have done it. I have also had a few guns pressed into my hand by a very few folks with instructions to go try it out for a couple of weeks and report back. This group is small and trusted. I have never had an issue. I can not for the life of me imagine a life without at least one or two such friends.
I have only two friends that I would loan a shot gun or 22 to if they needed it for the day. Any of my higher dollor guns I wouldnt loan out unless I was with them or they were going hunting with me on the same property but where I hunt, its a shotgun only zone. My brother and my one cousin I could trust to take my guns for a while and have them be alright. If I'm at a target range I really dont care who shoots them as long as I know they know what they are doing or allow me to teach them.