Do you disclose CCW when stopped by LEO ?

it's always been a question if your CCW is flagged when a LEO runs your DL.
You should have told him just so the Brits could hear you. That would have been fun.

Infoming of carry

I live in a state where it is not mandatory to tell the officer you are carrying if you are pulled over (unless they ask). The pistol permit class that I took was taught by two retired officers (relatively recently retired). When this question came up they told us to first of all, do as another poster put it, "alter your behavior" so as not to put yourself in an ugly situation in the first place. Then he told us that if we should, for example, get pulled over for speeding, don't even bring it up. He said that it make things real tense for no reason. BUT if the officer asks you to step out of the vehicle or asks to search you or the vehicle, you'd better let the officer know right away that you have a pistol permit, that you are currently carrying, where it is, etc... Then follow the officer's instructions.
The two times I was pulled over for speeding I was asked to pull out my license. As I pull out my DL, there was no way the officers couldn't see the pistol permit because of the way I carry it in my wallet. Because I was heading someplace where I could not legally carry, I was unarmed both times. Each time the respective officer asked if I was carrying, I said no, they said okay wait there - end of story. (I did get a ticket each time)
My feeling is that I would tell the officer upfront if I was carrying, but I wouldn't go out of my way to bring up my permit if I wasn't. Our instructors said that the permit was not currently linked to our DL, but that would probably change eventually.
I've never been pulled over carrying, heck, I haven't been pulled over in over 10 years (watch-I get pulled over tomorrow) so I can't exactly say what I would do, but it's probably a good idea to inform the officer especially since you are not doing anything wrong. I think it would put the officer at more ease than if he dicovered it himself.
I think there shpuld be some kind of designation on your DL about having a carry permit, like it does for a motorcyle lic or eye glasses
losvaqueros said:
I think there shpuld be some kind of designation on your DL about having a carry permit, like it does for a motorcyle lic or eye glasses.

I might have a carry permit and not even be carrying.
The bad guy won't have a carry permit but most certainly could be carrying.

Motorcycle license or corrective lens requirement are relevant to the fact that you were operating a motor vehicle on public roads. Having a license to carry a gun, and having the gun on you, are not relevant to being stopped for speeding. Why not require driver's licenses to show that I belong to the NRA, or am a licensed pilot? What if you required people to divulge that they're in the ACLU?

If a felon hands over his license -- and he obviously doesn't have a CCW permit but he does have a handgun on him -- is the license he gives the cop gonna say, "He's carrying a gun!"? :rolleyes:

So if the actual bad guys are not going to have something on their info that alerts the cop to the idea that maybe they're carrying guns, what would it benefit the cop if my license said that I, a good guy (by virtue of following the law and getting a license to carry) had such a license? And why should I be forced to have what may amount to a stigma with a given cop? Some cops will be displeased if I'm licensed and carrying, because they oppose that policy. I should have to open myself up to their scorn even though the information has nothing to do with the stop?

The little blip of info on the license card doesn't help the cop at all. He should be going about every single stop in a way that guards his safety. If he gets blase about doing stops, it's time to retire.

In TN...

we are not required to inform the officer, but they will find out of your CCW when they run your DL.

In the carry class I took (taught by a LEO), he advised us that we may wish to keep the info to ourselves unless asked...particularly when stopped by members of one local LEA who are likely to spread-eagle you against the car trunk just to disarm you.

I asked two LEO friends from different agencies, and after initially answering that staying mum might be best, agreed with me that communicating that you're holding and showing permit early on in the stop is probably a good idea. I just think too much could go wrong if the LEO spotted it on his own...and none of that which could go wrong is beneficial to me.

As it happens, I was recently stopped by an officer of the supposedly-overzealous agency over a license plate thing. I informed him when giving him my DL, and he was appreciative and never either asked where my weapon was nor asked for it (though I was maintaining hands on steering wheel).

However- when I had to go to my center console to look for current registration ( I seldom drive that car), he did stop me and ask where the weapon was. When I told him it was in my right front jacket pocket and asked him how he wanted me to proceed...he said to just sit still and he'd retrieve it.

I couldn't believe this, but he then stuck his upper body into my car through the open window to reach across my body for it....leaving him both very vulnerable (off balance, and my hands/arms not visible behind his head). Worse- his service Glock was literally less than a foot from my hand and out of his view as I was turned to accommodate his removal of my gun. I'm a big guy, so it took him several seconds to fish his way into my pocket and get my gun. A good thing it was that I'm a good guy...

I thought about making a helpful suggestion for a safer disarm, but didn't want to be percieved as criticizing his methods- after all, I hadn't been ticketed yet. ;-) I tried being subtle, and asked him "say, are those Truglo TFO's with the tritium, or just fiber?" (the sights on his Glock), hoping that the situation might dawn on him...

All this occurred before his backup got there...and THAT guy gave me that vibe that if it was his stop, he'd not only prone me out in case I was carrying a BUG, but break out the rubber gloves to check Very Thoroughly.
38 Snub--both of your stats are wrong and lower and if adjustment is made for the poverty factor the rate is far closer.

Sorry, I'm just going by the information I was given a while back. I'd be more than grateful for more correct and up-to-date information, as the numbers I've posted to seem startling - even to me!


Disclosure to LEO

You don't have to say anything here in my state of Missouri, But I have been stopped and handed both my CCW and the driver's license and it went well, he ask where it was, went back to his car and said ok, have a good day and then asked what caliper and I told him. and away we go
Absolutely...whether required by law or not. I am a responsible, courteous carryer and do not with to do anything to contribute to the image of gun owners as potential loonies


As an officer in a state (GA) that does NOT require you to tell me, I do have to say that I very much appreciate it. Actually, it also says a lot about you. Most people with a GA firearms permit are good law abiding citizens. In fact, I don't remember the last time I issued a ticket to someone who handed me one.

I acutally work closely with Law Enforcement and I find that if I tell them I am carrying and who I am in the same sentence it gets me out of tickets.
By telling them who I explains "WHY" I carry and doesn't come across as me trying to get out of a ticket.

The discussion often leads to one of firearms.
heck yeah i tell,

simple reason, I drive for a living, my ticket per traffic stop has gone from about 1 for every three stops, to 1 in the last 12 or thirteen stops over the last five years. I do drive over the limit, i admit it, but i am not blasting thru traffic and weaving but at those groups stops where everyone in a caravan (group of cars, not the dodge minivan) is pulled over, I get a look and then the wave.

What is different between me now and then,? Nothing but that little plastic card i hand over with my license.