Do you disclose CCW when stopped by LEO ?

I'm shocked at the piling on Trigger Happy and the police state mentality here.

With that kind of attitude I am surprised you are able to go CCW.
I feel you are just being a responsible citizen and if you can't be responsible, who would give you a gun permit or why?

So now a citizen has to earn the right to have a gun by showing The Man that he has the right attitude?

This is a very pro-police thread, so I'll probably get piled on, too. I don't carry - if I choose to in the future, I'll get a permit. But not because I think the government has the right to require it of me, but because I know that my rights are irrelevant in a practical sense to our various governments. If, at such time, the law requires me to inform an officer that I'm carrying, I'll comply for the same reason.

The self-proclaimed responsible, courteous, upstanding citizens on this thread didn't care about who was on-topic or off-topic until someone pointed out the obvious with regard to police and race (I'm a middle-class WASP, in case it matters).
Sure, why not show your CCW to the officer?

I lived in the South for 20years and most of my family is still there. IF I was an Afro American Black in the South (and many other places) AND legally carried AND was not required to reveal it AND it was not tied to my plates -- I SURE AS HECK WOULD NOT VOLUNTEER THE INFO TO AN OFFICER. Change my race and I would.

Life can be more 'complicated' if you are not a WASP male.

38 Snub--both of your stats are wrong and lower and if adjustment is made for the poverty factor the rate is far closer.
throwing my 2 cents in

ok i've read all the post on this subject and just in my openion comming from someone who has actually worked for the place where you get the permits IF i carried which i plan to do soon i personally wouldnt volunteer the info unless asked but where i'm from if the officer asks if you carry he actually already know's you do because its prented on your license and comes up on the computers when he calls it in to run your tags but if he doesnt ask then no im not going to volunteer the info but if he does then sure i'd tell him

Heck anybody here that's in LEO will attest to this from day one that is where they are thought that they are most likely to get killed. As an instructor here in AZ. and a retired Paramedic I know most of the guys that work the streets. I get stopped every time I teach a class just so the supervisor that day sees how his trainee of the day will handle it. I always tell them I carry it's both for your safety and theirs. The only time I freaked was a newbie couldn't figure out how to unload a 1911 and almost shot me and his super. Other then that a word of warning about weather your carrying goes along way to make things go easier. But heck what do I know
Trigger happy where did he go?

I feel he is off on this one.

Lets see I am a white cop I work a 80% African American Division in a major inner city and you want to say because I stop 8 out of 10 that are African American I am in violation...LOL

Lets see and that eve at rollcall they say 'first gun goes home early', so am I going to be looking for a non gang banger???LOL

I am going to have to figure this one out? HMMM


It amuses me no end when someone utters the phrase "my lawyer", like they have one in a kennel behind the house. TH, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone really isn't out to get you!:)

I don't worry about CCW permit holders on traffic stops, and folks might be surprised how accurately a veteran LEO can key on who these folks are. Just the same, I do appreciate it when they show their permit and advise where the bellygun is.

Up here in ND, anyone can legally carry in their vehicle a rifle or shotgun uncased and loaded in the magazine. These are much greater threats than any handgun, and take much less skill to employ effectively. We encounter this more often than not on any given stop, often there are both a shotgun and centerfire rifle (usually a 22-250 or 223) present.

You want to experience pucker factor, try stopping a drunk with an authority complex like TH's, and has a loaded 12 gauge on the seat next to him at 0300 hrs in the morning...
I've posted facts and precedents..not uninformed opinions that are based in some Utopian worldview..I have a license to carry because we have a right to carry law in this state..the law even applies to American Indians, Alaska Natives and Hawaiians
Trigger Happy, not to be sarcastic, or rude......but exactly what in the blue hell does ANYTHING you've said have to do with the topic of this thread? The original question was do you (out of courtesy or compliance with the law) inform an officer that you have a permit, and are carrying? What does that question have to do with the 4th or 5th amendments, ANYTHING AT ALL RACIAL, or anything else you've been running on about? It has absolutely no relavence to the topic at hand. Contribute to the discussion by all means, but if you want to start a discussion about racial profiling, or constitutional amedments, or for God's sake lawyers.....please start a thread about it and ramble on there.........:confused:
somebody said something about altering my driving habits to avoid getting pulled over and the tangent went on from's not the first time a thread has ever gone off topic around here :rolleyes:
Another view

As of 9/1/05, in Texas, anyone who can legally own a firearm can CC in their vehicle when traveling (even down the street to the grocery store, there are no longer limitations that define "travel"). Now, let's say you do not have a CHL and you are stopped for rolling through the stop sign. When you hand your DL to the LEO, he will not see a CHL when he runs it through. How beneficial would it be for him to know that you are LEGALLY packing? How bad would this turn if Mr. LEO spots the butt of your 1911 sticking up between the seats and you have "kept quiet"? (I totally understand what concealed means, but it COULD happen) Again, as a CHL holder, I am required to disclose, but non-permit holders are not. Too many BGs out there looking to do harm NOT to let him know, if he finds it on his own you may eat some asphalt, and will most definately get covered by HIS CW. If you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?
I live in Texas and it is mandatory to show the officer your license whether you are carrying or not. I will say this everytime I have been pulled over, usually for something stupid like speeding, I have yet to be given a ticket when presenting my CHL with my drivers license. The same thing used to happen when I presented my military ID when I was in the service, most of the time no ticket just a friendly warning. I have never had a problem with an officer and it usually puts them at ease IMHO presenting the CHL with your drivers license.
Hey Trigger,
If someone belongs to a group that makes up, oh, let's say, 12% of the population, and said group commits approx. 80%+ of the violent crime in the country, wouldn't you expect members of said group to, fairly or not, get more than their fair share of scrutiny from LEOs?:rolleyes:
Not to mention shopkeepers, taxi drivers(which I was), banktellers, the general public, etc, etc.
All the more reason to reveal your gun status to an LEO, just so there are no misunderstandings.:rolleyes:
it's not the first time a thread has ever gone off topic around here
And it won't be the first time a thread gets locked for doing so ;) .

Gentlemen, stay on topic....please!

If you want to start a thread on racial profiling, do so in the Legal & Political Forum. This is not the place to do so.
Trigger Happy

Thank you for making this thread go longer then I thought it would. Numerous informative responses due to your input.

When I was in Hawaii I don't believe they make up that much of the population anymore. But over on the Island's they are still causing trouble.

I have no idea what the CCW is for Hawaii, but I'll bet it is hard to get.
More Karate experts per square mile over there than any other state. LOL

What happens on the reservations and casinos do they hire anyone else like the rest of the country does or are they just in it for themselves? CCW is it controlled on reservations like the rest of the US or???

If I was on an Indian reservation I would definitly let them know. Talk about attitude. LOL

Holy Mother of.....

So now a citizen has to earn the right to have a gun by showing The Man that he has the right attitude? What I'm saying is that if you don't want extra bull**** to deal with during a freaking traffic stop, then don't bring it on yourself.

Trigger Happy:
somebody said something about altering my driving habits to avoid getting pulled over and the tangent went on from there...'re saying that you have a Constitutional right not to alter your driving habits in order to keep from getting pulled over? Good point... :rolleyes:
So just make your point: that NO, you won't let the cops know you're carrying unless you have to. End of story.
But was also told here in Florida (maybe is a local thing and not a state thing) that any time there is a handgun involved in a traffic stop, that the cop has to call for back-up, which usually results in at least another 2 or 3 cars. Quite a spectacle for a minor traffic violation.

Last year, I did my bit for international tourism by rear-ending a carload of British tourists at a stop light.

FHP showed up and asked what happened. I told him "...the light turned yellow, he stopped, I didn't, my fault" and handed him my license and registration, but NOT my CW permit (frankly I didn't think about it) One Trooper, no backup

I work for the local S. O. (non-sworn) but I wasn't wearing anything that identified me as such, nor did I mention it

After about 10 minutes, the trooper got back out of his car, and handed me and my victim an "exchange of information" form.

No ticket and no questions about my permit, although I think in FL, CCW permits are flagged along with the DL.
Not mandatory in Arizona unless LEO asks.

If I was just stopped for a minor traffic violation, I wouldn't bother to volunteer my CCW permit.
If I was stopped for some type of security issue or for some more serious issues, I would then probably let the officer know, without him asking, that I carry concealed for his own comfort where he doesn't overreact later on if he discovers it on his own.
It would all depend on the situation, the mood and the actions of the LEO that would make me decide if I better let him know I am carrying concealed.