Preparation v. Paranoia
I carry in the house of the Lord because I one of several staff members there and accept responsibility for being prepared to shepherd approximately 40-60 souls under my professional care when they're on site.
BTW: shepherds do/did carry weapons to protect the sheep in their care. The most famous shepherd of all, David, slung a mighty mean slingshot.
Ok, ok.....maybe Spock would take issue with this logic, but it's good enuff for me.
Because our church is a larger physical plant prominently located in our mid-size town, we get a lot of...ahem...drop ins, traveling through. Some are ok.....some--not so much. Multiple entrances...hard to control get the picture.
There is also a children's program (day school).....lots of reasons to be prepared.
Very strong gun culture in these here parts, too, so I doubt if I'm the only one carrying, but have no knowledge of any other members who do. Concealed means concealed.
I once read a quote by someone who was confronted by an "anti" for carrying: "What are you so paranoid about--that you have to carry a gun?"
"Madam," the inteviewee answered, "I carry a gun. What do I have to be paranoid about?"