But, whenever I strap on a weapon (for CC), I tend to start thinking of "why" I am arming myself. The blunt reality is that its because I want to feel "prepared" for the worst, should it ever arrive; I feel there is nothing wrong with that at all. However, when it comes to Sunday mornings, I just prefer to take a "break" (for the lack of a better word) from such thoughts and realities.
Now, this may seem counterintuitive to most, but it essentially boils down to a personal "preference" regarding a particular occasion rather than being demonstrative of my overall thoughts regarding preparation, safety and security during the rest of the week, months, years....life.
You're right. It's your choice whether or not to carry a firearm wherever it may be. You have to feel comfortable with your decision and weigh the upsides and downsides. Carry isn't for everyone everywhere. Some people chose not to carry at all and that's fine too. The good thing is that you have a choice.
I carry everywhere possible including Church.
Just having a gun with me does not make me feel safe. My ability to use the gun properly in case of an evil attack is what I like. I asked God to show me if I was doing the right thing and he did........Luke 22:32 - 36 and 1st Samuel 17:40.