Do you carry +1?

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What are you gonna do when some dirt bag jumps you, say "hang on a minute while I rack my slide"?
I guess you could always throw the gun at him.
I know Israelis in particular carry with empty chambers. probably works for them, but as far as I'm concerned, any pistol that's not ready to fire as soon as it clears leather is a dead man's gun.
Definitely +1

I'd rather carry a small claw hammer than a empty gun.

The list of logical and tactical reasons to carry loaded is pretty long.

I can think of only one reason not to carry loaded - if you dont adhere to gun safety (and storage) rules.

But not plus one.
Fifteen rounds in the magazines. Usually carry two magazines along with the magazine in the pistol, which is loaded and a trigger pull is all that is needed to send lead at the threat. For myself, I see no need to have sixteen rounds or plus one.
That's just me. If I need all 45 rounds one more won't be making much difference in my personal outcome.
I'm +1

My main reason for not carrying with one in the chamber is safety reasons. I could never forgive myself if it somehow accidentally went off and hit a loved one. Although, now that I think about this is highly unlikely to happen. I might have to reconsider this now.

I'm not sure what sort of circumstances you might run into, but if the thought of an accident is at the front of your thinking, you might consider some more training, practice, and practice carry about the house, etc to acquaint yourself with your weapon.

Also, you might consider buying a pistol that passed the California drop test:
You can read up on the test and be assured that you're carrying a pistol that has been tested to some degree of impact safety. You can read the details to determine if you like their standards.

Ultimately, I'd simply recommend you do what makes you comfortable.
I have always carried with one in the chamber. Once upon a time I seriously listened to criticism of the method, and thought heavily on it.

Then I saw a video of a lawful citizen at a gas station being attacked two-on-one. He was able to claw his way back to his car. Sitting inside the car, he managed to free one hand and get his Glock G36 .45 out from the center console.

The entire time he was trying for his G36, two fit youths were pulling his other arm trying to get him out the car. He had no chance of freeing it. Thanks to +1 carry, he delivered two center-of-mass shots and ended the threat.

I no longer wonder. Every pistol I ever own will always be chambered now, just not my rifles and shotguns because of the ultra-light triggers. And they will be fired on an empty chamber, safety off.

The video can be seen here. It is educational in a number of ways.
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I do the +1 in the pipe when carrying an auto( PT-100). When I buy gas, I top off the tank, and if going on a trip.. fill the neck. Dunno if they’re related, but both seem like the right thing to do.
I usually prefer a .44 bulldog and sometimes a speed loader in the jacket pocket.(lighter, more comfy)
Kinda funny, since I doubt I’ll need one bullet. I doubt I’ll ever need fire insurance on the house either, but those premiums keep getting paid on time.;)
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I had a Nordic Cloak once that gave me +25 Carry. I was able to equip my Gaelic Hero Armour and carry the massive granite boulders in order to unblock the Sealed Caves of Corsair.

Looks like this one's been pretty well covered, and it's beginning to wander. Next thing you know, it'll be wandering down Zombie Road.

Let's call it a day, eh?

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