Do y'all carry in your house?


New member
Had a little bit of a scare this morning.

5AM this morning I went downstairs to make my pot of coffee. I got dressed for class(college with no CC permitted :mad:), so the Glock didn't make it into the outfit . I go down the flight of stairs to the living room, thinking I felt a draft. I get to the bottom of the stairs, look and see the front door wide open. I notice a shadow moving, and almost without thinking my hand went to my hip and to my immediate terror was weapon-less, so I ducked behind the wall that the stairs come down to. Right about then, my room mate comes strolling in through the door, after just squashing out a cigarette.

Now, my plan was if someone I didn't know came through that door, I was planning on sprinting up the 15 steps to my room where there are two loaded Glocks with over seventy rounds of JHP's sitting in magazines for just such an occasion. From there, I guess adrenaline would have dictated my actions more than my reasoning skills.

This brings me to my question. Do you carry in your home? I rarely do since the guns are never more than 15-20 seconds away, but today got me thinking maybe its a good idea .

I'd like to hear what you guys have to say on the situation.

I donot carry while I am in my home(to answer your question), but some people do(I have heard some people do it for safety as its on their hip instead of in a clost where their child can get to it). That is just an example from one woman firearms enthusiast I read.

I do sometimes at night(more often than not) have it on the shelf while I am watching tv(in other words its very near me and not upstairs plus its usually my CCW - CIA650 .357 revolver. we have an alarm, so you cant breach the home without the alarm sounding: doors, windows, or even walk in certain areas without motion setting off alarm. If something happens, I already know I need my weapon. Its all preventative. to me its not a joke, I feel its my responsibility to protect my wife and family.
ps- I respect you for taking the intiative to CCW and maybe someday the college kids will have that right. I got my BA Degree, but my CCW days didn't start until after marriage+buying a home
I do. For LOTS of reasons but the main one is that it is legal to do so. I live in Wisconsin where we cannot legally CC in the outdoors. We live in a nice neighborhood but that does not stop criminals, for some reason. :rolleyes:
Adrenaline should never take over your reasoning skills. Having a roommate means that sometimes the door opens late at night or early in the AM. Is your roommate in danger of getting covered by your loaded pistol because he comes into his own residence? Something to consider.
Yes. Goes in my pocket just like my wallet and car keys. Except where not legal (Post Office, etc.), if I have my pants on, I'm carrying.
Another college kid in an apartment here. I sometimes carry around the apartment, but when I don't my firearm is sitting on my desk in front of me (it's not comfortable to have in a holster while sitting in my desk chair) or on the coffee table while I'm playing the PS3, etc etc. I don't bring it anywhere near campus (my campus is given special consideration under my State Constitution, another thread though), though, not even park and keep it locked in the car.
I do.

Not for security (or, at least, not solely for security).

I am constantly, it seems, trying out different carry methods.

This holster with that gun, what if I move it an inch farther back, tilt it a little this way or that.

How secure does it feel? Comfortable? Sitting, standing, moving?

How easy is it to get to?

I have found myself carrying as many as 3 at a time at home just trying things out.

It’s a great way to work out the details.

And to discover unforeseen problems.

I once tried to get up from the dinner table and found myself with one of those problems: My IWB clip on the back of my belt had slipped over the bottom ladder of the ladder-back chair as I sat down and firmly attached me to the chair without my knowledge. It was surprisingly difficult to disengage.

Very funny at home (My wife was quite amused!):o.

Not so much in a restaurant full of people :eek:.

OTOH, I also live at least 20 miles from the nearest reliable LEO.


I carry at home.

When get out of bed my Beretta 950b goes into my pocket when my feet hit the floor. I am NEVER without that little pistol.
We I have a kid now, so I no longer leave guns in hidden places around the home. So I just pocket a Glock 33 and keep all my arms under lock and key. Biometric safe by the bed gives me access in 3 seconds for things that go bump in the night.
I carry at home, but at 5AM I'm just getting up, getting breakfast, etc., bathrobe and slippers...I would not have been carrying, either.
I almost always have my NAA Pug in my right front pocket ... but even if I do, there's a Kimber .45 on a shelf in the living room, a Springer .45 in my nightstand, and a Taurus 617 in the cabinet over the toilet in the master bathroom ... I'm never more than a step or two from a firearm; if I'm in the office at the back of the house, the Kimber goes with me ... I live in a VERY peaceful small community where the occasional burglary is bigtime crime, but we're a summer tourist attraction, a year-round golf community and there are always people around that I don't know ... just makes sense to be prepared ...
I try to at least have the LCP in my pocket when I'm home. So if I'm wearing pants with pockets I'm armed... I used to wear what I call 'coaches shorts' all the time but now that I CC I hardly ever wear them. I'm usually wearing something with a belt at all times.
If: my home was targeted by a BG & I was disabled or otherwise removed from the situation AND something happened to my wife or kids all while my guns sat peacefully in the room or safe, I would always think what if. I would feel responsible! I would never forgive myself! Now you must keep your head about you if you are armed! You must ALWAYS remember the 4 gun rules!! Glad everything turned out OK for you!
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In the house there is always a gun within quick reach at night, no children here.

During the day I usually have a gun, OC, on me because I’ve had a few “unusual” callers with flimsy excuses for coming here. The OC gun always brings a quick, “Sorry, got the wrong place. Do you know where Sam Squat lives”. Always a name I never heard of and not in the phone book, either.

The “We were making our meat deliveries and have some left over.” persons don’t hang around past the “I don’t want any.”

My main problem, though, is dogs. No leash law here, and I don’t believe such would be proper for this extremely rural area. However, they do pack-up sometimes and a dog-pack can turn vicious, and I’ve had this. So, I OC on my own property and CC when abroad.

I OC a BIG revolver and a BIG knife when checking the trees because we do have cougars. Old Clawfoot comes through regularly, I recognize him/her by the one claw on the left rear paw which he/she cannot retract (probably a trap did that). I don’t believe one would attack but “just in case”.

However, I digress; I don’t allow cougars in the house, but I do OC in the house.
Yes. 90% of the time. Sometimes kids are around, so rather than have it locked away, it's on me.

(and on the outside chance you need it at home, you won't have time to go retrieve it, mama!)
House Carry....

Sometimes I just like wearing my gun with my holster and spare mag holsters and such. There are times when there are disturbances outside of my house and I do feel safer with my pistol on my hip ! At times I'll just go in my room and take my guns out and admire them, I like firearms ! One place you can open carry without any hassle is your home or property, why not take advantage of it ?