DO NOT PLAY tacticool operator at the range.

So what you are saying is that your older brother went to the range, NOT dressed in tacticool gear, drew attention to himself by acting NOT in accordance with range rules that were in place to keep people safe? That certainly could be a valid complaint. HE WAS BREAKING THE RULES. I have yet to see rules against wearing tacticool gear.
We've all seen the typical beginner appearance. Well, this guy fit the bill. Tan cap on backwards, black T-shirt, tan pants, unkept approaching-mid-length black hair, and a fully Tapco'd tan and black AR hanging from a chest rig.

I'm no FUDD. In fact, I've done work on several ARs. I don't particularly care for them (prefer Garand actions) but I have no problems with other owning or shooting them.

Then what is your problem? Just how folks dress? The length of their hair? 'ell, I've seen folks that I know personally, that have been shooting firearms for half a century or more that fit the above description. The way they dress does not affect they way they shoot or the way they handle their firearms. This is where I am at. People have been "posing" for a millennia. I remember back when I was 10 years old and used to work the trap houses at the local sportsman club. There were those guys that came in with their high priced "foreign made" shotguns, their Ray-Ban shooting glasses with the full compliment of colored lenses, the fancy shooting shirts with a patch on the shoulder and their leather shell bag. They couldn't shoot any better than my dad with his old model 97 or gramps with his Fox/Stevens SxS, but they looked impressive. Most of them were not "new" to the sport, just wanted to impress by looking the part. Much of it was the human desire to show others how successful they are by what they can afford. Same with most anything else. Why do some bikers feel the need to wear their leathers when they're not riding? Why do some football/baseball fans have to wear their favorite teams jersey on nights when the team doesn't play? How many of us have chuckled at the old fat guy in the Lycra-Spandex suit on their high priced bike, as they put in their half mile ride for the week? Been fishing lately? Used to be fishing meant old clothes and your favorite hat. Now half of those folks I see on the water are wearing something with the name "Huk", "U/A" or "Columbia" on it with a lightning-camo pattern......even if they are just fishing worms and a slip-bobber for gills. Speaking of camo....where can one go now without seeing someone in camo, even when they are not hunting or trying to be "tacticool". Go to a Halrey shop and they have camo clothing. Go to a Woman's boutique and they have "country-girl" camo. What's with that? Girls wearing camo to go out on the town? Go to a SASS event or a re-enactment of anytype. Even those not involved at all, are wearing the outfits. Go to a rock concert and folks are wearing "vintage-classic" rockabilia, in attempt to fit in. I assume folks on Rock and Roll forums make fun of them too. Kinda human nature to ridicule folks that do not mirror oneself. That is what I am seeing here in your OP. Look, I'm a better gun person cause I don't dress that way....and don't you others do it either. Get over it....odds are many of those you are ridiculing can shoot and may know firearms better than you.

As for the Fudd thing, I too could be interpreted to be one. I prefer revolvers to bottom feeders other than my 1911s. I use SxS shotguns and bolt action rifles, while my favorites are levers. I have no removable mags than hold more than 7 rounds and I don't own an AR or plastic handgun. The only thing "tactical" I own is a thigh holster that I use to carry my 1911 while deer hunting. Only because it retains the firearm well and does not hinder me in any way. It's useful, and of good many "tactical" things. I've been wearin' ripstop MilSurp cargo pants for over thirty years because we have an excellent Milsurp store in town that always has them in stock for a good price. Nowadays folks want to think I'm trying to be "tacticool" when I wear them. Do I give a rat's behind? I just consider the source. I could give a crap what others think when I'm wearing something comfortable and it works for what I am doing. The last thing I need(or want) is someone I don't know trying to tell me how to dress and what gear to use. They need to worry about themselves a tad more. They need to worry about keeping the right to dress tactically and carry weapons, not divide and ridicule. Anti's are going to be offended just as much at Elmer Fudd in his red flannel and Filson Hat as they will be if the guy is wearing 5.11 or Propper clothing. If the latter two wanna argue over who's clothing is inappropriate, they are just playing into the anti's agenda.
Sometimes, the nicest people you could ever meet are covered in tattoos and body piercings. Sometimes the most judgmental people you could ever meet go to church every Sunday.

For the record, I don't do / have any of the above.

But with that said, we as gun owners have to be careful on the perception we display to the non gun owning public. The heck with the anti's, you'll never change their mind. But the fence sitters, let's not turn them into anti's.
Double Naught,

That is exactly what I was saying. Point is He at the time was NOT trying to draw attention to himself. But proves that sometimes people do not realize what they are doing including breaking the rules and DO draw others attention by what they are doing and not because of what they are Wearing.

While in Public people are always watching and to be certain these days you never know who is recording video!
I can not believe there is a range that would not allow a certain type of firearm. We truly are doomed..

There are many ranges that limit firearms for very good reasons. Some have sessions for specific firearms and tactics. I certainly believe the owner(s) of a range has the right to do what they choose within the limits physics and the law. I don't think that is a sign of the apocalypse!
For specific tactics and training I agree 100%, however during normal hours...really?

We truly are our own worst enemies...
The one we were at this weekend does not allow 50BMG! Also restricts some handguns on the 25 yard range and prohibits pistol smaller than 357 and 5.75" barrel on the rifle ranges.
The one we were at this weekend does not allow 50BMG!

I want you to be able to have as many 50BMG rifles as you can buy.

I don't want to be within 50 feet of the side of your muzzle brake when you take your shot.
I like the people who wear 5.11 pants. I wear them all the time. Lots of pockets! To make them look smart, my Wife sews creases in them, looks like they have just been pressed.

Once you have attended a gun club, anywhere in the world (me in the UK/Germany/Aussy/Canada/Caracas VW/USA) the rules are kind of the same. On a cease-fire, no one touches a firearm, period.

The only injuries I have seen, ricochets, me, caused by a returning full sized 38 Special. Hit a 12 gage slug dent in a steel target mover. Hit me in the back of my right hand (the one with the whistle in it, teaching Security Officers, in the 80s) split that hand wide open. Plus that same hand split my lip. First time I had punched myself in the face.

Some of the most well behaved and pleasant people I have met, all over the world, are gun guys, and Girls.

In Gods Country, Florida. I carry a Glock 19 every day. It sits a couple of steps from me now.

Keep Safe.
If I had a dollar for every unsafe shooter I've encountered at the range, I'd have at least a thousand dollars.

You know what types of shooters these unsafe people were? Evenly spread across the board. Doesn't matter how much experience, what kind of gear, not even the type of pants or shirts they wear. The Glockers and 1911'ers, the 9mm's and the 45acps's, the AK47'ers and the AR15'ers, the "I shoot every weekend and reload all week long" shooters and the "I come to the range once a year to sight in my good ol 30 ought 6" shooters, the "I prefer shooting 22lr from an antique anshutz" shooters and the "If if aint a .666 loudenboomer Ackley Improved Super Short Magnum it aint worth nuttin" shooters.

But its not just the firearms community. The same is true when it comes to operating a motor vehicle. We've all seen crappy drivers, who have varying degrees of experience. Its just how the world is.
I was at the indoor range Friday. Couple of goof balls mag dumping in the lane next to me,

A mag dump is good for the sole once in awhile! I've done them before - I'll admit it. Normally, I only rapid fire 2 shots in sequence.
dang nabbit. soon they'll be listing to that devil worshiping Rock and or Roll, wearing ducktail haircuts, leather jackets, and playing pinball after hours at the malt shop.