DO NOT PLAY tacticool operator at the range.

The only time anyone ever annoyed me at the range was when I went to a shop that had rentals and there was a bachelor party there on a Friday morning, the day after I got fired from my job. The .30-30 wasn't annoying, but the .308 in the booth RIGHT NEXT TO ME, just had to shoot when I was sighting something in.

Besides that, I've never come across any "operators" or tacticoolers. I consider myself a tactical shooter because I mostly shoot manually operated guns (revolvers, levers, single shots) and find them to be way more tactical than AR's.
And if you're going to do tactical training with all the ninja gear, the local range with shooting benches and a firing line isn't the best place for that, either. If you want to race, you go to a racetrack, you don't do it on city streets.

How is that hard to understand??

One is legal behavior and one is not.

Be aware that at a public range the media could be there and how you dress and comport yourself reflects on the 2A community as a whole.

It's way too late. There enough archival footage on YouTube of people being stupid with guns to fill several servers.
Guess I don't have this problem because the indoor range I use only allows rifles chambered in pistol calibers and I've so far yet to see anything AR looking. Then at the outdoor range I use the pistol range and the rifle range are separate also so one again no problem.

Seeing as we all feel the need to label ourselves and others I would label myself a pistol shooter. I own one rifle which is a 22LR bolt action and other than that I have no interest in rifles. In my neck of the woods there is very limited hunting because of population levels and am one of those that does not trophy hunt.

Now if I lived in an area where there were wild pigs running loose I may or most likely would have a different perspective.
For the love of all that is holy PLEASE do not go waltzing into the retail area of your local gun range with an AR hanging from a chest rig.
Nothing cries "lookit me, I'm a poseur" more than pretending you're getting ready to kick in the door and make entry at the local all you can eat pizza buffet.
Yes, you have an AR, just like the other 53 million Americans who own one. The only difference is that you've rolled yours through the Tapco catalog and are showing it to the world in a struggle to be relevant.

Nobody is impressed.
It is far more likely that those of us who are also at the range are not only unimpressed, we're putting you solidly in the "most likely to do something stupid and get hurt" category.

We've all got guns. We all know how to shoot. Please, act like you've done it before.

Ut-oh somebody had a bad range day.


Soooooo, is showing off your favorite rig(I don't go to public ranges, I have my own) in a known gun friendly place such a bad thing? Would it be different if the shooter just took his gun out to his Big Azz 4x4 truck and roared off into the sunset pumping out a huge black diesel stream of smoke? How about sitting in the parking lot jacking the throttle on his load Harley or his pumped up Honda Accord? Gun owners fight enough battles, we don't really need other gun owners coming down on us, if we are using safe and responsible gun handling practices in a gun friendly environment.

Again, I don't own an AR, nor do I go to public ranges with retail areas.......and I don't parade around in public like a Mall Ninja. But I also don't see a point on belittling other gun owners for little or no reason other than they do things differently than me.
CLC said:
This is why so many in the gun community hate FUDDs. Maybe some people like practicing mag changes and testing out their gear? Crazy I know. I see no problem with it if people are being safe.

This is where I land too. If a lad gets chuckles from firing quickly, how is that any skin off my nose? How can gun fire on a hot range annoy people? (I won't set up next to a big rifle with a brake, and I won't fit side discharge brakes on my rifles, but that's my choice).

People safely enjoy shooting in many different forms, and it doesn't diminish me in any way for someone to shoot safely in a way that would bore me.

As to dressing in a silly way, it does seem funny to me to get all camouflaged to go to a range, but I type this wearing a bow tie (my summer preference) which I am sure a lot of people also find silly.
While perusing the gun show on Saturday I stumbled across a 10" octagonal 30 carbine barrel for my Contender. It was at a good price so it followed me home. That afternoon saw the temp hit 100 degrees outside so I grabbed the new toy and my 30 carbine Blackhawk for a trip to the indoor range.
Yes, 30 carbine handguns are a hoot at an indoor facility. :)

After burning up 100 rounds (and allowing other curious shooters try the Blackhawk) I packed up to leave. Stepping into the retail area of the facility gave me the pleasure of seeing some kid who looked barely old enough to buy a gun step through the door with a somewhat lost look on his face. We've all seen the typical beginner appearance. Well, this guy fit the bill. Tan cap on backwards, black T-shirt, tan pants, unkept approaching-mid-length black hair, and a fully Tapco'd tan and black AR hanging from a chest rig.
You could see by his expression that he was harmless an unsure of himself but he really wanted to fit in. I suppose he didn't expect to see people dress like, well, people with their guns politely put away.

This kid simply didn't know what he was doing but he really wanted to look like an old hand.

I'm no FUDD. In fact, I've done work on several ARs. I don't particularly care for them (prefer Garand actions) but I have no problems with other owning or shooting them.
Lol. I never once said I hated FUDDs. If shooters are being safe I dont care how you look or what you shoot. For the most part I mind my own business. So if this wasnt a saftey issue, in what way were you effected? Honestly lots of young people are getting into shooting sports because of semi autos and AR type rifles. We needs those young people right now.

Also, some of us only have public ranges to shoot at.
About caps on backwards. There is a sociological explanation of why that habit became cool among the young. Not for here.

Anyway - when I see it on the range, it's stupid unless the bream actually interferes with a scope (so adjust it).

Here's a reference for the cool guy.

At a recent match, a young lady and stud came out to shoot for the first time. They had their caps on backwards. During the match, I casually mentioned to her to reverse it to prevent brass hits. She saw the wisdom of that. Stud was annoyed but she thanked me at the end of the match as she saw brass flying around.
A Couple of points about the mall ninjas etc.

A Couple of points about the mall ninjas etc. First up, I've not heard of any of these mass shooters belonging to any shooting organization. The anti-gunners use the mall ninjas and tacticool types as stereotypes in propaganda. The faux commandos are poster children for the anti-gun groups and their fellow travelers. :mad: Providence is unkind to us when the tacticool's and mall ninja's show up as spokespersons in the media. :eek:
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So I guess my Alice web gear is fine then? It’s not a chess rig(;
I like the mall ninjas, they leave all that once fired brass
Sounds like a solid case of "Stop liking things I dont like!".
Xandi - people like op will tell you to stop playing army man :p
Who is a menace:

Who is a menace: Don't you think we would have heard all about recent school mass shooters being in the NRA? With the media doing background checks such membership would had been left out? Don't think so. May be wrong, but don't think so. I'd appreciate an example other than the air rifle team. Many of these people are mentally ill isolates that don't join anything.

One AR shooter comes to the range where we shoot with match grade AR. He is shooting way less than 1" groups at 100 yards. He is shooting factory match grade cartridges loaded with Sierra match bullets. Nothing from China or Russia His scope is a Nightforce with a back up fo top of the line Vortex. His ensemble runs in the thousands. You don't hear much about these people just the Mall Ninjas and Tacticool people.
I have no problem with people enjoying themselves, their friends and their sport. Though I do get nervous when people start running franticly around a range with loaded firearms of any kind. If someone wants to rapid-fire their pistols or semi auto rifles what should I care. I'm not paying for their ammo and as long as they are doing so in a safe manner then go for it.

I will say as someone else mentioned, being at a range that is set up where your neighbors brass is raining down on you is no fun. All lanes should be far enough apart or have dividers so this doesn't happen.

Wear to the range whatever makes you comfortable but when I was teaching my wife I warned her to wear a tight neck and long sleeves and she still got one down the front of her shirt!
A few years ago shortly after moving to Missouri from Illinois I assembled an AR from a parts kit. Figured I'd go show it to my buddies at the gun shop in town.

Pulled a gun case out the closet, put the gun in the case, put the cased gun in the back of the cab of my pickup and thought to myself...

What the hell am I doing? This Missouri!

Pulled the cased gun out of the back of the pickup. Took the gun out of the case. Inserted a loaded 30rd mag, put the gun on the passenger seat, muzzle on the floor, and drove into town.

Once in town, ejected the mag while still in my pickup, and walked into the gun shop with the gun.
As long as people don't be poseurs with "war stories" and practice safe gunhandling and range-and-general courtesy-if they want to be "tacticool", that's fine with me. Perhaps there should be a "Tacticool Shooting Society"-like SASS or the N-SSA or the Zootshooters.
I used to have a few chuckles to myself when people started dressing like a Hollywood mercenary, but now I mostly ignore it.
This is really not so different than that Hogg kid trying to get the AR-15 banned because it was used to kill students.
Um...yes. Yes it is.

I really dislike the whole "Fudd" concept. It creates an arbitrary wedge between us at a time we need unity, and for what? So one group of people can feel superior to another?

No thanks. I had that kind of drivel from the old coots who judged me for my age and appearance when I started competition back in the day.

If there's anything that serves the goals of the other side, it's this kind of infighting among us.

I like the mall ninjas, they leave all that once fired brass

We...I mean, they don't need it. The true mall ninja runs silent and deep, and he gets all his brass from the remains of crashed flying saucers.
Gun owners can be a little too uptight. As long as the activity is safe and not dangerous, there’s nothing wrong with having fun, even if the fun involves garish displays.

I’ll be the first to admit that, except for my EDC gun, every single gun I own is a show and tell toy, and nothing more. Like a prized show dog, my guns deserve to be handled, ogled, look at, talked about, and touched, preferably by women.