DO NOT PLAY tacticool operator at the range.

Don't confuse me with the facts...go my mind made up!

Who shooter where and when: There is a difference here at the club. The people with serious match grade AR's shoot on one range. The magazine dumpers go to another range. To say all AR's owners are mall ninjas is a gross over generalization. On the other hand which type of shooter draws the most attention? Us ordinary people are collateral damage to the mall ninjas and the like.:mad:

On of my pet peeves has to do with the anti-gun folks. I went to an anti-gun meeting recently. There, it was evident that there was little firearm knowledge. I was explaining background checks and prohibitions of firearms ownership. A woman asked the mic before I was finished. She went on a rant about the whole situation had to do with Evangelicals-as in an evil influence. Went on to explain how domestic abuse exempted ownership. These folks abruptly adjourned the meeting. One lady approached me after the meeting stating, among other things, that we should do it like Australia. Did not have chance that Australia has a active shooting and hunting community to this day. None of these anti-gun people ever offered the means of collecting fifty-three million assault like firearms. How would these people respond to the suggestion that America would become a police state. Don't holler continue to explain.
What the hell am I doing? This Missouri!

Pulled the cased gun out of the back of the pickup. Took the gun out of the case. Inserted a loaded 30rd mag, put the gun on the passenger seat, muzzle on the floor, and drove into town.

Actually a good question, what the hell are you doing??? I don't know about Missouri, but in my state, what you would be doing is breaking the law!!!:eek:

Loaded rifle in a motor vehicle is verboten in my state, and several others I know of. So is loaded shotgun. Loaded handgun is allowed only IF WORN ON THE PERSON.

And, YOU don't get to decide what is, and is not loaded, your state does. Some places recognize that its not "loaded" without a round in the chamber. Other places define loaded differently. If there are rounds in the gun (chamber loaded OR NOT) its legally "loaded" Some places consider the gun legally loaded if you, the ammunition, and the firearm are all in the same vehicle compartment.

So what the hell were you doing?? :rolleyes:
rickyrick said:
I used to have a few chuckles to myself when people started dressing like a Hollywood mercenary, but now I mostly ignore it.
Some are easier to ignore than others.

^^^ I would love to know the truth behind that image. ^^^

It could be a mall ninja or it could be a fat soldier in training.


I always assumed it was a bunch of kids playing paintball.

That belt-fed don't look like no paintball gun,,,
And isn't that boxy think on the rifle looks a bit sophisticated a bit like a laser.

I'm no expert at all,,,
But it looks like real gear to me.


Loaded rifle in a vehicle is not illegal in AZ, either, just a very unwieldly thing with very limited utility inside the vehicle.
We get the posers on the rang,e too - call them Tactical Tommy. Most of them also can't seem to shoot straight past 50 yards without being prone, bipod and scope. Very nice gear, lots of money practical abilities, seemingly. Perhaps, not being an "operator" myself, not on my best day 30 years ago, maybe I'm missing what they are doing well. I do get some looks from them at my BREN 805 sometimes, like what I am doing with a rifle like that without a chest rig, thigh holster, tactical glasses and SEAL beard.
Most of them also can't seem to shoot straight past 50 yards without being prone, bipod and scope.

Sounds a lot like the last two weekends before deer season here, but with deer rifles. Can you imagine the audacity of some of those guys showing up to the range in field clothes, like they were real hunters or something? Some have the nerve to wear camo to the range. {sarcasm}

The notion of calling the folks 'posers' does bespeak snobbery as noted above, like when you were back in school did not considered certain people cool enough to wear certain styles of clothing.

I can't see why people would get bent out of shape because somebody isn't wearing the right clothing or gear...a style decision. Stop worrying about what other folks are wearing and worry about your own targets.
My only two rifles are an AK 47, that I put a folding stock on, easier to transport, it works first time, all the time.

My go-to rifle, I bought years ago, from a friend in Chicago, he managed a large Security Company, a friend from many years ago, when we both lived in Toronto. I took it to the range one day, outdoor, just to see if it worked! It did not! Light primer hit every other round.

Called the company, they had a fix, replace the civilian firing pin, with the Mil Spc one. A tad longer, and heavier?

First available chance, off to my Club. Outdoor range, two older chaps were shooting 22 pistols, on the 35-yard plinking range. From sitting bench type of positions. I set up as far as I could away from them as I could go. Off to the far right.

When they called a cease-fire, so they could change targets, muffs off, I explained I was function testing my Rifle, and would not need to set up a target.

When I unbagged my AUG, they, neither one was interested in this funny looking rifle, OK.

A lone Coke can sat on the backstop (Yes I cleaned it up on the next cease-fire) all muffs on. One round BANG! Had a glance, they were fine.
Fired 5 rounds, slow. Perfect function.

Happy camper. There is a big difference in .22LR and .223 (5.56) in volume.

Cleaned up, left them to it. They were doing what they had an interest in, me mine. Live and let live, I believe in that old statement. At my young age of 82, it has stood me in good stead for a long time.
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DNS said:
I can't see why people would get bent out of shape because somebody isn't wearing the right clothing or gear...a style decision. Stop worrying about what other folks are wearing and worry about your own targets.
The problem isn't so much what they're wearing as what they're doing. What they're doing is publicly reinforcing every negative stereotype of gun owners.
Freedom is a funny thing. Someone will disapprove of how you exercise your freedom, inversely, you are not going to like someone else’s freedoms. We have to live and let live, mind your own life and stop worrying about other people’s lawful activities.
Happiness comes from within yourself, not from others.
What they're doing is publicly reinforcing every negative stereotype of gun owners.

in your (and maybe my) opinion. I'm pretty sure their opinion is different.

And, every stereotype about everyone, everywhere has some actual real world degree of basis, otherwise it wouldn't work as a stereotype.

Mall ninja, Rambo wanna be, hip hop rapper, or 1880s cowboy, I don't care how you dress when you play, I only care about how you act (and that includes your attitudes).

If your game is paramilitary garb and doing the run, dodge, and Jump with your weapon between firing points, fine, there are places for that. Go to them, and have fun. But don't be doing it on a "static" range with a line of shooting benches and people trying to use them.

You don't race on the street, you race on a race track. Same idea.
I shoot at a private club with outdoor facilities. We have all types, but I've never been annoyed by anyone. I'm retired and can go anytime I want and have figured out when it is slowest. I usually have the place to myself or at most 1-2 other shooters. If I get there and there are more than that I usually just go home and come back another day.

Late last fall I did see a couple of guys open carrying long guns in an area that I just didn't feel was necessary. My wife and I went for drive in the N.GA mountains and stopped at this place for a while.

This is literally right on the Appalachian Trail. The trail actually goes through the building. It is the 1st place thru hikers can stop, rest, resupply, and take a shower. The day we were there it was packed, at least 100 people. Many were backpackers stopping to rest, one carried an AR, with most every possible accessory added, and the other a Benelli pump shotgun.

I've hiked that section before, and many others and usually have handgun tucked away somewhere. I just felt this was a bit over the top, and there were dozens of people there. FWIW, no one seemed the least bit concerned.

Judging by their age, haircuts, and gear I'm fairly certain both were military and backpacking on their time off. This is only a few miles from North GA College which is one of the military colleges in GA. Camp Merrill is also close by. It is an Army Ranger training camp for mountain warfare. I'm betting these guys were Rangers. I also think most other people thought the same and that is probably why no one much cared.

I don't think of myself as a Fudd. I'm 60 and prefer more traditional guns, but I do own several AR's and handguns. I still thought these guys created a negative image of gun owners for a lot of people that day. Even if they were not posers, they were probably the real deal. But they should have known better IMO.
in your (and maybe my) opinion. I'm pretty sure their opinion is different.

And, every stereotype about everyone, everywhere has some actual real world degree of basis, otherwise it wouldn't work as a stereotype.

Mall ninja, Rambo wanna be, hip hop rapper, or 1880s cowboy, I don't care how you dress when you play, I only care about how you act (and that includes your attitudes).

If your game is paramilitary garb and doing the run, dodge, and Jump with your weapon between firing points, fine, there are places for that. Go to them, and have fun. But don't be doing it on a "static" range with a line of shooting benches and people trying to use them.

You don't race on the street, you race on a race track. Same idea.

So it is okay if you want to have racing stripes on your car so long as you drive appropriately? Yeah?

I am beginning to think the problem isn't with how the guys dress, but about how uptight other folks are.

I seem to recall similar pointless whining about how nobody needs an AR15 for hunting, about how AR15s promoted negative stereotypes for huntings, yaddy yaddy yaddy.

I gotta admit, I am fascinated that when folks no longer have something valid to complain about at the range such as gun safety/gun handling/etc., they resort to complaining about how people dress and their choices of gear. If that is all you have to complain about, then you really don't have a valid complaint. You just don't like it when people are different.
Is this like people that have their teeth shaved into points, hoops in their ears until the touch the shoulders, Tongues split, artificial horns added to their heads or beads and rings throughout their faces?

Some may find that attractive, I find it disturbing! Some may call it art. I call it drawing attention to one's self. But what I think doesn't matter though I won't be doing any of it to myself either.
Freedom is a funny thing. Someone will disapprove of how you exercise your freedom, inversely, you are not going to like someone else’s freedoms. We have to live and let live, mind your own life and stop worrying about other people’s lawful activities.
Happiness comes from within yourself, not from others.

Yep. There are many things popular in today's culture that baffle me. It has always been that way under our system. Your legal behavior and personal beliefs may offend me to the core, but I will likely defend your right to them.

There is far more that unites us as gun owners (and Americans) than divide us. If folks are following the range rules, then judging them harshly for what they look like or how they act within those rules is your problem, not theirs.
This happened to me yesterday. A group of us went to a group shoot at an outdoor range and I had invited my older brother. Now he has never been to an outdoor range with actual range officers there and the running of hot and cold ranges.

Of course one of the rules during a cold range is no handling firearms or ammunition and you must step back from the bench. Well he seemed to have trouble grasping that concept and I tried to keep reminding him and at times I think the range officer was becoming a wee bit annoyed but he eventually caught on.

I kept trying to explain, when the red light is on, no touching! Step away from the bench.

Anyways we all had a good time. We all shared some birthday cake for my wife that she didn't get last weekend and I got to meet one of the forum members from another forum that came up from Florida.

So as far as my brother goes I suppose some people just do not realize what their actions are doing. Be it at the range or elsewhere.