Do I risk the divorce?

She does shoot, and quite well.
I don't have a gun here that she hasn't shot. She even like my 7mm Rem Mag. And my 1911.

While she may not know which gun is which, dangit she can count!
I'm working at it.
She's weakening...
I can see it in her eyes. Lol
a big guy swing an 8 lb sledge into your shoulder

TXAZ, what am I missing?? I've never heard of a suppressor that made something have more recoil. Always lowers a little or at least slows down the recoil pulse. I also see some of the percussion is shooting out side ways which means it has some kind of a muzzle brake also. :confused:
Not giving marriage advice, but if she is already on you about how much you have "invested" in guns and reloading gear, I would say best to get a green light before purchasing. As others have mentioned, divorce is a LOT more expensive.

I think a good rule is to establish a budget where you each get a certain amount of discretionary spending, assuming you are paying all your bills and not borrowing money for toys. If you want to make purchases within your discretionary fund, each of you should be able to do it without consulting the other. If you want something bigger, you will have to save up your discretionary funds.

Another way to do it is set a certain threshold where you consult each other before buying. If it is normal stuff for the house like food and supplies, that is excluded. Anything over a certain amount that falls outside normal purchases should require mutual agreement.

It is best to set a self-imposed cooling period for larger purchases. If the price exceeds that amount, you wait a minimum of 3 days to decide whether or not you should really buy it, whether you really want it (that bad), whether or not you really need it, and whether or not you can really afford it. It is great for taming the impulse control and you end up buying less stuff. You mentioned yourself, that it wasn't the exact rifle you wanted.

Just my $.02 worth
I do the sleep on it already.
While the 280 Rem would be a close second, good luck finding a previously enjoyed 20B in 284 Win!
It's the rifle that helped Melvin Forbes put his name on the short list for super light, accurate rifles.

Still thinking about that "romantic week" at Gunwerks shooting school.
Could kill 2 birds with one stone.
She's against moving to Wyoming because she's never been there. :rolleyes:
Maybe we can do it durring antelope season...
I already have the perfect plan for you--all you have to do is follow it and I guarantee both your wife and rifle will both be your's happily ever-after forever. However, you may need to involve the staff at Gunwerks to pull it off, maybe a little grease under the table might help.

Make your reservations at Gunwerks for the both of you--be sure to stay at a posh lodge nearby (big plus if it's adorned with taxidermy trophies taken at long range). While you're taking lessons, have the instructor bring out the rifle you want and let you shoot it--but get an average group and express frustration openly to your wife. Offer to have her shoot it--but secretly replace the target with one you have previously shot a .25 MOA group in the bull's with. The spotter will have to purposefully feed erroneous solutions to keep the impacts off target but still call hits--after the string is done and the target is retrieved you will both be amazed at the accuracy of both the gun and her incredible marksmanship. Show extreme humility and shame and say "well, if only I had a gun like that" and baby, it's in the bag. >>>>;):D<<<<
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I already have the perfect plan for you--all you have to do is follow it and I guarantee both your wife and rifle will both be your's happily ever-after forever. However, you may need to involve the staff at Gunwerks to pull it off, maybe a little grease under the table might help.

Make your reservations at Gunwerks for the both of you--be sure to stay at a posh lodge nearby (big plus if it's adorned with taxidermy trophies taken at long range). While you're taking lessons, have the instructor bring out the rifle you want and let you shoot it--but get an average group and express frustration openly to your wife. Offer to have her shoot it--but secretly replace the target with one you have previously shot a .25 MOA group in the bull's with. The spotter will have to purposefully feed erroneous solutions to keep the impacts off target but still call hits--after the string is done and the target is retrieved you will both be amazed at the accuracy of both the gun and her incredible marksmanship. Show extreme humility and shame and say "well, if only I had a gun like that" and baby, it's in the bag.

Sure... because deceiving your spouse to get what you want is perfectly acceptable. I thought relationships were supposed be be based on trust and communication. :rolleyes:
Sure... because deceiving your spouse to get what you want is perfectly acceptable. I thought relationships were supposed be be based on trust and communication.
I trusted most people would see that this is tongue in cheek humor--but I guess I didn't communicate that. Forgot to add the mandatory emoji's : ;);):D:D
Ok, lets see here.
First off, if there were a single head mounted on a wall, in her room, she wouldn't be staying there!

Second, Gunwerks wants to sell THEIR guns. ($5-6K each :eek:)

Third, my shooting has NOTHING on her or Wendyj! It would be her shooting the cloverleaves, not me. I'm usually decent, she takes a $150 Rossi break open in 243 Win, and puts 5 shots through the opening between the head and antler cut out of a ram at 500 yards.

Third, my humility of her marksmanship with a $1,000 gun would possibly go out the window when she shoots the $6,000 Gunwerks rifle and declares SHE LIKES IT! :eek::eek::eek:

Just hand me the staplegun. I'll walk out to 1,000 yard line and staple myself to the target.
7.62 Man.... I agree 100%. Been there, done that. My biggest regrets in life are selling too many guns in the past to appease her, and not filing for a Divorce years sooner!
Well, it's official!!
I put the rifle on lay a way today. :cool:
She wasn't none too happy, but i told her this morning that i was driving down to do it.
She was still here when i got back, soooo.
Well, she's really not happy with my purchase now!
She just finished filing our taxes. Since health insurance was over $5,000 through my previous employer, and "The Marketplace" was $4,600 for a year we did not have health insurance. So our penalty for not spending that much is $2,000.


Either we need to win the lottery BIG, or go on welfare. Seems the only way to get ahead anymore!
Last year I had to pay the highest taxes ever in my entire life--and my net income wasn't even near the highest I'ver had. I'm not even bothering to do my taxes til the week they're due--don't want to be depressed.:(
That too shall pass--probably with the first .5" group in the bull's. ; ) Did you at least reserve a romantic getaway for two to Gunwerks?:D