Do I risk the divorce?

I surprised my wife with this a few years ago for a 20th anniversary/Christmas present. She has since filled the inside with Amish made furniture. If Mama's happy, everybody's happy!

Now, she doesn't even look up when a new gun home follows me into the house. Sometimes she will ask "What did you buy now?".

A few days ago I walked in with a new 229 Enhanced Elite. She didn't bat an eye. Adapt and overcome gentlemen. Adapt and overcome! ;)
IMO, life and peace at home is more valuable than any firearm that I have or want. Of course it doesn't hurt to have a spouse that likes to shoot. She sews & quilts too, by the way.
Talk it over with the wife, put it on layaway if possible to ease the sting for her. However, having a light rifle like a Forbes isn't going to improve your chance of success on a Colorado elk hunt, preparing yourself physically and more important mentally will do more than any rifle. A light rifle definitely make the hiking a little easier, but as long as your Ruger is no heavier than 8-8.5 lbs with a full mag and a sling you'llbe fine.

That elk tag is going to cost you a lot of money, plus travel expenses, and even more if you actually put one on the ground. I'd say set a realistic budget for your elk hunt and add 10-20% for unexpected expenses, then figure if a that Forbes rifle leaves you the budget for your elk hunt. The Forbes rifle will not make the hunt any more memorable, but it could eat up money that would be better spent on your trip.

It sounds like a nice rifle, I hope you can work it into your plans.
I thought “Prostitcher” s were illegal except in certain counties in Nevada...:rolleyes:

Here's the deal, are you spending your money, Her money, or Our money??
And, what matters is how SHE would answer that question. :D
You do have to make things equitable.....So,your Forbes 280, costs $1000,but you value it at let’s say $1500.....Does the market agree?

If so, look her in the eye and tell her she can buy anything she wants for $1000, as long as it holds its value and comes with $500 taped on it!

I might have a couch available..:D
I hear ya on the allure of 284--they are a special breed unto themselves.

I think you're approaching this with the wrong attitude--the question shouldn't be whether or not the wife will be upset if you buy it--instead; how can you convince her to buy it for you to make you and her happy?;)
Ya know, i can't remember when i enjoyed a thread so much!

Hhmmmmm. Let her think i deserve it, eh? Perfect!
She left Valentines morning for Florida. She's been "complaining" to me that it's only 72 degrees and it's partly cloudy. Messing with her laying out. :mad:
And of course her Valentines present was surprisingly in the back of the car when she got there. ;)

I spent 1,1/2 days chisseling ice from the sidewalk and around her Mini Cooper.
Thinking i might could use this... :D

And thinking close to $3,000 for elk hunt. Bad thing is new job. Lost the 3 weeks of PTO. Gotta wait a year for 1 week.
PS--when I got divorced my x-wife took everything--and I mean EVERYTHING. so as a back-up plan be prepared to be your wife's doormat for the rest of your life just in case--beats being penniless and homeless.:D
Ya know a guy, that knows a guy, that knows a guy? That found it when it fell off the back of a truck...

I'm surprised you haven't tradded in the 50BMG and gone upsize to the 6.5 Manbun.
Get to pick off ants from 3 miles don't ya know. ;)
If I wanted a NULA rifle in 280 I'd buy it at that price, but find something I could live without and sell it to help recover some, if not all of the costs. I can't say about your wife but mine might not like it at first, but would get over it. Is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
std7mag, I solve problem long ago and have model 24 and my wife used few times. When Mel first sold ULA and Colt did make copy 24 and that's what 24B is. It may be better copy but still is copy and sold new $1400 appr. OAL is spec so can't seat out.
std7mag, Now you know I am a woman so you just need to buy her something for half the cost of what you want and go ahead and make that purchase. LOL. It doesn't always work that way but my husband is so dang thoughtful, ( I think). He will get me anything I want and then goes and purchases his new toy for double the money and I only dwell on what he bought me. Maybe that will work for you.