Do I risk the divorce?


New member
While looking around a gunshop in a neighboring state, i came accross a Forbes 24B in 280 Rem. Asking price is $1,000. (Ouch!)
Wife is always on me about how much i have invested in reloading, hunting gear, and firearms.
This one would really push it.
What say thee?
Decent deal? Walk away?

Note if this had been a model 20 in 284 Win, there would be no questioning. :D
Well you can always apologize, and buy her something that she wants to make it all good. You can also just buy her some roses and bring it home with what you bought :)
Yeah, that's an expenditure that i can't "take the empty gun case to the range and have it full when i come back".

Not that, that has ever happened.. :rolleyes:

I'm asking more along the lines of value of the rifle. Is $1,000 on it good enough of a deal to risk the wrath?
I can readily see that your post is to be taken in a humorous vein, and I take it as so. However, a serious answer to me is that a good wife is a treasure, guns can come and go, good wives(paired with a good husband) are lasting.

I guess you will have to evaluate the situation based on your opinion. Divorce is expensive. And like firearms, in general, the more it costs.....the more it is worth paying for.:D

So you have to ask yourself if it is worth the cost of attorney, time off work, alimony, child support, lost time with your kids and a whole other list of stuff I don't have time to write out. P.S. you get a new girlfriend pretty soon after. (Usually). ;)

I would get the gun....but that may have been part of what caused my first marriage to end.;):). I probably could have asked about new guns prior to seems to have helped with my second marriage.:rolleyes::)
Well I never invest in guns or reloading equipment, I simply buy what I want. But you want to fool yourself it's an investment, go for it. Don't think I'd try to sell that idea to a wife though. When you get it home simply tell her the truth. It belongs to a friend of your's that would like you to work up some ammo for it and throw it in the closet. After she's used to seeing it around, move it to the gun safe. Either that of get her a new throw rug on the way home and wrap it up in the rug. Unroll the rug at home and simply set the gun aside! Glad I was able to help you! :-)
Do you really need it, or do you really want it?

If you have other guns that suffice for the required task, walk away... if you don’t, then it’s a required purchase for said need.

Divorce sucks ... avoid at all costs
Do it Std7mag, or you don't have a hair on your,,,,,
But give it a think, maybe you should relook your marriage if buying a rifle might tip it over....
Need? No.
Really want? Heck Yeah!!!
Currently have a Ruger 77 MKII in 280 Rem.
But looking to try an elk hunt in Colorado next year. ( Wanted to this year, but change of employment nixed that).
So i guess maybe i could say i need a light rifle for that hunt.
Currently live at 1,200 ft elev. Want as light as possible for 9,000-10,000 ft elev.
Thanks TBJ!! Lol

When you started with the rug, i thought it was going to be "the rifle in the rug, or you. take your pick." :eek:

And no, i'm not actually worried about a divorce. We both have those tee shirts already.
There would be some heck to pay though.

Maybe if i showed her how much a new NULA rifle costs, she may see what a "bargain" it is... :D
I had never heard of forbes rifles (that shows you what plebian circles I move in). After visiting the New Ultra Light Arms web site, I would say that's a pretty good deal. Besides, .280 Remington is one of my favorite chamberings. When faced with this kind of dilemma, I always ask myself: Can we afford this and do I want it? If I get two yes answers, then I buy it. Life is too short to do otherwise.
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I have a deal with the boss. I got one of these (after saving for 5 years)

and she got one of these


I'm hoping the next thing she wants is really , really , really big and $$$$:)

So far, in all seriousness, this works out very well. And from a negotiating perspective, each party wants what they got more than they think about what was spent on the other's toys. :)
I love the enabling here!! :D

And is that a "silencer" on a Barrett???

Holy crap!!! And i thought Barretts were expensive!
Have your wife drive you to the range/LGS with two gun cases. Tell her you’re thinking of buying a new rifle so you might sell one of you existing rifles. Ask the range/LGS to store your case until you buy your new rifle. Come back with one case. She’ll think you bought the new rifle with funds gained from the sale - crisis adverted.
I love the enabling here!! :D

And is that a "silencer" on a Barrett???

Holy crap!!! And i thought Barretts were expensive!

1) Yes, I got the suppressor with the package.

2) "You cannot really silence a Barrett". Literally and figuratively. Suppressed it's about as loud as a 12 Ga.

2a) The suppressor converts the usually gentle Barrett recoil, (about like a 16 ga.), into a big guy swing an 8 lb sledge into your shoulder. It's a great way to test really tough guys, like this guy knocking ants off a hill at a mile. This is very unlike most suppressors, which don't affect the recoil as much.


3) While they are expensive compared to many rifles, you can spend more on a high end quilting machine.

4) I'm hoping she'll start looking at some higher end accessories :D :D :D
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I don't want you to take offense to my earlier statement. It was meant as a joke.

Hahaha, when I bought my 300 win mag my wife threw a fit. She said,
"you just bought your tactical rifle and you already have several hunting rifles. You don't need another one."

So I agreed to buy her a new Glock. And I got my 300 win mag.