Did I land the most beautiful semi-auto pistol ever?

39s and 52s are nice but my candidate for being the most beautiful is the Smith Model 945. Part 3rd Generation and part 1911: the best of both!
Bushmaster1313: Yes you did.

What is the name of your young platinum blonde friend ?:)

Here is one of my platinum favorites shooting some very short HK submachine guns.:cool:The name is Sofilein (Youtube also "Sofi Tanks").
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The S&W 39, especially in nickel, is probably my favorite S&W pistol. Others that are in the running for "best looking" pistols would be: Beretta 84 (especially in nickel), Walther PPK, Browning/FN Hi Power, 1911, and in a more modern design, CZ 75B if you find a blued version. Add in revolvers though, and the list either gets a lot longer, or a bunch of those get knocked off the list altogether.
The Mauser HSc hS a nice Art Deco look to it, but the last time I tried to buy one, the slide wouldn't open.
SAR USA has a beautiful CZ clone in stainless.

It will be mine. Oh yesssssss........
Nice looking gun, I had my 6906 polished ...went from slightly beat up looking to beautiful.
I'd post a pic, but my techy is limited...
I just started shooting it again, these "older" guns are much more fun to shoot than any new Glocky one IMHO YMMV
1975 Smith & Wesson 39-2

I absolutely LOVE it ... the model 39 is a handsome looking handgun ...
I don't care what anyone says .
Nice looking gun, I had my 6906 polished ...went from slightly beat up looking to beautiful.
Talk about beautiful, I saw a 6909 that had been hard-chromed by Tripp Research back in the day. They’d even polished the flats. Lotta ‘bling!’ to the look, but beautiful and unusual.
I had one just like it. Bought it in 1986 used for $ 265.00. I don't think that it had 100 rounds through it. Sold it to a very good friend for what I had into it back in 1999 and bought a Glock 19. Wish that I never sold that S&W 39-2 nickel plated gem.
Lots of purdy guns shown here, but I have to agree with PSP, the P-08 takes the cake for beautiful lines.
Aside from looks there are so many superlative attributes available that, for me, all add up to the 1911. By that I mean the 1911 has everything I like a pistol to have and none of the things I personally hate.

Others have different yardsticks, and for them they are correct. But let's focus on the P-08; the P-08 has a striker, which I hate, it has the mag release where common sense dictates, is chambered in a somewhat wimpy cartridge (In my opinion) but one of the most mechanically interesting actions of any gun every made. The safety is a bit awkward and very few P-08s have what I'd call a good trigger. I'd never carry one for self defense unless that was all I had!
I also agree with Forte S&W about the appearance of the PPK/s, but only for a good looks album and an interesting design album.

An album filled with "Beautiful guns" could never be printed that appealed to everyone, nor one of the most interesting designs, nor most practical controls, etc.
I expect that everyone knows these things, so I have to think the OP's real motive was to make contact with people who like S&W automatics, and though I own many guns and have sold only a handful in the last 58 years one that I got rid of was an S&W auto which I thought had a terrible trigger, but the guy that bought it probably loves it.

But they do look nice.
Most of these handguns depictid are far two purdy to shewt.

But you No that.

Several years ago I had an M-1 Service Grade Special which I bought in the CMP Store in Anniston.

It had remained in Greece for decades, store in cosmoline, probably since the Greek Civil War.

So nice, with new wood, that I never shot it; sold it after a few months when Armslist was Still in its "Golden Years".
OK, YIKES! I apologize for the screen size but I am not sure how to resize this from the web pic, so Mods, Mea Culpa: (but it sure is purty)

Curiosity. Why the checking on the front of the vbob?

I disagree with Bac. I think his full dust cover silver P210 is pretty hard to bet for looks.