Dennis Farina Arrested w/Gun in Luggage


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Actor Dennis Farina Arrested After Loaded Gun Was Found in Luggage
Sunday, May 11, 2008

LOS ANGELES — Actor Dennis Farina was charged with a felony Sunday at Los Angeles International Airport after a loaded gun was found in his carry-on luggage.

When the weapon was discovered at a security checkpoint, the 64-year-old actor said he had forgotten the .22-caliber handgun was in his luggage, police said.

Farina was booked for investigation of carrying a concealed weapon, said Sgt. Dennis Beacham.

Bail was set at $25,000 before police discovered the weapon was not registered. Charges were upgraded to a felony, and he is now being held in lieu of $35,000 bail.

Farina's latest film, the Ashton Kutcher-Cameron Diaz comedy "What Happens in Vegas," opened Friday.

Farina has starred in TV's "Law & Order" series and in such movies as "Snatch" and "Get Shorty." The actor is also a former Chicago police officer.

Calls to Farina's lawyer and agent were not returned Sunday
what are we proving

"Umm, unlikely he is a what are we proving with this?" HarrySchell

perhaps that the guy is pretty dumb.
Nothing. They are proving nothing. They are doing their job by enforcing the law as they are supposed to do, as they are paid to do. Just because he is Dennis Farina doesn't mean he should get special treatment for breaking the law, should it? I think not.

Maybe you are too young to remember, but people were not allowed to carry firearms onto commercial flights for quite a number of years before 9/11.
Not all probably, but I'm sure most members here carry legally, and those without a CCW don't carry where it's illegal. Is it too much to ask if Hollywood would do the same?

Feeling the need to carry is not unique here. Perhaps obeying the law is? I hope this is not a case of the usual Hollywood "do as I say, not as I do".
I had to look the guy up. Now I recognize him.

He probably just forgot it was in there. Stupid, but it can happen.

This would be my assumption. Not that it necessarily affects the penalties under the law. But given that pretty much everybody knows that every last carry-on bag that's going on a plane goes through an x-ray machine, it's much harder for me to believe that he thought he was going to get the gun on the plane than to believe that he honestly forget it was there.

I can't think of too many stars with superiority complexes that large, and he's certainly not that high up on the A-list to begin with.
Was he the legal owner of the gun?

Either way, "forgetting" a gun is in your luggage is pretty negligent...and definitely not an excuse for breaking the law.
I can't think of too many stars with superiority complexes that large, and he's certainly not that high up on the A-list to begin with.
He does have two things going for him that tend to cause superiority complexes...being a hollywood actor and an ex-cop. These are both things, in my experience, that can make some people think they are above the law.
"I forgot." Those are two great words. Steve Martin did a whole comedy routine on how to make a million dollars and not pay taxes. Basically, you get a million dollars. Then you don't pay taxes. Then when they come after you, you use the two magic words that will make it okay, "I forgot."

How embarrassing to be caught with a little .22. It would have been much more impressive to be caught with a .357 magnum or the like.

Of course, there are many that are in Farina's camp of forgetters. For example, former Dallas coach Barry Switzer did the same thing.
You heard it here first...

I predict Farina will get off, retroactively, under LEOSA, which trumps state law.

He's an ex-Chicago cop. He's already apologized. :o The judge will say "he had no malicious intent", and find a way to dismiss administratively; possibly with a monetary contribution from Farina. ;)
In America he'd be reminded of the law, given a warning, and sent on his way with thanks for the entertaining movies. But here in Amerika, les' make an example of him, rake him across the coals, and call for a lynching. Lets staple it to his forhead to be a warning to all us other serfs that I forgot is no excuse!

Actors & entertainers often take private flights where they can carry what they want and have no TSA checkpoints. Eddie VanHalen did this same thing a few years back.
I think Farina felt himself elite enough to get away with it. Other than that, he played "Ray Bones" pretty well.
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I think Farina felt himself elite enough to get away with it. Other than that, he played "Ray Bones" pretty well.

I just can't buy that, though. I mean, nobody can think they're elite enough to be able to just sneak a gun onto a plane. Especially not a former cop. You'd have to be functionally retarded to think that was going to work. And doubly so to try such a stunt with an unregistered gun, which is bound to cause more complications when you're caught (and any sane person knows they will be).

If we were talking about a gun in his glovebox, I'd buy that maybe he just figured he was above the law. But seriously, through airport security? We can joke about the TSA all day long (and many of those jokes are justified) but it's not like you're just going to waltz through with a handgun.
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