Denied at the background check

I am retired from the military. They have my DNA, dental x rays, baclground checks for security cearances over the years and my SSN. So it does not bother me to put my SSN down.

In Texas if you have a CHP you can skip the background check.
just missed out on that..I did have to register for the draft but was still in high school when it closed down.
The sobering thing is that I still remember my service number. We had to recite it almost daily during Basic Training, and the exercise in tear gas exposure was to don a gas mask, enter a tent filled with tear gas, take OFF the gas mask ... and recite your service number to the DI standing there (suitably masked, of course) before we were allowed to exist stage left. I got through mine on the first try ... some of my mates didn't, and after the first try it was pretty difficult to even think about a second ... or third.

It's amazing what a little positive reinforcement can do for the memory ...
I recieved my notice from the Justice Department today, and I have been identified as not the person who they believed me to be. I can now go and buy the hand gun from the FFL if it has not been more than 30 days and I have paper work stating that. But if it has been more than 30 days then I will have to go through another back ground check, or if I wish to purchase a hand gun from another FFL I will need to go throght the back ground check again. I did not recieve and special ID number and as stated the check system is a "Name System" so I might get "Denied" again. If I am a person who gets denied offten then I might want to consider letting the FBI retain my information (The information that the Government has to destroy after 48 hours) I can fill out a form and sent it to them to put on file to use as a check. Not sure how that works? So each time I am denied I will have to go through this process again and again. I will contact the State Investigation Department next Monday and ask about the CCL once given if that will be good for the back ground check. Guess I had better save my "Finger Print Card".
engineermike said:
If I am a person who gets denied offten then I might want to consider letting the FBI retain my information (The information that the Government has to destroy after 48 hours) I can fill out a form and sent it to them to put on file to use as a check. Not sure how that works? So each time I am denied I will have to go through this process again and again.

I had been denied on several occasions and applied for acceptance into the Voluntary Appeals File (VAF). They were thorough in investigating my background and acceptance took roughly 6 months. I was issued a UPIN which I now put on each 4473. Since I've been accepted into the VAF, I've not once been denied and generally get an approval in a few minutes.

If you're ever uncomfortable being on another fed list, you can always write to the FBI and have them remove your information. Unfortunately, this puts you back at square one with denials and delays.

I have to ask it or point it out....

So, you contact the FBI and request your name be taken off all list, do they put your name on a list of people who've had their name taken off the other list? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:;);)

I'm sorry, but we live in a world of list.... government and private... all this worry about putting your social security number on the FFL form because somebody at the gun shop is going to steal your identity?

If you want to be really paranoid just realize where most of the 'stolen' information comes from.... government employees...

kind of like asking the question (different thread) which gun laws violate the 2nd amendment... well technically all of them.... every last dab one of them.

I along with many others 'celebrated' getting a concealed weapons permit ...
So, we celebrated getting permission from the government to excersise a right with now certain restrictions than we are supposed to know absolutely.... and are now on the BIG LIST if things change...

I'm not worried or over paranoid about this... but being on 'the list' will not get your guns confiscated at some 'bad' time down the road... it will just get you a free trip to 'camp'. Historically that is what has happened...
You need to put some smiley faces after that post engineer mike..

because I'm sure you were just joking....

the only real answer to my hopefully deluded diatribe about being on 'the list' is to have so many people on that list that there is no way in the world 'they' will ever try and round us up.

besides that, you are probably already on 'the list'... so what you got to lose?
Again blume, you're the only one that got the joke. :) I'll wait until I hear from the FBI and if I get on the list my SSA # will be safe and then I will be able to buy a hand gun any time I want. Or if not then maybe someone else can purchase it for me and gift it too me.
WOW what an ordeal and a Bravo Zulu Mike for sticking it out.

I get delayed every time I purchase a handgun. I have a CC permit, security clearance and I run background checks on people every week as part of my job; yet, I still get delayed every time, even though I always put my SSN down on the form. Once you’re on “THE LIST” for whatever reason, you will get delayed until higher authority says “yea, he’s O.K. send the approval.” With me that’s about four to six hours; therfore, I make my weapon selection way in advance, then make the purchase when the shop first opens so I can pick-up that afternoon.
Just an aside here based on your last comment, EngineerMike -

That would be highly illegal as the "straw purchase" process is defined as purchasing a weapon for another individual with the intent of hiding their identity.
As Blume would say, I need to use more smiley faces. "IT'S A JOKE". But if someone from my state were to buy a gun and then run into me at a local gun show, and he/she was willing to sell that gun to me and he/she could see that I was not a convicted felon then I could purchase that gun. All I would have to do is show him/her my state dirvers license (Along with some cash)(I would prefer giving a check if they would take one) and then I believe all would be good. Of course he/she could not sell me the gun if I am a convicted felon or one of the few other things that prevent someone from purchasing a gun. I do have a piece of paper from the FBI that says I have no convictions and that I can buy the gun I wanted at the begining of the thread, if purchased withing 30 days of the background check. (My paper work came back in time but the dealer failed to return my call in time to meet the 30 day dead line) I'm pretty sure that an induvidual at a gun show would be willing to sell me his gun. People still swap, trade, and sell guns at gun shows without a background check don't they? I am also sure they are checking id's, if I could just get them to start taking checks.

I am a proponet of the "Backgroung Check" I believe we should have one. My complaint is, "The one we have is not the best one we could have". My other complaint is, "No one is trying to make the one we have better".

Bulme, I would have used more faces but I am only allowed a total of six.
I hold a CCW permit. In the state I live in, all I have to do to purchase any firearm is produce my Drivers License and CCW permit. No phone calls, as I've already been approved by all law enforcement. Check out your states regs. This is as simple as going to a gun shop and asking the clerk behind the counter.
As it would happen, today in the mail is my"Voluntary Appeal File" (VAF) and it reads that "you (I) are (am) eligible to be placed in the VAF". It goes on to read that I will still have to go through a background check for each transaction of a gun. If I become a bad boy, someone who would yell at kids and/or kick cats, I could be placed in denied status, if prohibitive information is discovered. I have been issued a "Unique Personal Identification Number" (UPIN) (I don't think I am supposed to print that here) :):) (I give you 2 faces here Blume) It goes on about what an FFL must give the "Call Center" when processing my background check.

So from July 9th till today Aug. 27 I have gone from being an outcast to being able to now become a gun toten brother.:) Fells good to be back in the pack, but then I now have to carry the "Red Letter L" on my chest as being another one on the government list. But that's ok, I can submit a written notice to the AST and be removed from the list if I chose. I can also be removed from the list if the NICS Section discovers disqualifying information. If they do discover disqualifiying information they may delete me from the list.

The good news is, I do not have to give my SSN when I fill out an application to purchase a gun. So I guess all in all the system worked pretty fast, but now I'll have to go out and purchase a gun to see if I still can. I am just one of ten's, thousands, or more who still have to jump through the hoops or go out and try and curcumvent the law. Anyway I'm leagal now, or have I always been leagal and just been wasting my time?
I know why you get denied..........

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Join Date: March 14, 2010
Location: Oklahaoma City

Is that closer to Narman or Tolsa?:D