Denied at the background check

blume357 and the part about convicted of a crime that can get you a year or more is not actually always true....

I was convicted of a crime way back in 1978 that could have landed me in jail for way more than a year...

I can legally own guns and have a permit to carry...

So how do you answer question 11.c on the Form 4473?:eek:
c. Have you ever been convicted in any court of a felony, or any other crime, for which the judge could have imprisoned you for more than one year, even if you received a shorter sentence including prohibition?
If you answer yes, you cannot purchase, receive or possess a firearm.

There are exceptions:
1. You were pardoned.
2. The conviction was expunged or set aside.
3. You had your civil rights taken away and later restored (right to vote, sit on a jury, hold public office)


You are not prohibited by the law of the jurisdiction where the conviction occured from receiving or possessing firearms.

Lie on that Form 4473 and you risk ten years and a $250,000 fine.
I would hope that you are mistaken on your conviction or qualify on one of the exceptions above.

Note that possession of a NICS exempt state permit does not in any way allow the holder to lie on the Form 4473.
I am in PA and last year when I went to purchase a pistol at a local gun shop I was told I could not buy it. I bought one a couple months before and had no trouble.
I have no anything on my record, I am squeaky clean. I asked why and they would not tell me anything.
I called the state police PICS and was actually able to talk to someone. They told me they could not tell me anything. They said I could appeal.

I was told by the gun shop that this is not uncommon and that I should wait a few days and call again. I did and again I was told I could not get it yet.

I waited a week and called again and again I was told I could not get it with no reasons. I started the appeal process and had to call to get clarity on the forms I was told it was approved.

Kinda weird huh!
I also want to say that I always use my SS number. It states there are fewer delays if you do.

I was also told that if you use your SS# that you might be held up. I found this out after I had the problems I posted about.

I was told that if someone gets arrested or had any negative thing happen that could prevent a gun buy and their SS# is one number off in any direction you will automatically get held.
I feel that is what happened to me.
It doesn't necessarily mean you were denied, it means they didn't approve you

That's right, so he just didn't get his gun, instead of of not getting his gun.:D

and who cares if they have your ss number if you have a gun? lol.
Edward said:
That's right, so he just didn't get his gun, instead of of not getting his gun.

Trust me when I say there's a difference between being denied and not being approved. :D

I look fwd to seeing how this all turns out for EngineerMike. I suspect he will get his approval in the end provided there's nothing truly preventing it.
I have a VERY common FN and LN. I would NEVER give a gun shop owner my SSN. Anyone who has had his/her identity stolen will most likely not give it out again. I also don't put my telephone # on my checks. The bank knows how to find me. I would apply for a unique id but I've never been turned down for a gun. On line 18a they get my DL# that should be enough. Add the ssn and they have everything on file for identity theft. I am not saying that the gun dealers would do it but if that information is compromised I don't think they will help in restoring my good name. Has anyone else gone through identity theft?:eek:
If you're sending in a finger print card it sounds to me like you were delayed not denied.
I often see confusion between delayed and denied. People who don't buy firearms regularly, or its their first time buying and get delayed often times take it as if they were denied. I have been very thorough in my explanation of delayed and still some people just don't get it. Most denials I see tend to do with a sticky divorce, or at least it seems. Otherwise, most people tend to know they can't purchase or posses firearms. It would be nice if the only delays were current pending situations, I've seen regulars get delayed every time, and have for years and will for years and its most likely that same thing getting them delayed every time. I recommend that if you get delayed more than once get that unique personal identification # that you use in box #9 of form 4473.
With a name like "Bob James," I get delayed each and every time I try to purchase a firearm, which is one reason I've been more prone lately to buying used in a face-to-face transaction.

I was never once told I was "denied;" I was explicitly told "there's a delay." In each instance, I was phoned within 48 hours (usually within 24) and told to come get my gun.

Doesn't the NICS have a three-day limit for resolving delays? I think the language is the FFL "may" proceed after the three-day time limit expires, which would imply a particularly fastidious FFL may choose not to proceed.

A bunch of hooey, any way you look at it.

I wish engineermike all luck and speed in resolving this mess.
Yes sir, that is my point. I was 'DENIED" on July 9th of this year and I still cannot buy a gun nor has anyone called and told me I can come pick up my gun.

I did call the FBI and asked if they had recieved my latest information (Finger print card) and I was told they had and a new letter is being mailed to me. No information on what is in the letter so I am all excited and watching for the mail person every day.
engineermike said:
I did call the FBI and asked if they had recieved my latest information (Finger print card) and I was told they had and a new letter is being mailed to me. No information on what is in the letter so I am all excited and watching for the mail person every day.

I don't mean to burst your bubble, but the folks at NICS will send out a letter stating that they've received your fingerprint card/appeal or VAF application. This is likely the letter to they're referring.

Yep Fish,
You would be right, that is what the letter said. My appeal is proseeding on. There is probably an other engineermike out there that has done something wrong and I am paying for his mistake. I aint quit'n until I get a gun.
Hang in there Mike....

the shameful thing is the only way to get your name off the government's 'do not sell to list' is to have your name put on another one.

I'm not sure anyone ever answered my question about OK carry permits and if this allows one to by-pass the back ground check/call in.

With a number of states you don't have to have a back ground check if you have a permit... my state of S.C. being one of them.
blume, NC is like SC on the phone call. Unless you go to Dick's Sporting Goods, their policy is to make the call no matter what.
You would be right, that is what the letter said. My appeal is proseeding on. There is probably an other engineermike out there that has done something wrong and I am paying for his mistake. I aint quit'n until I get a gun.

Yup, and I guess you proved your point about not trusting that FFL. Look at all thew trouble he has to go through....oh wait.
When this is all said and done they will give you a PIN number, that you put on the application when you go to buy a new gun and that will be what id's you from the BG's. you shouldn't have any problems after that.
You are right Gonz,
It is a lot of trouble, but if I were not jumping through the hoops testing the system then I'd just be home watching TV. When it's all over and I am confirmed or denied, then Blume and I will know if I get a special ID from the FED's. The other project here is my c & c and if I get that will I be able to just give the number on that license to purchase a gun or will I have to start all over everytime I want to purchase a hand gun. But rest assured that I will not be giving my SSN to an FFL who is selling guns out of the living room of his house while he is watching his kids while filling out the paper work where he may have put down the wrong drivers license number or entered some other number on the form inccorctly or where he may have left my information lying around the office he keeps in his garage for someone else to pick up.
Texas also used the CHL as permission to buy. No NICS check required, just show your card, fill out the 4473, and pick up your gun and go.

Anyone in Texas who has ever had a delay knows to get their CHL.

I was a FFL holder and SOT licensee for many years, and after I let my license go I was delayed twice. Talking with one of the BATF enforcement types I discovered that having the SOT was likely the reason for the delay. Then I got my CHL and all my problems disappeared. At least problems buying guns. I still have a heavy foot.:rolleyes:

you could just ask an FFL if the state permit gets you a pass on the back ground check.... that's what I would do...

then again what you are doing with the feds will get you a pass in a way... anyway.

I fear any day now the feds will dissallow the back ground check in my state if you have a permit... then I'm sure I will have to get a special fed. I.D. # too.