Democrats FINALLY cave on domestic drilling

unregistered said:
So are you saying we would use nukes on them at the natural choke points?

Do you really think our politicians would move that quickly, and just nuke them without trying diplomacy first?

Answer to the first question - yes. As it could be done either inside China or just outside their borders and be effective.

Re: Second question - your response is rhetorical, exaggerated and not based in either history or logic. I would, however, suggest that one cannot well conceal a million man army on the move from satellites and that serious planning would be taken immediately. If talks failed and that army began moving westward, things might happen quite rapidly thereafter.

Bruxley said:
Lowering taxes stimulates an economy, raiseing taxes burdens it. Not a new concept. The PROMISE, not implication, the PROMISE of increased taxes FURTHER burdens an economy. The selling point on all these new taxes is that they are for the 'for the highest wage earners' blah blah blah.
+100% - Even JFK knew this and had promised to cut taxes in his 1960 campaign speeches. But that was well before his party turned hard left. We should note that Prez Johnson and his party was the one who greatly expanded the role of Medicare, Social Security benefits, welfare programs and other aid to the poor. Not that it was a horrible idea, but since then it has become a sacrosanct Democrat program that grows like a cancer.

We still have a Republican President, and he has veto power. Right now our government is divided. You can't blame democrats without also blaming the Republican president.

But you also cannot blame the president for signing some "imperfect" (from his viewpoint) bills into law. Remember, the president does not have a pocket-veto (line-item veto) and must accept the total package or veto it. The game in D.C. is to identify bills whose passage is critical to the White House, then tack-on items you want passed that the prez would otherwise veto. If the subject is important enough, he'll sign the bill, warts and all. If the Dems really wanted to stop the W.O.T. they could load up the appropriations bill with huge amounts of pork for other projects or add restrictions on spending to make it impossible for the president to accept it. Bills could go back and forth until they get just barely below the pain threshold. Then later, they'll point to the bill and say "See? Bush signed the biggest tax increase in history to pay for the WOT!"...when in fact they pushed him into it through delays and pork barrel spending.

Here in Kalifornia, the level of energy stupidity is incredible. A brief trip to the L.A. area explains why we consume so much oil. Drivers there must think gas is abundant, if expensive. Streets marked 40 aren't speed limits, they're minimum speeds!

I kid you not... while walking to get lunch, I passed several fast food places. Each one had at least four cars in the lot, idling just to run the a/c while drivers ate in their cars. Remarkably, one SUV carried twin bumper stickers "No war for oil!" and "No Offshore Drilling!" (which was a fairly new sticker). Another car idling was a Volvo with the sticker "Green Power - NOW!" :rolleyes: Only in Lost Angeles.

I've had discussions with the idiot dreamers here in CA over electric cars and hybrid cars. For hybrids, it only increases the cost of operation and a Toyota Corolla gets better fuel economy. The push for electric cars will require a massive increase in the grid to recharge those cars. And power plants to produce the megawatts. But mention nuclear power and people wet their pants. Suggest hydro-electric dams and they moan about environmental change. They suggest solar arrays, despite the fact they'd need to cover 1/3rd of Arizona to get it (that's okay, it's, like just desert out there anyhow.)

And when you tell them they will have to pay for all the improvements (up to $100bln by some estimates) which will double their electric bills, they whine about the power companies raping the people. :rolleyes:

This isn't the Democrat(ic) State of California. It's actually the Democrat(ic) State of Denial.
Answer to the first question - yes. As it could be done either inside China or just outside their borders and be effective.

You are way out in left field if you think we would use nuclear weapons in that scenario.