Democrats FINALLY cave on domestic drilling

This problem goes back to the Carter era. Jimmy hit the nail right on the head when he said we need to do something now. Blame Congress for 35+ years of doing nothing on both sides of the aisle.

I wouldnt use wiki as an exact source...lets see what the trade magazines say.....

I guess wiki missed the Bakken oil Deposit?
Yes, they did,, and how was the economy / price of energy / inflation rate then? Same President so what was the variable .............Democrat "leadership".

There is a lag time involved tht you are not taking into consideration. Actions taken by Congress typically take a year or two to trickle down to the rest of us.

What are you saying the democratic led Congress has done differently than the previous Republican led Congress? What specific laws have the Democrats passed (and Bush has signed) tht have cause the problems with the economy/price of energy/inflation rate? If you are going to accuse the Democrats of causing the problem, you ought to be able to back it up with specifics.

The only complaint I can offer is that the Democrats have done nothing to undo the damage caused by the Republicans over the six years prior. I don't see any major policy changes. The Dems are simply continuing the failed policies the Republicans have used for the prior six years.
You are living in fantasy land if you think we would ever use nuclear weapons in that scenario.

Uhm... no.
It was your scenario that suggested the Chinese could march huge numbers of troops overland into the M.E. oilfields and "just take it". If such an action were to be undertaken - that is seizing 40% of the world's producing oil systems by force (whilst also invading other nations) - it would be considered an act of war against the invaded countries as well as a major threat to our national security.

Are you implying, though, that you can not imagine a situation where it is important for us to have a domestic reserve of crude oil?
Speaking of fantasies... where did you ever get the notion I was implying anything of the sort? :confused:
So you believe we would nuke China or the mid east oil fields if China was to invade the middle east? I don't understand in what capacity you think we would use nukes.
If you are going to accuse the Democrats of causing the problem, you ought to be able to back it up with specifics.

One word..TAXES

Hardly a piece of legislation comes up that doesn't include a tax increase in one form or another. Just last April the largest tax increase in American history in the face of a weakening economy. Taxes go down in STIMULATE an economy, taxes go up it BURDENS an economy. New stuff???

The PROMISE, not implication, the PROMISE of increased taxes FURTHER burdens an economy.

Can you hear them chanting RE-SE-SSION RE-SE-SION RE SE-SION at every opportunity in front on a mic.

The selling point on all these new taxes is that they are for the 'for the highest wage earners' blah blah blah.

Those are the drivers of the economy. People with money to invest. Just the promise to repeal the Bush tax cuts or let them expire all but stopped investment. Class envy is stirred up continuously and those that have done well become 'lynched' via taxes. The old saying about Democracies failing when the people learn that they can take money out of another persons pocket and put it in their own via the ballot has become a Democrat Party platform. They sell tax and spend as 'pay-go'. Well if you don't START a new expensive entitlement program you don't NEED a new tax now do ya?

The Republicans stood guard against new taxes. They were villianized as 'taking care of their rich buddys' for it by Pelosi/Reid types. More of the old saying above at work. Lynch them wealth villains!!!

The Democrats PUNISH success and villainize the wealthy. THAT HURTS THE ECONOMY!!!

The market doesn't have long reaction times BTW. Announce tomorrow a new capital gains tax and the next day the Dow will drop it has.

Announce tomorrow that the President has dropped the rescinded an executive order restricting off shore drilling and the price of oil goes it has.

They are lock-step in their determination to not allow drilling in the areas KNOWN to be rich in oil. They have stated in no uncertain terms to socialize the oil industry. Is it that they won't drill until it's the government's to use for more programs to garner more votes via the old saying above? What makes the oil rich areas sacrosanct when the areas that AREN'T oil rich are free to be drilled?

Yes, over the last year and a half the politics of the Democrat leadership in Congress have directly caused US economic pain. They CAN alleviate it but WON'T. Without the pain the wealth are hard to villianize. If your doing OK then you don't mind if someone else is, but if your feeling the pain.........

Cut taxes for all Americans, announce a cut in Corporate taxes for one year to 15% for money brought back into the US from foreign accounts, announce the release of any Federal lands for exploration that can be done without environmental harm, cease all efforts to convince people that we are in a recession that we re not (yet) in.

If they did that today the stock market would jump immediately, the banks would be crammed with money, and OPEC would sh** it's self and drop the price of oil fast and heavily.

Democrats won't because those are Republican ideas and it would appear they are caving. And they won't because they NEED to make someone appear to be worse then them for them to look good.
Hardly a piece of legislation comes up that doesn't include a tax increase in one form or another. Just last April the largest tax increase in American history in the face of a weakening economy. Taxes go down in STIMULATE an economy, taxes go up it BURDENS an economy. New stuff???

Did Bush sign that into law?

What specific tax has been raised by the Democrats?

Well if you don't START a new expensive entitlement program you don't NEED a new tax now do ya?

Do you consider the Medicare drug program an expensive entitlement program? Who controlled the Congress when it passed and was signed into law by Bush?
So you believe we would nuke China or the mid east oil fields if China was to invade the middle east? I don't understand in what capacity you think we would use nukes.

First, see map:

Second, note the natural choke points in attempting to march a million soldiers from China into other countries.

Third, said army has to cross about 400km of Pakistan and about 800km of Afghanistan just to reach Iran.

Fourth: Do you propose that Pakistan and/or Afghanistan will simply let a foreign army walk through?
Did Bush sign that into law?

What specific tax has been raised by the Democrats?
Democrats criticized runaway spending, budget deficits, and Operation Iraqi Freedom to win election in 2006. They have since used their majority to increase discretionary spending even faster. The spending spree began earlier this year when Members of Congress effectively told President Bush that they would not pass legislation to fund the troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan until he agreed to an additional $17 billion in mostly unrelated domestic spending. After months of delay, President Bush eventually agreed to their demands in order to secure the needed funds for the troops.

Using the tactic of holding hostage critical needs to get their taxes passed they raised taxes on U.S. subsidiaries of foreign companies by $7.5 billion, levied a new fee on domestic oil and gas production ,and raised other energy taxes by approximately $10 billion. That all directly and adversely damaged the economy by raising fuel prices which is the direct cause of the rise in inflation and our current pain.

The House has already waived its PAYGO rules, and Congress has voted to increase entitlement spending by $179 billion. Offset by the $98 billion in tax increases, these policies would increase the budget deficit by nearly $81 billion. The Democratic congressional majority has exempted authorization, entitlement, and tax bills from earmark reforms, substantially watered down other reforms, and brazenly sought to conceal all earmarks spending bills.

Then to top off their first year they ambush the President with the 'omnibus' appropriation bill at the last possible minute that has to pass in order fund not only defense, but the entire fiscal 2008 Federal Budget. House and Senate appropriations bills contained over 11,000 earmarks after promising to cut earmarks in half to about 6,000.

THAT was just the FIRST 12 months.

I can go on and on but between holding the needs of the troops in harms way and last minute tactics. The taxing and spending Democrat leadership has successfully brought an economy that WAS smokin' to a near recession.

So, you asked:
If you are going to accuse the Democrats of causing the problem, you ought to be able to back it up with specifics.
well there they are.

In one word TAXES. Now with that I refer you back to the problems they caused and what they could (but never would) do about it here, aka my previous post.
Aren't taxes generally increased through passing laws that the President has to sign?

Aren't the earmarks requested actually less than the total cost of the Medicare drug benefit program that Bush pushed through a few years ago? You didnt really answer my question about the Medicare drug benefit program.
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Second, note the natural choke points in attempting to march a million soldiers from China into other countries.

So are you saying we would use nukes on them at the natural choke points?

Do you really think our politicians would move that quickly, and just nuke them without trying diplomacy first?
You ask what the Democrats have done to cause this mess, I answered, you asked for MORE specifics, I answered. I understand your being on the dole that you like the one pocket to another thing. That's your prerogative. But I'm not going to give you a free education of what is going on in government You do your own work and make a point. It's like schooling a child that responds to every answer with 'but why'.

The Democrats are currently in Congressional leadership. Their leadership thus far has lead to an economy that has slowed to a near recession via taxes and high fuel prices. I've instructed you thoroughly on the details. Now you know what specifically the Dems have done and the tactics they used to do it. The Republicans weren't perfect but that's the liberal line right? Perfection is required of Republicans, 'shades of gray' for Democrats. It actually reveals how high a regard your holding Republicans and low a standard for Dems when you do that. Thank you.:)
Bruxley, no need to get your panties in a wad just because you don't want to speak the truth. We still have a Republican President, and he has veto power. Right now our government is divided. You can't blame democrats without also blaming the Republican president.

You are a classic example of a partisan who will stick by his party, right or wrong. That's your perogative but it is counterproductive at times.

The amount of money spend by Bush on the Medicare Drug Program, No Child Left Behind, and the Iraq War will dwarf any proposals the democrats have made since coming into power, and its very much a case of the pot calling the kettle black for Republicans to chastise democrats on spending until Bush is out of office.
I am not taking a partisan side here, I think this an interesting little point to bring up since we are talking tax and spend politics, I really wish the rest of America would as well.
In contrast, despite the national defense buildup that resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union, President Reagan still led a reduction in federal spending from 1982 to 1989 of close to 10 percent relative to the economy. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich spearheaded spending restraint that led to a reduction in federal spending relative to the economy of 12.4 percent from 1994 to 2000.
Bush and the entire U.S. congress has effectively reversed and utterly destroyed the above progress that was so hard fought for.
Well you wanted to learn the difference since the Democrat took power, now you do. The front against raising taxes has been replaced by a congress that raises taxes by any means nessaesary and PROMISES to do it more.

Lowering taxes stimulates an economy, raiseing taxes burdens it. Not a new concept. The PROMISE, not implication, the PROMISE of increased taxes FURTHER burdens an economy. The selling point on all these new taxes is that they are for the 'for the highest wage earners' blah blah blah.

The Republicans stood guard against new taxes. They were villianized as 'taking care of their rich buddys' for it by Pelosi/Reid types. More of the old saying above at work. Lynch them wealth villains!!! Over the last year and a half the politics of the Democrat leadership in Congress have directly caused US economic pain. They CAN alleviate it but WON'T. Without the pain the wealth are hard to villianize. If your doing OK then you don't mind if someone else is, but if your feeling the pain.........

Hardly a piece of legislation comes up that doesn't include a tax increase in one form or another as a rider. Without a line item veto then nothing gets done, including the budget and apropriations, without the democrats coercing a new tax increase into it.

They are lock-step in their determination to not only increase taxes but to not allow drilling in the areas KNOWN to be rich in oil. They have stated in no uncertain terms to socialize the oil industry. Is it that they won't drill until it's the government's to use for more programs to garner more votes via the old saying above? What makes the oil rich areas sacrosanct when the areas that AREN'T oil rich are free to be drilled? Democrts need to ANSWER THAT! HELLO high fuel prices=inflation. There are NO 'alternative fuel' semi trucks, trains, airplanes, or cargo ships and those vehicles carry virtually EVERYTHING you buy at some point. Raise fuel prices, raise ALL prices.

Want a soulution that will yield immediate resullts?

Cut taxes for all Americans, announce a cut in Corporate taxes for one year to 15% for money brought back into the US from foreign accounts, announce the release of any Federal lands for exploration that can be done without environmental harm, cease all efforts to convince people that we are in a recession that we re not (yet) in.

If they did that today the stock market would jump immediately, the banks would be crammed with money, and OPEC would sh** it's self and drop the price of oil fast and heavily.

Democrats won't because those are Republican ideas and it would appear they are caving. And they won't because they NEED to make someone appear to be worse then them for them to look good. Pretty sad state thaat when their performace is discussed the only thing they (or you) cn do is work to make other look worse in order to look just OK, forget good.
Over the last 30+ years the Democrats have clearly been antagonistic when it came to drilling for more oil, building more refineries, expanding our nuclear power plant cababilities, developing oil shale areas, etc.

We are now reaping the whirlwind relative to those enviornmental programs.

To not blame the Democrats for this "oil" problem, (i.e., more than the Republicans) is akin to not blaming the Democrats (i.e., more than the Republicans) for supporting programs whose goals were to disarm the civilian population.

The facts are what they are and the Democrats are more to blame than the Republicans, clearly, for those two problems IMHO.

It gets a little irritating when people "fight the facts" when they argue.

Does this mean the Republicans are blameless? HE** NO!! But they have always been for more oil drilling, exploration, nuclear power expansion, etc. And they have always been more on the side of individual gun rights.

What pi**es me off with the Republicans is their TOTAL lack of developing alternative power sources for our automobiles.

The Republicans are the movers and shakers in the business community and they totally dropped the ball when it has come to hybrid technology. It's almost as if they had their head in the sand or were going for easy money over the short-term.

We are sending over $600 billion dollars to foreign countries every year now for oil purchases. This will diminish our way of life as we have known it IMHO.
Bruxley wrote, in part:
They are lock-step in their determination to not only increase taxes but to not allow drilling in the areas KNOWN to be rich in oil. They have stated in no uncertain terms to socialize the oil industry. Is it that they won't drill until it's the government's to use for more programs to garner more votes via the old saying above? What makes the oil rich areas sacrosanct when the areas that AREN'T oil rich are free to be drilled? Democrts need to ANSWER THAT! HELLO high fuel prices=inflation. There are NO 'alternative fuel' semi trucks, trains, airplanes, or cargo ships and those vehicles carry virtually EVERYTHING you buy at some point. Raise fuel prices, raise ALL prices.

Good point. This is a red herring for the Democrats and they know it IMHO.

However, I have to blame the business community for not developing alternative fuel vehicles and they are Republicans in the main.

Not enough oil - Democrats. Not enough alternative technology - Republicans IMHO.
The oil companies are already rolling around in their profits like pigs in mud.

With Profit Margins in the 10% range which is lower than many other industries. Is earning a profit against the law or immoral, especially if its only 10%? Do you want to vilify Microsoft whose profit margins are 25%? Do you advocate Communism?
With Profit Margins in the 10% range which is lower than many other industries. Is earning a profit against the law or immoral, especially if its only 10%? Do you want to vilify Microsoft whose profit margins are 25%? Do you advocate Communism?

Nothing wrong with profit nor with being weatlhy however when it may shutdown a country or sells off future generations then it becomes a problem. Perhaps even capitalism without morals and standards can fail and I see very little in super companies within modern America.

Terms like nativism,protectionism,isolationism and yes, communism is thrown around somewhat like racism to defeat anyone with ideas that differ with yours, its normal for our government leaders and corporations to silence opponents with such words.
Any self-proclaimed American that criticizes making a profit does not understand the very purpose of the existence of the country that he or she dwells.

For those that decry earning personal income there are still countries that exist today that agree with your beliefs and would be more than willing to accept your labor for the good of their "state" and not care for your personal well-being, as obviously, you do not either.