Democrats FINALLY cave on domestic drilling

National secruity is more important than cheap oil prices now. Our domestic reserves are critical to the survival of the nation. We should not use them up selfishly in an attempt to lower prices. Future generations will need the oil more than we do.
Eghad spelled it out pretty clearly. One of the big reasons oil is more expensive is not because the oil companies are conspiring to rake in big profits - it is because the government is pumping billions of dollars into the economy to prop up banks that have made bad loans (not to mention wartime purchasing) and the extra money makes for a weaker dollar - so it takes more dollars to buy a barrel of oil.

The other big reason is good old supply<demand.
National secruity is more important than cheap oil prices now. Our domestic reserves are critical to the survival of the nation. We should not use them up selfishly in an attempt to lower prices. Future generations will need the oil more than we do.

Are you suggesting that we should stop exporting refined oil?
Is the oil you speak of drilled here in North America? Or is it imported as crude, then exported as refined?

What difference does it make? If we are exporting either crude or refined, we are effecting the same thing regarding domestic reserves that you spoke of.
I think it makes a big difference. I don't really care if we are simply refining someone else's crude oil, and sending it back to them.

But I don't think we should send North American oil to foreign countries. At some point in the not so distant future we may need our own oil supply. If we were to get into a military conflict with China is say 50 years, it may be hard to keep supply lines and trade routes from distant sources open.

China could march 1,000,000 soldiers into the middle east and just take it. What could we do to stop that? We are seperated by oceans and thousands of miles from the Mid East.
China could march 1,000,000 soldiers into the middle east and just take it.

They could... but they'd have to move them to the far western end of China, then cross Pakistan into Afghanistan and march through Iran. I somehow believe those supply lines are going to get munged up badly by Muslim troops. ;)

Even if Pakistan and Afghanistan cooperate, that's a lot of folks to move. It's unlikely they'd move them over a wide front for that distance, which means you have an ant-trail stringing back to China.

What could we do to stop that? We are seperated by oceans and thousands of miles from the Mid East.
A couple of well placed tac-nukes would certainly disrupt their time table. That could be a low-risk mission with gold-tipped ALCM's or by using an SSBN launch platform.

USAFNoDak: Heerrrre's your sign! :D

A couple of well placed tac-nukes would certainly disrupt their time table.

You are living in fantasy land if you think we would ever use nuclear weapons in that scenario.

Are you implying, though, that you can not imagine a situation where it is important for us to have a domestic reserve of crude oil?
but they just might be able to do it with high energy prices

City governments would have trouble screwing in a light bulb. If they had the power to control energy prices, they'd be worth something.

Chinese vs Arabs on the battlefield? Woody Allen vs Truman Capote.
Why do you assume that China would have to fight the Arabs to take their oil? What if the Chinese reach an agreement with several oil producing nations to be their 100% exclusive customer? Chinese demand will eventually outstrip US demand based on their growing economy and size of population.
I know we export oil to Canada where it is refined and returned to us as gasoline. I know that a $7 billion dollar pipeline is planned from Canada to our area in SE TX for some of thier low grade crude.

I dont know if they still do it but some Alaskan oil was exported to Japan due to the fact that our friends in Congress nixed any pipelines to Canada. The only other alternative was to ship it all the way around South America to the Gulf Coast. Which was cost prohibitive.
By not drilling now what you are saying that you are willing to trust the national and economic security of the United States and $770 billion dollars a year to:


Is that what you want?

Wouldnt it be nice to put $770 billion a year back in our economy? We could drill now which would lower the value because speculators know that If Congress gets out of the way we will be pumping oil before 10 years. I have heard some experts say 2-3 years for natural gas and 5 years for oil. This can be used as a bridge to alternative energy souces in one or two decades.

If you want to give 770 billion dollars away to these countries and let them decide our economic and national security do nothing and reap the negative benefits of higher gasoline prices that will make you crazy.

If you think that money needs to stay in the United States and that we should control our national and economic destiny....let Congress know.
Back in the 70's I did research into the amount of oil, coal, natural. The numbers have not changed significantally. The only difference is that 30 years later, the cheap light crude oil is running out.

Wikipedia has some flaky articles, but the stuff dealing with Peak Oil, Oil reserves, fuel consumption, is 100% consistent with the trade and science magazines I read.

An interesting quote from this article:

If the United States had to supply its entire demand of 21 million barrels per day (3.3×106 m3/d) without resorting to foreign imports, existing US reserves would last only three years at the current rate of consumption.

Guys, we are never going to see again 80 cents a gallon gas, probably will not see $2.00 per gallon either.

And it was not like the information was not out there. I remember Jimmy Carter trying to force the US off cheap overseas oil.

The Canadian dollar is just going to get stronger as the US buys more and more Canadian oil, shale oil. The paying jobs will be up North.
The Canadian dollar is just going to get stronger as the US buys more and more Canadian oil, shale oil. The paying jobs will be up North.

There are about 1.8 trillion barrels of shale oil are thought to reside in deposits greater than 15 gallons per ton in the Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. Thier previous Republican Govenor was on track to work with companies to beginn extracting it but the new Democrat Govemor halted it. Those reserves with our conventional reserves woould make the US the top producer of oil in the world again.
according to the DOE

Democrats are the problem. Under their tenure in Congress the economy has tanked mostly due to fuel prices driving inflation yet they refuse to explore domestic reserves.
Realizing we get a new Congress every 24 months is the word 'only' aplicable?

They have had every opportunity to live up the thier mandate and have acomplished only to rip a prosperous econommy and do nothing excecpt to blame Bush and achieve record low and dropping job aproval ratings.

ONLY a year and a half in control of the 'power of the purse' in a two year cycle.

By not drilling now what you are saying that you are willing to trust the national and economic security of the United States and $770 billion dollars a year to:


Could you have said this any better?! I don't think so! I am so happy to see others still value trying to take care of our own! Even if we do export, at least now we have the resource in sufficient quantity in the case we do need it! I hate depending on others for anything. Let's take care of these United States.
Yes, they did,, and how was the economy / price of energy / inflation rate then? Same President so what was the variable .............Democrat "leadership".