Deer (or animal) "HARVEST"

I like the term "Harvest"

Now that I know it tweaks a few thin skins; I plan on using it more often. Now excuse me while I go "Harvest" a cup of coffee.

I prefer 'Harvest''s the sum of the whole process


I'm confident that I wouldn't use either of those sentences with any audience.

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I got no problem with either harvest or xmas. Depends on the context and how it scans in a sentence.

BTW people were celebrating winter solstice long before there was a "White Christ" and his adherents.
Heck the guy wasn't even born in winter. Early Christians just co-opted the Saturnalia, just as they did with Halloween.
If you're a "xtian" then you should celebrate the birth of your savior on March 25th. Leave Yule to Mithras and the other pagans.
I am wildlife population control specialist that keep deer on "hoof storage" until I harvest them. Is that PC enough?:p

I hunt deer...then I kill deer. Usually one that is unlucky enough to get in range. If I was lucky enough to have a huge herd of deer on my land, then I could be more selective and "cull" from the herd. Thus "harvesting" enough deer to feed my family while maintaining a healthy herd. And being a good steward of the land. Which is the point of game management, right?

I just hate hearing Christmas music and seeing the decorations the day after Halloween.:mad:
Give me a break!

You catch fish. You kill game. You slaughter stock....... You harvest crops......

Merry Christmas everybody......
Hog Buster said:
Give me a break!

You catch fish. You kill game. You slaughter stock....... You harvest crops......

Merry Christmas everybody......

Amen. We harvest crops, pick 'maters, kill weeds and shoot deer, here. Ain't proper to eat them otherwise.
I typically hear about harvesting deer as a whole such as "I wonder how many deer were harvested this year". Not so much about individuals going out to harvest deer.

I have never gone deer hunting. I usually pick up a spare from friends or family and pay for processing. Seems there is always plenty to go around. I agree its important for people to understand where our food comes from. The act of harvesting our crops kill way more animals then hunters do. From mice to deer and all manner birds. Someone who says eating soybeans is animal friendly has never run a combine through a field.

Like some said earlier an act of violence is used to acquire our food regardless of what it is. Harvest is as violent a term as kill or hunt imo. Survival is a bloody business if ya don't like it see your way out.
Some folks think that using some buzzword for kill makes it sound more acceptable to the great uninformed masses. It doesn’t, it only sounds foolish...... What’s next, I took my 30/06 combine and harvested a deer?....... Sounds like you ran over it with a big green tractor.

It all stems from “Thou shall not kill” taken literally. This is a bad translation. What it really says is “Thou shall not murder”.

There’s a quite a bit of difference between murdering and killing.
Hog buster gets my vote for best answer

After being told by several "purists" (and I use the term quite loosely) that I am no hunter for baiting hogs and sitting in a stand to wait for them apparently because I don't hunt the way they think I should be hunting. It seems that many of the hunting folks can be just as much jerks about terminology as the tree huggers.

So given the way I go about my business and doing it for the reason of eliminating a threat, I am a hog sniper. Of course that then makes another segment of gun folks upset because I haven't been to military sniping school. :eek:
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Nothing wrong with "harvest" per se. My gripe is about its use to avoid the perceived harshness--to me, the reality--of "kill". The avoidance is what I see as PC.

But then, I've always thought of harvesting wheat or oats or corn--and never of the word as applied to any sort of meat. I don't think of harvesting fish or chickens, so why apply it to deer? :D
Boy some people can blame liberals for anything. I'm a bleeding heart, tree hugging liberal. Tree hugging in the sense that I think our woods and waters are more important then industrial progress. I would think every outdoors man would be for the protection of our natural resources. Liberal does not equal anti gun/hunting. Don't lump the uneducated masses in with good progressive liberals.

No one is pro cruelty to animals. People in peta may be liberal according to them but not all liberals or even the majority are involved in peta. Horrid organization that does nothing to prevent the suffering of animals. I know of no hunters who are cruel to animals quite the opposite in fact. Many hunters have a great deal of respect for the animals they hunt.
The word "harvest" has nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with game management.
This. Whether you "like" the use of the word or not is your personal choice. Use it if you like, don't if you don't. As a hunter safety instructor who taught game management as part of the curriculum, I used "harvest" regularly. But we also talked about "humane kills."

Similarly, the use of "Xmas" is of Christian origin, "X" being the first letter of "Christ" in Greek. It's an abbreviation, not an attempt to "X Christ out of Christmas."

I'm reminded of Ronald Reagan, who said, "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so." In this instance, drop "liberal" and insert "hunting."
Whether you "like" the use of the word or not is your personal choice. Use it if you like, don't if you don't.

Oh but see, you have completely misunderstood the problem. It isn't about whether or not people like terms as much as it is about how people want to perceive themselves or to perceive themselves relative to others.

But then, I've always thought of harvesting wheat or oats or corn--and never of the word as applied to any sort of meat. I don't think of harvesting fish or chickens, so why apply it to deer?


When the "hunters" describe others engaging in the taking of game in manners that the "hunters" don't perceive as being sufficiently to their high standards, they proclaim the others to be "harvesters." It is a put down, an insult, used to set apart the top tier "hunters" from lower tier "harvesters." It is a perspective those who perceive themselves as engaging in real hunting from those who are just pretend hunters. Hunting, as we all know, involves much skill and hardship whereas harvesting, like wheat or oats, is fairly simple and requiring few perceived hunting skills. You just go out and get what you need and the wheat and oats don't run or hide from you.

I have also noticed that some of the self proclaimed "real" hunters wear their title as a badge of pride but also as an explanation for a lack of success. After all, anybody can harvest, but only a few are truly skilled in the ways of hunting where the procurment of game resides in the realm of the wisdom and skill of the hunter as well as the craftiness of the prey which is indeed sometime victorious. "I tracked and stalked a 400 lb 72 point whitetail for 36 hours, but they don't grow that big by being stupid. Just before I was about to get my shot at him, the wind changed [its always the wind in these stories, isn't it] and he must of gotten a whiff of me and he bolted before I could pull the trigger. Otherwise, he never would of known I was there."

One thing is certain, the "hunters" are better story tellers...:D
My following statement in no way reflects all deer/elk/antler bearing animal hunters.

There is a lot of snobery that goes with a lot of these hunters. But us regular fellows usually grin and bear it until they leave town and head back to the law offices and such.

I love reading and hearing these hunting stories. So don't get me wrong, but most of yall know what I am saying
I plant food plots for the deer to harvest so I can kill them.;)

I can honestly say the word harvest has never crossed my mind when I am hunting. A steady aim and slow squeeze on the trigger so I can get a clean harvest doesn't work for me.
"Huntin'? Lemme tell ya 'bout huntin', boy. I kilt me a big ol' buck, one time, and got curious about where he'd been. I went to tracking back along his trail. I plumb forgot about the time and kep' on keepin' on. 'Fore ya know it, I'd tracked him all the way back to where he wuz borned!"

Sorry. Couldn't resist. It's just another character flaw. :D
Maybe it should have been †-mas?

Harvesting, shooting, taking, getting, killing, all work the same for me when it comes to collecting game.