Deer (or animal) "HARVEST"

I don't get real hung up on what people want to call it. I hunt and kill deer, but if others prefer "Harvest" then that is fine with me too. I am just happy to see people out hunting!
Forty/fifty years ago, it was quite common for deer hunters to tie Bambi to a fender or across the trunk for the ride home if they were in a car. Even the ladies would ask a guy whom they knew was a hunter if he had killed a deer, yet?

Then PC attacked, and successful hunters now hide their deer under a tarp and talk about harvesting. In modern America, the deal is to avoid talking about reality and the way the world really works.

In Wisconsin you HAVE to display the whole deer outside of the vehicle (or in the truck bed with the tail gate down) until you have it registered.

So we still drive around with our harvested, dead, bloody deer on our fenders! :D
I'll third the taking Christ out of Christmas sentiment. If you aren't celebrating His birthday then you should be working or something.

I don't harvest anything but veggies. I take game I kill it. I shoot deer, you could concievable call it murder or assassination, I call it fun and rewarding.
I call it harvesting. I actually think it works FOR our cause rather than against it.

I harvest corn, beans, all kinds of trees for building and heat.

There really is no distinction. We have dominion over the plants AND the animals.

It is no less immoral to eradicate an entire forest full of Red Woods for no purpose than to kill a herd of deer for no purpose.

It is equally moral to harvest animals for human use as it is to harvest corn, or trees to build a house.

Only humans can be murdered. Animals and plants can be killed and wasted.
I've never planted a deer or turkey.

I too take some exception to this term and it's application. To me, animals are flesh and blood and have never seen any roots. ;)
Another term you hear, is Cull or Culling and that seems more applicable.

There are times I teach Hunter Ethics during our Hunter safety classes and I call it like it is and that is killing animals. I don't want to soften or play it down. I want the students to understand what we are doing and be fully responsible for our actions. I get some strange looks when I state then I'm not out there to hurt animals but instead to kill them. Not a big hang-up but I do have them ... .;)

Be Safe !!!
I've been killin deer a long long time,hope to keep killing them for a while.Aint My problem or worry what the Penny loffer wearing carpet boys call it.Aint real big on being politicially correct either,cant see where that helps anything.SO I think I'M just goin to keep killin & grillin thank ya.:D
I'll third the taking Christ out of Christmas sentiment. If you aren't celebrating His birthday then you should be working or something.

I'll be inspecting my eyelids after assembling whatever the wife brings home from black Friday. Even this atheist has the first lighted house (15 strands of 14' C9s)...making it secular year after year!

Harvest, murder, shoot, kill, pull out of my @$$...don't make no difference to me.
Here is my best attempt (In my Idahoan PC language) telling you good folks what took place today: My .358 Win shot it's first deer today:D Hardly any cleaning required because it blew the smithereens out of 'm. How did I do?

The people that don't hunt always ask if I "caught anything" around here too. For those that hunt we always say " we're going to fill the freezer. "
So I guess if I go hunting in some African country or China I would be an international harvester, huh?
I go hunting. I shoot my game. I gut 'em. I take 'em home in the back of the truck, hang 'em, skin 'em, age 'em, cut 'em up and eat 'em.

Do anglers 'harvest' the fish they keep? Why are anti-hunters generally not anti-fishing? Is it because fish aren't cute like deer or bear? Why is it okay to say 'Nice mess of fish'?
When I go berry picking I don't kill the plant - I cruelly rip part of the living organism apart. When I pick mushrooms I tear the fungus from the ground, killing it with my bare hands.

I'm not a christian but I celebrate xmas every year.
I "gleaned" much information and "garnered" many compliments by "gathering" meat "harvested" during the controlled deer "cull"!


I "lern't" a bunch and "got" lots of congrats by "collecting' all these good steaks I "killed" during that buck "hunt".

The first is how I would likely talk to a group of non hunters and the second is how I would express the same thought to my hunting buddies. The meaning is the same, but the first doesn't portray me as the redneck I am!

BTW - glean, garner, gather, harvest, cull, and collect are all synonyms!
I prefer 'Harvest''s the sum of the whole process is it not :eek: As for the other sentiments about Holiday or's Christmas and this is what our Federal Government has deemed it to be long long ago like it or not :cool:
I harvested a rat in a rat harvester.

i may have possibly harvested a donut this morning.

All joking aside, I think harvesting may be appropriate if the animal is mostly consumed, or used in some way other than just a trophy.

But I see the point of contention, in that it does have a buzzword type feel to it.
I eat what I hunt so I have no problem with anyone using the term harvest.

Besides, and it was pointed out above, harvest really implies that we have dominion over the animals we take. PETA on the other hand talks about animal rights and claim that hunting them violates those rights. They use words like "killing" while attempting to characterize all hunters as brainless, blood thristy sub-humans and hope to evoke emotions in both the anti's and those on the fence. PETA doesn't care about facts, they want emotion. They want people to get upset.

The term "harvest" to me anyway, takes the emotion out of it.
I,ve killed many creatures over the years. Most were harvested, some were killed to relieve a problem.Probably the largest number were killed and not harvested ,except perhaps by the vultures .Gophers , ground squirrels ,chucks. rats & mice abound in the farm country I grew up in and their numbers must be reduced. But killing is what we do, and the effort to somehow [clean ] it up over the years has gotten out of hand.
All this talk has caused me to think about what I call it, instead of 'Harvesting" - which seems to me to be a ridiculous word when used for deer hunting, but is a word that has probably been brought in for use to pacify the non-hunters and anti-hunters. Anyway, it seems that since I was a kid the term I'd use when I got home from hunting would be to tell the folks that "I shot a deer". They would automatically assume that my shot was effective unless I said otherwise. That's the term I still use to this day. And maybe the reason I don't like the word "harvest" in this hunting context is more because the word was employed to pacify the anti-hunters. If I ever use that word in regard to hunting, I want one of you guys to drive over here and whop me upside the head. And it's getting late, so I'll go get a glass of milk and harvest me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
"Did you catch anything" is a woman thing. I think they were the first to use politically correct language. I either "Got" or "Killed" a deer. I did not pick it off a tree. You won't make a Tree Hugger happy saying harvest, so why bother. If you are ashamed to talk about what you do, don't do it.