Deer Blinds or Stands

I usually just walk in to my "spot" and sit down with my back to a tree. There are a few brush piles and low tree limbs that kind of screen us. So long as you don't make any noise or sudden moves, deer are pretty oblivious, particularly during the rut, which generally coincides w/ opening weekend of the Firearm Deer season in Nebraska.

I have had deer walk right by me and the kids ......I have been taking 2 or 3 of my kids and nephews and nieces for about 10 years now. I've shot deer as close as 15 feet, and as far as 460 yards...... none were even looking at me when they got whacked.
I think the bail blind looks too good for use around here. I'm afraid to be in one when a car load of the worst kind of red necks come around shooting any everything in sight.

I'm afraid to be in one when a car load of the worst kind of red necks come around shooting any everything in sight.

There's three ground blinds I hunt out of when not up in a tree. Two are in some heavy cover and you just couldn't see them from a distance over 40yds. Today, all these blinds have 2'x3' pieces of hunter orange canvass on all four side and can be seen from afar.

The deer don't mind at all.
Only six of us hunt the 120 acres we lease for gun hunting (rolling hills oak woods surrounded by marsh and all that surround by corn fields). Rednecks are fair game!! :D
Here you go warbirdlover. My neighbor tore down his Cedar fence and built another. I recycled his old fence to make the siding for this stand. While building this in my driveway. Many evening walkers would come up the drive and try to guess at what I was building? Guesses were: Ice fishing house, Doll house, Storage shed, Green house, Sauna, Beer buzzed neighbor at first, he thought it was a Preemo Outhouse of all things._:confused: Non guessed it to be a 6X6 deer stand.
Amenities include: Sliding windows on all four sides, insulated top to bottom, floor is carpeted, and heated for MN un-predictable Fall weather. Pre-fab construction completely glued and screwed. (easily moved if need be by three people) I've included the view from this stand. (which offers more than enough scenery to keep your eyes roving for that BIG Buck.) Or snooze away the day in a comfortable chair if one wants. (I've managed to do just that more than once too.)_:)


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Very nice Sure Shot

The bottom entry of your stand reminds me of a piece of property owned by a Judge, I and a couple LEO friends used to hunt some 20yrs ago...And some Great Times.

Judge didn't live on the property or hunt. Just a get away for he and his wife to go to from time to time.

Every year all our families got together at the property for a weekend camp out. Lots of shooting, good eating and of course, lots of lies told around the campfire. ;). The Judge had a standing rule for that weekend...NO SHOP TALK. Tell all the lies you wanted around the campfire but he didn't want to hear one word of an arrest someone made, a case, investigation etc.
He was not shy about telling ya if you happen to bring something of that nature up. Usually saying something like " since you forgot to leave all that at work, is there something you forgot to bring with you? ". :D

Us guys that hunted always asked the Judge what he wanted done around the property. His only request every year was that we keep the road to his cabin clear of debris(fallen tree's etc) so when he and the Mrs. came down they could make it into the cabin. One of the LEO's that hunted with us was the Judge's Bailiff so we usually knew ahead of time when the Judge was heading down to the property.

Throughout our time together with the Judge, he knew basically where us four guys fav. hunting spots were.

As a surprise to us guys, the Judge hired some Amish people to build some stands for us. The stands all had entry's from the floor and were very detailed in the way they were built. Carpeted floors and insulated throughout.

The Judge knew something on every one of us and he had decorated the inside of each of our stand with a special, personalized touch. Example: one of the LEO's that hunted with us was called on the carpet by his female Sgt. for having a **** mag. in his cruiser...guess what was taped all over the inside wall's of his stand. :D.
I won't get into how mine was decorated.:p
We didn't know of the stands till our get together for our weekend get together.

What a great surprise.
Thanks for the compliment shortwave.
Reads like that Judge & wife were quite willing to share their prosperity of additional land ownership with those willing to have a good time with him and his wife. Nice of you guys to help with the occasional up-keep of this judges place too. I'm quite sure that was appreciated.
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Reads like that Judge & wife were quite willing to share their prosperity of additional land ownership with those willing to have a good time with him and his wife.

Yes, the Judge and his wife were fine people. One of the few Judge's that didn't play 'favorites' from the bench. He was just one of those 'down to earth' guys that never let a little power go to his head. Respected by most that knew him. It was truly my pleasure to have been associated with him.

Nice of you guys to help with the occasional up-keep of this judges place too. I'm quite sure that was appreciated.

Yes, he did appreciate the small things we did but most especially the bottle of fine scotch and box of Cuban cigars we got for him every year.;)... and his eye's would light up every time when he and the Mrs. pulled up and would see a hind quarter roasting on the spit and a big cast-iron pot of soup beans cooking over the fire...

...with those memories.... people wander why we hunt? :rolleyes:

Apologies to the OP for the temporary thread veer.
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I have a chair blind. Can carry it easily wherever. Has a few orange squares on it. Small enough my body can keep it warm and dropping a few hand warmers at the ground borders on toasty. Limited view, but I just put my back to a property corner.
Nice stands. I went down today to check mine out and to see what needed done tree trimming wise:eek: I was met with a little suprise. My 4'x8' platform that was 12' up a tree is GONE!!. It was a platform on 4x4 stilts tucked in between 2 trees. It had 2' walls for gun rest. Set on a creek bank overlooking a field. I have had it there for going on 10 years. But it appears someone not only knocked it down but removed all the wood.

I had it on a small field, a local farmer lets me hunt. Kind of figured it would happen someday. It is in some bottom lands a lot of people sneak in and hunt on when I am not there. I have ran off a few. I figure it was one of them:(.

Since I have no kids hunting with me now days, I guess I will build a smaller one to replace it. Figuring a 4x4 platform is big enough for me. Plus this one I will concrete the post in. Anyways thanks for sharing your hideouts. And be safe out there.

Sorry to hear there's a thief in your hunting area lon371. A little tip: I had trouble with break'ins off and on at my cabin and deer stands for about 5 yrs running. Took whatever they could. Whenever they wanted it seemed at the time. (guns, chainsaws (2), stand heaters, even our cabins cook wear among other items) Took a memory card out of a trail camera one afternoon after noticing one my stand doors pried open for a second time. Watched it on my lap top. Called the local sheriff. He watched it. Father & 18 yr. old son busted and both received jail time. Apparently irrefutable evidence helped in the judges discipline decision this time around. My advice. If you decide to build another nice elevated deer stand turn a trail camera to face it upon leaving for long term. You may be surprised at the non-game checking it out upon your return._:(

Again sorry OP for my negligence to stay on subject. Appreciate your patience Sir.
I've never used a proper blind or stand before but I've posted up in the same redwood stump a few times with good results.
Another coulee region stand.
Really just a ground blind built of logs, branches and a few pallets....and a lawn chair:)


I got screwed by Sandy

Even though I live in Michigan, we were not immune to the reaches of Hurricane Sandy. We had 40 to 45 mph winds during the storm which blew down a pine....... that clipped my pop up. Fortunately, I had a spare pole and a role of Gorilla Tape. It will make it the rest of the season but it's trash after that.


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How do the towers break down? What is set-up time? If I pulled up to a spot with one in a truck, would setting it up for a weekend make any sense(Retreating truck and other gear to camp after set-up).
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John,the tower stand is quite easy to set up,it takes 6 bolts to put the stand together and about 10 min. or less. So for me the tower stand does make sense for a weekend hunt

The stands breaks down to four parts,the seat/shooting rest,the front ladder,and 2 rear legs.All of the braces stay on the legs when taken a part for transport or storage.

The seat/shooting rest is built from angle iron for the seat frame and plywood for the seat and back,the shooting rest is built from 3/4 steel conduit with armaflex around the conduit.The seat swivel,bolts to the wood seat and onto the steel plate seat base which is the same size as the top of a ladder,on the bottom of the steel plate are 4 square tubes appx 8" long mitered and welded to the plate where the ladder and legs slide together.

The 4 square tubes on the seat plate is where the 2 legs and ladder slide together.
The ladder's built from 1" steel channel and the end of the ladder slides into 1 1/8" square channel mitered and welded to the seat plate and the ladder rungs are built from rebar.The rear legs are built from 1 1/8" steel channel and slides over 2- 1" steel channels again mitered and welded to the seat plate. The side braces holding the tripod from spreading are made from 3/4" conduit and this is where the 6 bolts are used.
When we designed and built the tripods,we figured 8' between each of the legs and ladder for stability which was accomplished with the mitered steel channels that are welded to the seat plate where the legs and ladder slide together.
We also built some blind covers that wrap around the hunter for concealment,it's built from 1" pvc pipe for the frame then wrapped with a camo cloth.