Coyote Hunting

I'd figure on starting at maybe half-volume, and after the first call or two, scale back to under one-fourth. Full volume? I doubt a coyote would want to tangle with a 400-pound rabbit.
Calling Coyotes

Get an electronic caller, set the speaker up about 50 ft from your stand and up wind. Put a fluter lure ( a bird wind on flexible rod will do). Run your call for 3 or 4 minutes at a low volume, in case one is bedded down very close. If no action turn the volume up a bit, but don't try and blast them out of the woods. If no action after 5 minutes shut down the operation and take a 30 minute break (no smoking). Then try a pup distress call for about 5 minutes, if still no action move to new location at least 300 yards up wind.

The last time I called coyotes, one almost ran over me getting to that fluter lure with the call going. Scared H out of both of us, my brother laughed so hard the coyote got to live another day.:eek:
A good heavy camera tripod & camo pants leg make a sling & a light folding chair make a good shooting station easy in & out.
Thanks for everyones input here. But after today now(did not see a one). I will be the first to admitt--I SUCK at coyote hunting.:D. I think if i could find one i would be able to shoot it. I think i need to go with a seasoned vet a few times and maybe that will help. Coyote tracks all over where im hunting,but i have yet to see one other than the one time out. I will not give up,but man maybe i should take up deer hunting again.Seems like everytime i go out i could blast at least 5 of them.
Don't give up, it'll happen.

If you find enjoyment in the outdoors then just have fun trying.

It is possible to hunt without calling. Set up on one of those trails with the wind in your favor and wait.

Also as an experiment, I put out some spoiled chicken and they came.
My camera shows them coming back to check and I've only done it once.

I am still learning all about coyotes that I can.....we will all learn together here.
I put some more chicken out. Figure If they kept coming back and checking the same spot I'll try to get them to associate my aroma with happy thoughts.
LOL, I've done that without the animal showing up. When sitting with my back against a partially consumed round bale. When you start to slump to the side, the hay makes a scary noise LOL.
Set up today on a power line behind some chicken houses.Been after a pack for 3 weeks now today was the day they came out in the open power line @ 400yds. put the cross hairs on top of his head sent a load of high speed lead poison from a 25-06 ended his days got two more in the next 10 mins.Thought that was pretty good shooting for a old man.
I know I liked it way better than they did. LOL.