Coyote Hunting

Practice shooting from a sitting position, Elbows reting on your knees, bone on bone.

You are not shooting groups, you are shooting coyotes. Then put your cammo on and try it.

Some guys I hunt with use two sticks, crossed and tied with a strip of leather as a rest when sitting on stand.

Finally, be prepared to take an off-hand shot! I have had many a calling session where I never see a coyote until I stand up. There they are, 50 yards away! Shoot fast before they realize what you are!

Remeber, you are shooting at a target that is 8", so you don't need to put three rounds into MOA. You only need one in the boiler!
If i remember right.Please correct me if not,Since i have not had oppertunity to shoot yet.

Shooting down hill-Your POI will rise said amout from zero.

If you search the rifle forum you'll find several threads on that topic.
The short answer is yes, but that under 300yds it doesn't matter that much.

I prebait the 2 spots that i hunt (I usually hunt once a week). I put deer guts easily procured from local butchers or friends. Im going to try pig, i have a buddy who farms pigs. I will try any meat as bait i can get my hands on. The coyotes come to it usually within one or two calls, it is very easy. In my woods it works, your experience may vary though, i only hunt nc for yotes
I have never pre baited. Heck i have only gone 2 times in my life. I plan to do it as much as i can this winter. My Boss say's him and his wife hear them everyday.
He said last month one of them was trying to get his lab pup to chase him into woods. How often should i expect to see one?. Not everytime i go out there,should I ?. I love the outdoors,so even if i don't see one i still just enjoy the view and the being outdoors. Planing on going out there this weekend again nice and early. Get set up before light any how. What is the best time other than night to get them.
Harris 25-C 27 inch sitting swivel bipod and a stadium chair. Trust me, I hunted them seriously in AZ and spend a lot of time and money trying out different things.
Planing on going out there this weekend again nice and early. Get set up before light any how. What is the best time other than night to get them.

In your area, they will be going back to the den around 9-9:30am.
Thanks for the tip Mrawesome22. that might be why i did not see any or was not able to call them in last week. I only got started at 9:30. Will see what happens this week
"how often do you bait? "

As often as possible, and I do it usually every 3 days. I dont wear scent block so that the yotes arent scared when they catch a whiff of me, to them its just a usual day. And once I set the bait I make one call and then get the heck out of dodge. Set up a game cam that belongs to a buddies stepdad. They come around 4:30-7:30. Usually the earlier. So once I set the bait I make my one usual call, then wait in my lean to :D the coyotes come in and then I take my shot while they chow down
coyote fun

In my mind, calling coyotes is as fun as any hunt there is. One of the best things about it is its simplicity. U don't need a lot of gadgets. Accessories won't replace skill and skill comes from practice. If u stay with it long enough to develop a technique, your gonna have a lot of fun.
Coyote hunting is very fun. It ranks up there with squirrel hunting, and hog hunting! Just like hog hunting you can do it year round too.
coyote fun
In my mind, calling coyotes is as fun as any hunt there is. One of the best things about it is its simplicity. U don't need a lot of gadgets. Accessories won't replace skill and skill comes from practice. If u stay with it long enough to develop a technique, your gonna have a lot of fun.

For sure. Get ya a good accurate rifle and 10 different calls hanging off your neck and have at it :)

When it's close to pitch black and they start howling very close... still makes my hair stand up every time lol :D

Had 5 coming in at once a couple years ago. Biggest adrenaline rush I think I've ever had while hunting.
I don't know why the earlier post is blank. I was gonna post above about the fact that they love to follow cattle trails and other pathways. When conditions are right, you can ambush them.

One of my favorite things is to sit and listen to coyotes.
Hunting them is fun and requires little equipment. It is thrilling and exciting to call them in.

There will be times that your efforts yield nothing, don't be discouraged it happens to everyone, especially when hunting the same area. You may have to take a break from it at times.
Thanks to all for the tips and advice. I will put them all to use. I love being outdoors and shoot one or not, I still have a great time just being outdoors.

Got my small bench made up.Only sits about 2 feet off ground and is very solid, Very portable too. Got all my Camo stuff and a Ghili suit. Hey even if i don't get one,,I look good not getting one:D:D

Magnum Mike--Where abouts you at?.