country is anarchy prone

Some of the post in this thread are getting a bit heated.

Stop and think about it for a second. If we good people, here on TFL, can't be civil to each other because of different religious or political views, how does that bode for the country as a whole.

If just discussing anarchy can divide this somewhat homogeneous group on the internet, what will we do during a real crisis?

Are we anarchy prone?

1 a : absence of government b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government

By definition, NO
In all honesty (and I hope that I am wrong) I give us 20-30 years before our fall. And I am being generous as I feel we are in our decline.
Never been invaded ?? Where are some of you coming from?? We have been invaded for the last twenty years. There are now over 13 million invaders in this country from down south. Armed take over by another country ?? No, to many guns in private hands......but, take over of the country from within by judicial tampering......AKA SCOTUS.
Slowly the rights of free persons evaporate with each of the Supreme court accomplishments....Did anyone ever imagine that they would ever see the day that a mans private land was no longer his ?? That it could be taken to build a new shopping center, high rise or parking lot for the good of the many.?? From within the apple rots.....
Heres a couple scenarios where our a country could easily go crazy:

A terrorist gets ahold of weaponized small pox and infects himself and comes into the country. Even if they caught him(not knowing he was sick), the agents would then be infected. It would take mere weeks for it to spread acrossed the country.

Another could be two attacks involving nuclear weapons, brought in by terrorists and set off in two major metropolitan areas within 30 minutes of each other. And perhaps more conventional strikes acrossed the country by sleepers once they find out about the major attacks.

Imagine the panic. No government could control a fear driven frenzy.
What times are you referring to?

Anarchy prone? Give me a break. :eek:

Somebody talked about China invading, yeah that'll happen. More like they'll just buy us out.

Here's a more likely scenario. Your government and business leaders promote outsourcing your job to some country where they use their hands for toilet paper. Got it. :barf:

Foreign invasion - especially from China, doesn't look to likely. It took until 1944 to invade occupied France - occupied by an army fighting in Italy and the Eastern front, an invasion launched from around fifty miles away (I'm thinking 20 or 30), with complete air superiority. If we fight China with anything but WMDs, it'll be on the islands - Taiwan, maybe the Spratly's - and navy battles. China's population is about 4 times our own, but it would take a several thousand mile journey across the world's largest ocean to get to the 48 states. There is the Bering Sea route - but taking Alaska's one thing - knocking out the contiguous 48's another.
In the remote case in which there was an invasion on US soil, you can be pretty sure the gov't will want to ban any defense tactics by the populace - Geneva convention, int'l opinion, etc.
well your country might not be anarchy prone for many years to come. id give south africa 20 years at most, if it doesnt implode everything will be fine.
cant really say. but if SHTF id grab a shotty, a long gun and my 45 and head for the wild.
Anarchy Prone?

No, I don't think so. I do feel a breath of Civil war between the Red and the Blue states and their peoples. We are so far apart and have such differing ideas of true freedom. The far left and the far right are beyond understanding .American regular problems are clear cut.

Radicalism is the problem, not minorities. Lack of Godliness is the problem, not shouting Evangelists. Morality is not the problem, immorality is the problem.

The battle is between "Do it if it feels good" and "My rights only extend to the point of decency".

Cuate the Red
Is the US prone to anarchy?

Well, that depends on what definition of anarchy we're talking about. It also depends on what part of the country we're talking about.

Where I grew up, rural North Carolina, it wasn't the government that maintained order. In 1996, hurricane Fran came through and devestated much of the state. For a period of several days, at least where I lived, the government was nowhere to be seen. Power and phone lines were down, fallen trees blocked all the roads. Travel and communication were all but impossible. The county seat, a whopping ten miles away, might as well have been on another continent.

There was no looting, society didn't break down in a frenzy of violence and unrestrained predetory behavior.

People pulled together, broke out the chainsaws, helped each other clear the roads, mend the fences, fix the windows, catch the livestock and just generaly put things back together. People did a lot more grilling than usual, spent a lot more time with their neighbors than average, and then, within a few short days, everything was back to normal.

From what I can tell, I think that's pretty representatice of most of America. With the possible exception of those inhabiting a few blighted urban cesspools, Americans are an orderly and peaceful people who generally look out for each other and would rather do an honest day's work than get one over on their neighbors.

Hopefully though, we're still succeptable enough to anarchy to be able stand up to the state and fullfil our duty to alter or abolish a form of government which has become destructive to our ends. Being peaceful and orderly is an unequivocal blessing, being submissive and acquiescent in the face of tryanny and userpation is hardly the same thing and is certainely no virtue.
Megaloman ...

That's a great post. And it happened in the 1990s ...

This is just funny, because I'm old enough to remember a few different generations of old and new talking about how the whole country is headed into the crapper.

When I was a little kid in the 60's the old timers talked about how much better and nicer people used to be and how they helped eacher out during problems.

Then during the 70's the new generation of old timers said the same thing ...

And then in the 80's ...the 90's ... the 00's ...

Basically, we're a country always changing and the "old timers" are always sure things were better when they were young. but the weren't -- they were just different.

As for the future ... like I've said, I don't know if we'll remain a superpower. I don't know if we'll continue to erode away rights, or what effect it will have if we do (i.e. the houses stolen by the supreme court recently -- bad for the people who had to move, good for the people who get jobs there).

I have a lot of concerns about our future as an economic superpower ... but I've also heard people crying wolf about that over the last few decades. And so far we're the biggest/baddest economic power in the world. Could change, but we have a lot of momentum to stay where we are.

The wiley old emperor doesn't get dethroned overnight ...
Drinks ... whatever you're drinking, you better take another shot. The BLAZING LIGHT of knowledge is about to illuminate your dark little world ... :cool:

Are you sitting down?

The program you outline is democratic fascism, which is the way we are going.
W and the boyz are dedicated fascists, look up the definition, Kerry, Kennedy and the gurlz and boyz are democratic dictatorship, one worlders.
The Constitution, which almost all pols and jurists are doing their best to make invisible and silent, is supposed to make us a representative republic, not a democracy. (and blah blah blah more drivel) ...

Democracy: government in which the people hold the ruling power, either directly or through elected representatives
Fascism: A system of government characterized by a rigid one party dicatatorship ...
(the above per Webster)

Mostly your post is too disorganized and wrong to even try to reproach point by point (to the extent you ever make an organized point) but just to clarify ...

The US is a representative democracy.
It was intended to be a democratic republic (though the central governemnt has grown greatly in power).
The whole system has been working great for well over 200 years; the future is what we're discussing here.

If you don't like our democratic republic, may I suggest you move somwhere where you will be more appreciated? Maybe Mali or Burma? How about Zimbabwe?

Seriously ... we've already got all the uneducated and bitter people we need, and more of the former coming in to the country everyday.

Hopefully I've cleared a few things up.

BTW -- I really just made the UN comment to stir things up, but given the way we manipulate it and have a veto and do what we want anyway, like invade Iraq, overall it is a good thing for us. Hell -- we're the country that pretty much created it for our own purposes!
I guess that my reply to this post yesterday was a bit harsh since it was removed. There aint no chance of anarchy in the USA now or in the future. The illegal aliens (immigrants) takes the jobs you dont want and the Chinese wont get the upper hand in any American companys now or in the future. It has been proven many times that when **** hits the fan in the US or with US citizens abroad, you stick together and work things out. That is your strength as a people and many countrys envy just that. The guys that write about anarchy in this forum are paranoid and better get their heads checked. It must be very tiring to see and think about enemys everywhere.
Anarchy will happen if we let it. Only 5 countries on Earth produce more food than they consume.USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina. I can go a lot longer without gas or plastic crap than food. I realize it is not PC to use food as a weapon but as Sun Tzu said you use what you have.It will happen if we let it happen.

Yeah, but future wars will be fought for oil, natural gas and water. At the moment the USA is consuming more than its own production in about all fields, and that may be a big problem in the (close/nearby) future. But i dont think that it will lead to anarchy in the USA or western world. The only country with a state of anarchy atm is Somalia.

Gee! I was really ready to jump in here and pontificate on the issue of American anarchy, but so many people did such an excellent job that my bit would be lost in the sauce!

So, I will concentrate on the "weapons" part in a very, very narrow sense: firearms in the anarchic, urban environment. (This is exactly what I had decided NOT to do, but you guys have handled everything I wanted to say very well.)

Since I am a law-abiding citizen--thereby, not one to promote or participate in anarchy!--I only own legal firearms. Of the firearms I own, here is my choice for use in an anarchic, urban environment . . .


I might replace that 30-rounder with a 40 round mag. Or, perhaps even one of those things that feed'em in a circular fashion and hold one hundred rounds. I would also strap a three gallon garden sprayer on my back full of water. I would modify the spray handle so I could keep it between my teeth. This way, I could keep the barrel from melting down.

As I continue to waste 30 rounds in four seconds with this baby against the pond dam, I will think about American anarchy out in the cow pasture. When I need clarification, I will consult the cows. I KNOW some of them are anarchists; you can tell by the way they chew their cud and just LOOK at you.

--seal killer

Funk & Wagnall's
A one party system of government in which the individual is subordinated to the state and control is maintained by military force,secret police, rigid censorship and government regimentation of industry and finance.
I did not say that W and the boyz had fully implemented fascism, just that they are fascists.
We are supposed to be a representative republic, not a democratic republic, the difference is the constitution.
kevin is right. if we let it happen it will happen. but some things cant just be controlled or way out of our control even if we want to contain it. looking back at the riots in indonesia in the late 90s sort of like an ethnic cleansing, muslims vs. christians, indo nationals vs. the chinese indonesians were things that happened unconnected at first but became like a virus that has triggered another kind of illness. the worst part of all there were indonesian authorities all the time just plainly watching the carnage happening. my GOD all were captured in vivid pictures in real time, and in these modern times. practically, it was all on the internet. chinese enterpreneurs, buildings, stores and shoppes were ransacked. most people were killed infront of other people, women were raped, children were likewise killed. some were beheaded with heads tuck in bamboo poles. headless bodies were even drag in the streets by motorcycle riding men and these all happened in the 90s. i mean this did not happen only in indonesia we saw these things in other places. looking again at indonesia, the chaos was not even from external forces, it was not even invaded by another country. it was something that happened from within.

im not taking chances though, ill be placing order soon on an M4 Carbine and w/c i think is one of the best anti-anarchy rifle. and if i see the signs, GOD forbid before they happen, ill be sending my family on a plane to a not too distant country while i stay behind and protect my property.