country is anarchy prone

They can try a police state but I dont think its gonna work....

some folks might be sheeple but in every Americas blood even the new ones (must be something in the water here :D ) is a hate for too much or overbearing authority. Not every American would use it but most would...

the politicians know that......
The US superpower status will go the same way the Soviets did in the 80s-90s and Britain during world war 2. They get involved in so many conflicts they spend a much too large percentage of the wealth of the country having to fight them. For instance Britain by the end of the war for arms had to give all their gold, all the property the British held in the US and Canada and other material wealth to get Rooslevelt to sell arms and ammunation on the lend lease scheme. This effectively ended Britain's superpower status. The Soviets had to maintain order in the Eastern Block, fight wars in many countries including Afghanistan for 10 years of brutal fighting and so on. We already seeing a problem in the US with its imports being far greater than its export and the sheer amount of the budget spent on the military and national defense thats resulted in its greatest debt ever. All that would be required is a few countries to call in that debt and things would collapse.

Of course there are other factors like complatancy that really helped seal the deal with Rome due to their lack of innovation and their defensive view of life when they simply reacted to what the people wanted. There is the bickering squabbles between generals and politicians and such that happened with the Mongols and the Greeks of Alexander the great and various other factors, though all these things come together and bring the end of an empire and superpower status. The US has infact probrobly seen its prime and now on a slow crumble and will eventually take its status as a former superpower much like we see in Europe. Its hard to see it going the way Russia did unless we carry on with the current approach.
Wow ... this conversation certainly got silly quickly.

In terms of the biblical talk ...

But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

No one knows anything about when the end of the world will come. Has Israel really arisen again? Is the current state the final Israel, even though it claims to be a completely sectarian state and not religous based at all? Apostle Paul thought the end would come within his life time, and he was wrong; what are the chances someone on TFL will have a better clue as to the end of the world than the Apostle Paul, who was off by at LEAST 2,000 years (and counting).

Don't start maxing out your credit cards yet -- we're not even close. It's iffy whether ANY of the major signs have come to pass.

As for the end of the US -- the constant trade deficits are a problem, as it means we are literally shipping $$ overseas. However ... what happens is that the foreigners end up with a lot of American dollars and need to invest over here (something that China is currently doing) which is both bad and good; good because some dollars come back, bad because now companies are owned by foreign powers (we've seen this before with the Japanese and Arabs both). Don't worry too much yet ... but yeah, we've got some major challenges in the future.

Many people said the economic problems of the early 70's (remember gas lines and double digit inflation?) and the general political "exhaustion" after the Vietnam war was the end of America as a superpower. Didn't happen then, it's unlikely to happen now. We took a breather and revitalized. Something we did after WWI as well.

As for deficit spending ... as a nation we pretty much financed WWII with deficit spending as well as the rebuilding afterward with a lot of loans and lend leases never paid back, but in the end we still came out smelling like a rose. Not sure it will happen this time ... but I hope it does. We just have to keep growing the GDP to cover it, kind of like some people build up a lot of credit card debt when young and then get sufficient raises later in life that it doesn't matter.

But I have to requote someone that has already been requoted ...

The only thing I can count on is a life of dignity, courage, and honor, and when that becomes impossible, well then, a death of dignity, courage and honor. Anything else is pure speculation.

... but that is so dang eloquent.

So live well, keep an eye on the government, fight for your rights and try to steer things in a smart direction. And don't worry about anything cataclysmic happening real soon; we'll still be the strongest nation on earth for the forseeable future (which admittedly is only a couple of decades or so).
And by the way ... I'm getting really tired of the Sheeple crap. Yes ... there are many Americans living the good life and not owning/carrying guns (or even being anti-gun) and enjoying their lives without any thought of defense. We've built communities where they can get away with this, and we should be DAMN PROUD of it.

But start shaking things up and threatening our families, and you'll find out what the Japanese discoverd in WWII and Al Quaeda is discovering now; scratch the surface of the SUV driving comfort loving suburban American, and you've got a street fighter who will defend his family. We're the people who got kicked out of the civilized countries and had to build this country from the ground up. We're a nation of football playing red necks who like nascar and hero worship those who stand up and fight the system.

My father was drafted in 1942 and served for the duration of the war. When he got home he packed away his various hunting guns and didn't take them out again until years later when his kids came along and he wanted to teach them how to handle firearms -- then pretty much packed them away again. He currently still has his guns but has disposed of all of his ammo (by giving it to me to take to the range :D )

He's never counted on his firearms for self defense (never had to) and has not carried a firearm since the end of the war. Although he believes people should be able to own firearms, he's also never resisted communities setting up gun controls as long as (his words) "they make sense and don't keep people from having any guns." (I don't agree with that last, but I respect his right to have that opinion)

These things together would no doubt label him as a "sheeple" by any number of the swaggering "heroes" around here who have never fired a shot in anger or worn their country's uniform.

So if somebody want's to call my 80 year old father a "sheeple" while he's leaning on his cane and saluting the flag as it passes in the July 4th parade -- well, you damn well better not do it where I can hear it.

Just because someone isn't in condition one and is enjoying the good life doesn't mean they won't defend their family and way of life when called upon.
IMHO when the U.S. collapses it will be from within rather than from without.
Lincoln went to war to keep the country together but if you get the right set of circumstances, i.e. a "peanut pickin' president" and the sudden succession of Aztlan from the U.S. once enough people of the same mindset get into power from that region, develop enough of a voter base while the rest of the natives are too fractuous to stand together to stop it... well then that will signal the beginning of a major decline in power.
Then again, once all the leftover hippies croak then the country could start swinging the other direction. One never can tell.
So ... don't worry about an invasion. Just stay up with politics and protect our sovereignity with your vote and your voice. If history teaches anything, it teaches us to fight corruption and keep our powerful government on the straight and narrow so it doesn't destroy our country from within.

that right :D
Python, . . . you are absolutely correct, . . . no one knows the day or the hour that any of the prophesies shall come to pass.

We only know that they will come to pass.

But there is always a reason for something happening, . . . there has never been an "occurance" without first there being the "opportunity".

I am of the opinion, having worn both the Navy uniform and Army uniform for a total of 17+ years, . . . that outside the mainstream military "family" not too many who live here give two pig knuckles about much of any thing other than what their stocks are doing, . . . how high up in the pecking order they can get, . . . and as often as not, . . . how many they can put in the ground as they climb up the ladder of success.

We have seen the closing of Bible studies in our school systems, . . . but the opening of Islamic prayer rooms.

Our illustrious supreme court just the other day paved the way for Donald Trump to take any of our places from us in the name of change, . . . so long as he promises a bigger tax check to the local government.

The senate is lobbying for "pluralism" in the choice of the next supreme court justice.

UnoCal is getting ready to be bought out: hose, well, and oil bin by the Chinese. Guess what the price of gas in Kalifornia will be then???

Ted Kennedy has the gaul on national television to call for Rumsfeld's resignation. Guess he forgot that Chappaquiddick happened on his watch.

I could go on, on, on, and on, . . . but the theme is there: the opportunity is being readied by good men and women grazing in their own personal pasture and not watching the fences around to see if the wolf is trying to jump in. This is occuring all at the same time that others are doing their best to bring down our way of life (including the first and second amendments) and turning us into mutton (butchered sheeple).

OK: Down off the soap box.

May God bless,
No, I don't think the country as a whole is anarchy prone. Sure, we as Americans have always had a distrust and resentment of overbearing authority, but we have also banded together for the good of our communities. In times of disaster we pitch in to help each other out and some one has to coordinate that. In the absence of "duly constituted authority" it generally falls to the person who makes the most sense or seems to be the most confidence inspiring. (Or sometimes is the loudest :D ). There have always been and will be the exceptions. Those who would huddle in their shelter and say the hell with everyone else and the criminals who are the real anarchists and want no interference in their criminal endeavors. I believe that should there be some form of collapse, people, especially in the smaller communities, will work together. While this may not take place in the larger cities, they do not neccessarily represent the majority of America.
No, it's not prone now.

But I think it could all change quickly. I've met people from coast to coast in America and but a very few have all been good people. I have also seen people, good people for the most part, do some very bad things when they "felt cornered". If a person becomes desperate enough, for any reason, they change completely and horrifically. It could be drugs, being attacked, your children starving, or whatever that flips this "switch" and turns on another person altogether.

What could fling enough Americans into such desperation as to bring about anarchy? Hubert's Peak and all its ramifications top my list. I pray that anarchy never happens and hope my fellow Americans are made of sterner material, but hoping and praying is a poor substitute for planing and practicing.

When Bush Jr was first elected he beat the other fellow by only a handfull of votes- the country did not descend into anarchy- infact it was proof I believe of the stability of your political system.

Where problems could arise I think relate to an event like that that is likely to have caused 'Dark Ages' a climatic disaster where for example volcanic activity blocked out much of the suns rays- causing massive starvation and bringing about the first bouts of recorded plague in europe.

Measuring the consequences of this type of event today is hard to do. It possibly could cause global war and anarchy.
Quote Dwight55:
"no one knows the day or the hour that any of the prophesies shall come to pass. We only know that they will come to pass."

Oh really? funny but none have come to pass as yet, the dates keep getting changed or the prophecy reinterpreted but you can make anything appear real if you try hard enough. Of course we aren't going to survive forever, but no one can tell us how or when these things will happen, just say I told you so AFTER the fact. Not everyone believes like you do Dwight55, this is not a religious forum so save the preaching.
No, I don't think the country tends toward anarchy. I think it tends toward facism. If there is any disruption in the government creating a leadership vacuum, there is no shortage of lower-level politicians eager to step in and take control. We have 'Government in Depth."

There seems to have been some thread veer toward "could the USA be invaded?"

I don't think most people realize what a tremendous "defense in depth" the USA has in its National Guard. Here in podunk Boise Idaho we have at least 20 M1 Abrams tanks parked by the airport, and regularly used in drills by the National Guard. We have mobile artillery, mobile briges, APC's, etc. We also have a squadron or two of Warthogs parked at the airport. That's a pretty formidable force for a small town in Idaho. About 50 miles away we have Mountain Home Air Force Base.

All states have similar National Guard armories, staffs, and equipment. And thanks to the Interstate Highway system (and a tremendous number of secondary roads) we can move all that equipment wherever is needs to be in short order.

All we need is the will to defend ourselves and the leadership. And I don't think there is a shortage of either.
Lots of prophecies have been fulfilled Pthonguy. you're just knee jerking about it because you don't study it and its a (gasp) dreaded religion thing.
The choice: True individual freedom or "freedom in chains"

As long as the government and media keep giving the people "bread and circuses" - no problem. Meanwhile the government just does whatever the hell it wants, including the latest Supreme Court decision that the government can steal someone's home and give it to a business. Face it, most of the people in this country are too busy waiting for their own government subsidy and watching "american idol", "survivor" and any other "reality" show to pay any attention to real reality.

It seems like there is alot of truth in this viewpoint (above). "We The People" vote politicians into office based on their good word and promises. They go to D.C. and serve whoever and whatever they are loyal to; IT SURE AS HELL IS NOT THE CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS AND "WE THE PEOPLE."

The "public service philosophy" of the majority of our current day "public servants" is very obvious. It can be summed up in these these ten words:

If anyone disagrees, pull your head out of the sand and take a look at the Supreme Court's latest edict allowing city or county government to seize your property for whatever reason they decide to.

In my non-expert humble opinion, a police state government is much more likely than a "collapse" followed by anarchy. Government, the media, any and all schools, colleges, universities, the vast majority of "experts" in all fields and the majority of churches have for decades been programming the American people to blindly SUBMIT, CONFORM and OBEY. Of course, those who won't submit, conform and obey will have to be... "Dealt with."

Unless the American people wake up, pull their heads out of their asses and stop living like spoiled children who value nothing more than instant gratification, money, possessions and power, America will some day go the way of the British empire.

The biggest threat to our freedom, our way of life and our survival as a nation is not Communist China, heroin, cocaine, Al Queda, the Taliban or the United Nations. The biggest threat comes from OUR OWN "LEADERS" in Washington, plain and simple.

Our own "Leaders" hollow out our military, leave our nation vulnerable to attack, gut our Bill of Rights, trample our Constitution. They pass laws giving themselves the power to snatch any one of us off the street, imprision us with no probable cause, deny us due process, refuse us out RIGHT to legal counsel, isolate us from our families, hold us without pressing charges, deny us our RIGHT to a trial by a jury of our peers and imprision us indefinitely.
The machinery for a police state totaltarian dictatorship is in place.

With a weakened military, a gutless and cowardly majority of the population and "leadership" that is by and large corrupt and unprincipled, America is well on the road to becoming a "soft" (or not so soft) police state with "leaders" who will not serve the people but will submit our nation and people to the rule of "global interests."

When that is accomplished, America will become a second rate nation with a people who enjoy "FREEDOM IN CHAINS," as James Bovard called it.

As someone once said:

In 2005, we are faced with the same choices The Founders were faced with in 1775. We can still make the decision to be a free nation; it is not an easy choice, but if we don't decide, others will make the decision for us.
Just when you think it can't get any sillier ... one of the TFL "mouth breathers" logs in from his Idaho Cabin.

To progunner ... I hate to dissolve you're little "chicken little" world with some facts, but here they are ...

  1. Some people, including good americans, disagree with you on how the US should deal with the rest of the world. And you AIN'T necessarily the smart or correct one.
  2. People don't get into politics unless they're committed to being in positions of power, but even given that there are MANY idealists in our government. I've met and worked with some. Some of them may not agree with you or me ... but they are damn fine people and I'm glad there are so many available.
  3. Our democratic/market based government is still alive and well. Our founding father would be damned proud of all we've accomplished -- the most powerful econmony in the world, leaders of the free world, etc.
  4. The bitch about a democracy is that the will of the majority will take charge, even if it's a will you don't like. But don't mistake people putting trust in the governemnt for their continued safety and prosperity, intelligent or not, for being willing slaves. The soft americans you refer to are the newest generation of the same culture that has kicked ASS in 2 world wars and many smaller ones. That strength is still there. Try pushing people too far and see what it gets you.

Go ahead, ProGunner ... now that I have set you straight, we all await your apology for posting such hysterical BS in the first place.

And PS:

Active US participation in (and by that I don't mean soveriegnity to) the UN is the best hope we have to eliminate the need for wars in the future. THANK GOD for the US AND the UN!!!!
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Have you tried spul chak?
The program you outline is democratic fascism, which is the way we are going.
W and the boyz are dedicated fascists, look up the definition, Kerry, Kennedy and the gurlz and boyz are democratic dictatorship, one worlders.
The Constitution, which almost all pols and jurists are doing their best to make invisible and silent, is supposed to make us a representative republic, not a democracy.
A democracy is a dictatorship of the majority, exactly what is going on in GB and the Islamic states.
I really do not want anything to do with a democracy.
The UN is a major drain on our economy and a place where we are daily taken advantage of and humiliated.
Move it to Mali or Burma, a place where It would be appreciated, how about Zimbabwe?