Concealed Handguns vs Orlando terrorism last night

Dave Starin, Director of Training at Gunsite Academy, agrees. “A concealed carrier with proper training and mindset most certainly could have saved numerous lives.”

I could not agree with this statement more. Of course, this comes just after the discussion in the article about the poor marksmanship of the cops and how cops don't get enough training to deal with this sort of thing.

That sort of begs the question, "If the cops are not getting enough training to deal with this sort of situation, then why would we begin to expect that your normal concealed carrier is going to have the 'proper training and mindset' to stop the event when most concealed carriers get much less training than do average cops?"

This is especially true for 2:00 am after a night of partying. How many people in the club as patrons are going to have the proper mindset?
Thanks Motorhead.
One point (with backup info) jumped out at me:
"96.2% of all mass attacks occur in gun free zones."
Dave Starin, Director of Training at Gunsite Academy, agrees. “A concealed carrier with proper training and mindset most certainly could have saved numerous lives.

Rubbish he couldn't possably know that.

1) Avoid such situations entirely (I'm not going to be in a nightclub)

You are going to let people that carry out these type of attacks dictate where you do or doint go, if people here tought like that over the years they would have never left the house.
Rubbish he couldn't possably know that.

He said "most certainly could have" Kemosabe. Not absolutely would have.

And I do agree with his statement. Studies have shown an attacker who enters a room find it impossible to immediately detect if one person is armed and drawing due to all the movement.

They had classrooms full of people and one or two armed with simulation guns and when the attacker burst in and started firing they almost always were shot down. And in real life attacks such as the 9 December, 2007 mass church shooting in Colorado Springs were stopped by people with concealed guns. Same thing happened in 25 May, 2008 in Winnemucca NV.

So yea, "A concealed carrier with proper training and mindset most certainly could have saved numerous lives." That I agree with.

So yea, "A concealed carrier with proper training and mindset most certainly could have saved numerous lives." That I agree with

Could have, and just as easily could have have being the first one shot.
So,tell me Manta,

You are in the club,he's killing people.

What is the best plan you can come up with?

Get under a table? You might be the next one killed.Run? you might be the next one killed.

Charge? You might be the next one killed.

Do you have a better plan than using your concealed handgun to shoot back?
So yea, "A concealed carrier with proper training and mindset most certainly could have saved numerous lives." That I agree with.

While I have said that we can't know with certainty, I don't know how anyone can disagree with the above quote. To do so would require arguing that a well trained civilian with a gun cannot make a difference in a violent attack. That is absolutely "rubbish".
"would" and "could" it sounds like we mostly agree. Id say even if the good guy loses the gunfight he still made a difference....
To do so would require arguing that a well trained civilian with a gun cannot make a difference in a violent attack. That is absolutely "rubbish".
I doint think anyone said that a well trained civilian with a gun cannot make a difference in a violent attack. To say that most certainly could have saved numerous lives is didderint as there is no way if knowing that would be the case in the situation we are talking about.

So,tell me Manta,

You are in the club,he's killing people.

What is the best plan you can come up with?

Get under a table? You might be the next one killed.Run? you might be the next one killed.

Charge? You might be the next one killed.

Do you have a better plan than using your concealed handgun to shoot back
I thought firearms were not allowed in the club, so in that case any of the above.
There was a lot of talk about restrictive firearms laws in Europe after the Paris attacks, it seems that when it comes to guns in clubs etc its no different than in America.
Manta if a civilian had incapacitated the shooter prior to him killing numerous people in the club, he most certainly would have saved numerous lives. That is a fact. You don't like the way the statement is structured. I am not crazy about it either. That doesn't change the fact that a well trained civilian most certainly could have saved numerous lives in this case.

European gun laws fortunately have nothing to do with this conversation, although many of our politicians would like them to.
European gun laws fortunately have nothing to do with this conversation, although many of our politicians would like them to be.

Both terrorists attacks, nemourios people killed in clubs, both no gun areas.
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There was a lot of talk about restrictive firearms laws in Europe after the Paris attacks, it seems that when it comes to guns in clubs etc its no different than in America.

Different states have different laws, much like different countries have different laws. In Florida, where this took place, an individual is not allowed to carry a concealed weapon into an establishment where 51% of the revenue comes from the sale of alcohol. I mention weapon, because in Florida, the license one receives is for a concealed weapon OR firearm, so things like switchblades, etc. can be legally carried as well.
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Europe is the role model for gun control here in America, it does matter what their laws are. Europes gun free zones are getting their citizens killed, just like they are here in America.

and ther are still gun owners here that think we shouldnt be allowed to carry guns in bars....