Clinton 'misspoke' over Bosnia sniper claims

I really cant figure out what it is she thought she would gain with this lie.

JRFoxx - see above:

Suspect a pathological liar if:
* the stories seem too dramatic or unrealistic,
* the lies seem to serve no purpose except to impress people, or
* the lies can easily be shown up.

The more I consider it, the more I think that she may have a significant mental illness.

Modell JG, Mountz JM, Ford CV: Pathological lying associated with thalamic dysfunction demonstrated by [99mTc]HMPAO SPECT.
The Journal of Neuropschiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1992; 4:442-446

The authors report a case in which pathological lying is associated with right hemithalamic dysfunction as shown by [99mTc]HMPAO SPECT brain scanning. This association has not been demonstrated previously and is noteworthy because it supports the hypothesized roles of the thalamus and associated brain regions in the modulation of behavior and cognition.
Suspect a pathological liar if:
* the stories seem too dramatic or unrealistic,
* the lies seem to serve no purpose except to impress people, or
* the lies can easily be shown up.

Those who serve as President recently seem to fit the bill. Clinton and Bush both meet these criteria.

Why should we change our pattern of elected officers?
The usual "Bush Lie" per the Bush-haters is about WMD in Iraq.

However, stating something that you, to the best of your knowledge and information, believe to be true, but is later proven to be false, is not a "lie." (Setting aside the fact that hundreds of prohibited WMD were, in fact, found in Iraq.)

Are you referring to some other statement by Bush that could be considered symptomatic of pathological lying?
I really cant figure out what it is she thought she would gain with this lie.

JRFoxx - see above:

Suspect a pathological liar if:
* the stories seem too dramatic or unrealistic,
* the lies seem to serve no purpose except to impress people, or
* the lies can easily be shown up.

The more I consider it, the more I think that she may have a significant mental illness.
Pretty scary, but thats the only explanation i can really see too.Like I needed another reason to be terrified of her gettng elected......:eek:
Missed Oppotunity

Clinton really missed a golden opportunity here. She should blame her misspeaking on Global Warming. Her brain vapor locked due to the Earth's inceased temperature. After all, what can crack arctic ice can surely crack ones brain.

I should be one of her campaign advisors.:D
There may be a grain of truth in what Hillary has said: "... there was a saying around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or too dangerous, the president couldn’t go, so send the First Lady."
They initiated that policy to try to keep Bill away from the trailer parks.
I really cant figure out what it is she thought she would gain with this lie. I can see a kid or teenager saying something along these lines to seem tough or cool, but what did she think it was gonna do for her? I just dont see how whether or not someone is shooting at you someplace has anything to do with whether or not you have good ideas for the country, or have enough experiance, etc to be president. she must be dumber than she thinks all of us are....

It is part of a picture she has constructed of her foreign policy experience. The greater decpetion? That she has virtually none.
Actually, she misspoke when she said "sniper." What she meant to say was "diaper." She had on a very unclean diaper upon landing in Bosnia, which explains why she was running with her head down to the waiting car.
We're such fools. She didn't "mis-speak"...that would be a lie. She "mis-remembered(!)"...which as we all know is something completely different...I suppose it depends on what the meaning of "is" is....................
POL: Hillary is being "SWIFTBOATED" by AC

Hillary is being "swiftboated"! by Ann Coulter

She claimed that she came under sniper fire when she visited in Bosnia in 1996, but was contradicted by videotape showing her sauntering off the plane and stopping on the tarmac to listen to a little girl read her a poem.

Similarly, John Kerry's claim to heroism in Vietnam was contradicted by 264 Swift Boat Veterans who served with him. His claim to having been on a secret mission to Cambodia for President Nixon on Christmas 1968 was contradicted not only by all of his commanders -- who said he would have been court-martialed if he had gone anywhere near Cambodia -- but also the simple fact that Nixon wasn't president on Christmas 1968.

In Hillary's defense, she probably deserves a Purple Heart about as much as Kerry did for his service in Vietnam.

Also, unlike Kerry, Hillary acknowledged her error, telling the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "I was sleep-deprived, and I misspoke." (What if she's sleep-deprived when she gets that call on the red phone at 3 a.m., imagines a Russian nuclear attack and responds with mutual assured destruction? Oops. "It proves I'm human.")

The reason no one claims Hillary is being "swiftboated" is that the definition of "swiftboating" is: "producing irrefutable evidence that a Democrat is lying." And for purposes of her race against matinee idol B. Hussein Obama, Hillary has become the media's honorary Republican.

In liberal-speak, only a Democrat can be swiftboated. Democrats are "swiftboated"; Republicans are "guilty." So as an honorary Republican, Hillary isn't being swiftboated; she's just lying.

Indeed, instead of attacking the people who produced a video of Hillary's uneventful landing in Bosnia, the mainstream media are the people who discovered that video.

I've always wondered how a Democrat would fare being treated like a Republican by the media. Now we know.

It's such fun watching liberals turn on the Clintons! The bitter infighting among Democrats is especially enjoyable after having to listen to Democrats hyperventilate for months about how delighted they were to have so many wonderful choices for president.

Now liberals just want to be rid of the Clintons -- which is as close to actual mainstream thinking as they've been in years. So the media suddenly notice when Hillary "misspeaks," while rushing to make absurd excuses for much greater outrages by her opponent.

Liberals are even using the Slick Willy defense when Obama is caught fraternizing with a racist loon. When Bill Clinton was exposed as a philandering, adulterous, pathological liar, his defenders said that everybody is a philandering, adulterous, pathological liar.

And now, when B. Hussein Obama is caught in a 20-year relationship with a raving racist, his defenders scream that everybody is a racist wack-job.
(Continued here)

Get over it kids, think about poor Bill. Jay Leno said that Bill was quoted as saying "If I knew there were no snipers I wouldn't have sent her there".

Jay Leno can be very brutal......
I think she said "snipping" as in scissors used to cut hair. She must have been there to get a haircut on the plane (shutting down the airport) just like her husband did at LAX.
With Kerry, his mother said "Integrity, Integrity, Integrity".
What's it gonna be for Hillary?
- No integrity
- No honesty
- No truthfulness
- No honor
- No morals
- No scruples

pilot said:
The Clinton's lied??? I'm shocked, shocked! There's gambling going on in this establishment!
LOL! Unlike Captain Renault, she's not a poor corrupt official. Though Renault would laugh and say "You're the one person in Casablanca with even less scruples than I."

mvpel said:
I hear from someone with connections in the military that the people who were responsible for the security of her flight and her entourage are extremely angry and insulted at her implication that they would have been so derelict in their duty to let the First Lady land under fire and scramble to a vehicle.
I hear from similar sources that her helicopter is code-named "Broomstick One". Have you ever noticed the secret service also keeps her well away from any water?

dresden8 said:
The only reasonable explanation is that the real Hilary has been kidnapped and this one is Bill in drag. It's the only half-way plausible explanation.
Nah, you can tell it's really Hillary. She has the bigger thighs.
Have you ever noticed the secret service also keeps her well away from any water?
Actually that is because the Secret Service Agents want to push her in. I hear that agents try as hard as they can to AVOID being put on HC guard duty.

Some years back I read excerpts from a book about presidential families in the White House. It was stories as told by various servants that have worked for the different families that have occupied the White House. One thing that really stood out was the workers opions of Hilary.

The Clintons' servants said that she never once sat down with any of them just to chat. They said most Presidents and their wives would occasionally invite one of them to sit for a cup of coffee and just shoot the breeze. Even Bill would make pleasant chat with them every now and then. However, Hilary would hardly even acknowledge their existence.

By the way, more then one of the workers said the Nixon was one of the friendliest presidents.
This might be the break that the dems have been praying for . If it had come to a super delagate shoot out at the convention there was a chance that hitlery might wrest the nomination from po' Obama and start WW3 in the streets . The more she screws up the greater the chances of Obama getting the nod in a peaceful enviorment . BUT WAIT!!!! There's that "Wright" thing !!!!! Oh dear , there seems to still be a problem .