Clinton 'misspoke' over Bosnia sniper claims

What I can't understand is that she must have known it was filmed, the film would show up, she would be caught on the lie. There's no way you could mistake being caught up in sniper fire, as opposed to being handed a bunch of flowers by an eight year old.

The only reasonable explanation is that the real Hilary has been kidnapped and this one is Bill in drag. It's the only half-way plausible explanation.
When we hear of Hillary's lies we are outraged, when her supporters hear them, they don't care.

No, when her supporters hear Hillary's lies, they just view it as the way things should have been.
No, when her supporters hear Hillary's lies, they just view it as the way things should have been.
I think that's part of it, but not entirely it.

Seems to me that the uber-liberals believe that results are what matter; that's the "big picture." Telling the truth to get those results is a nicety, the "little picture," but not a necessity. One problem with that logic, of course, is that the person claiming to have achieved the result isn't trustworthy and may very well be lying to you about it. Another problem is drawing the line for where the "little picture" becomes a "big picture," especially when the lies cause and/or cover up harm.

At this point, Hillary is a bit like Forrest Gump. She shows up everywhere, doing amazing things, and always at the center of the action.
  • Named after Sir Edmund Hillary before he was famous.
  • Dedicated patriot seeking to join the Marines.
  • Key player in the Irish Peace process.
  • Dodging sniper fire in Bosnia.
  • Vehement opponent of NAFTA.
  • Discoverer of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
(Except, of course, when it comes to Whitewater and the other scandals, where she can't recall being involved.)
I kinda wish that she was under "sniper fire" that day.

I think she was sooo scared that she MIGHT get shot at that in her mind she was getting shot at. Either that or she watches too many movies, and can not tell the difference between real life and the movies.. ;)

I think she LIED thinking there would be nothing to "disprove" what she "remembers".
I cant wait till after the Convention. I like McCains style so far, keep quiet and let the two looneys battle it out.

I thought the Dems could do better.

WildjustwowAlaska TM
O"Reilly had Lanny Davis and Colonel Hunt on together last night to discuss Bosnia Gate. Colonel hunt was one of the planners of the event where Hillary says that she had to duck sniper fire as she exited the helicopter. Col. Hunt said this was an insult to all of the planners and the people who were there actually providing security for her. Sinbad was able to tell the truth and they had a clip of Hillary saying "He's only a comedian, you know". Then Lanny Davis tries to say that Hillary got confused because there were sharpshooters there at the event. Col. Hunt said that they were there to provide necessary security but there was never an issue and there was no sniper fire. Lanny then went off accusing the Colonel of talking over him. When you're arguement is failing, switch topics.

I saw a clip from Leno last night as well. In his monologue, he said that Hillary was supposed to be on the show tonight, but was somewhere pinned down by sniper fire. This makes her look very foolish to those who believe the truth is key in life. To her supporters, like Lanny Davis, it looks like she is being attacked (victim status), so they go out to distort the truth in support of her. Makes us scratch our heads, but it should no longer be unexpected. Look at some of the whoppers Bill told us. He told us one whopper while wagging his finger at us and telling us we better listen to him and listen good. He never had sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky. The supporters, after it was found out what really happened, immediately went into "oral sex is not considered sexual relations".

To keep this focused on guns, how about the whopper he told about how 600K felons had been prevented from buying a gun because he got the Brady Bill passed into law? The Clintons, Bill and Hillary, have been given passes on lying for so long that it now comes natural to them. Hillary just isn't as smooth as Bill is at stretching the truth into a yarn. He's great at spinning yarns. She should stick to baking cookies.
O"Reilly had Lanny Davis and Colonel Hunt on together last night to discuss Bosnia Gate.
I saw half of it. I fast forwarded every time Lanny started to open his blow hole. Sounds like his typical corkscrew landing.
By the way, Colonel Hunt last night also explained that Hillary did not come in on a helicopter, she came in on a C-17. She "left" on a helicopter. So she also lied about that, in addition to lying about ducking sniper fire. She's too much.
If Al Gore didn't invent the Internet, it won't be so easy to discuss this.

Also, we couldn't discuss all the WMDs that Bush found in Iraq.

See what you did, Al. You screwed both Hillary and George.

THIS IS a non issue, its just the liberal media rooting for the mot liberal multicultural bastion of Diversity OBAMA.

They are afraid their hero is going to loose, and not bring us the socialist police/nanny state they have been wetting their panties over.

BTW I despise Obama, and Hillary and wouldnt vote for either unless they were running against Hitler.
I care!:D

I don't really want some Menopausal, Mad Cow, to have control of the button!

She would probably push the one that says USA before the one that's says China on it.

Clinton is the one that put China's thumb on our for head!
Now this is just a rumor, but I understand when Hillary arrived at the Philly airport, she got off the plane and ran the distance to the terminal shouting "incoming...incoming". It appeared she was wearing a flak jacket & helmet. Bill was seen lagging back talking to a female aide.:D
What I can't understand is that she must have known it was filmed, the film would show up, she would be caught on the lie. There's no way you could mistake being caught up in sniper fire, as opposed to being handed a bunch of flowers by an eight year old.

I wonder if this might simply be a symptom of the mental illnessof compulsive or pathological lying... Perhaps for someone suffering from this kind of personality disorder they are so used to lying that they believe their own lies the moment they speak them, and they simply can't even tell that they're lying.

A pathological liar is somewhere between an adult and a child with a good imagination. A pathological liar is like a child in that he or she may believe in the lies, at least for the time that she or he is talking.

Stories by pathological liars tend to be very dramatic. They often portray the person as being smarter, braver, more attractive, or more interesting than she or he really is. Sometimes people begin to catch onto pathological liars because of obvious flaws in the stories. A fairly young man will describe his heroics in the Vietnam war. A homely woman will talk about all the men who fell instantly in love with her. Sometimes the flaws may be more subtle and it may take a knowledgeable person to find them. Often it happens that a pathological liar will be caught out at a party by someone who really was a pilot, really lived in Africa, or really was a fashion model.

Suspect a pathological liar if:
* the stories seem too dramatic or unrealistic,
* the lies seem to serve no purpose except to impress people, or
* the lies can easily be shown up.

Sometimes pathological lying appears to be related to physical causes, such as problems in the brain. Other times they appear to be related to low self-esteem. In any case, good diagnosis and treatment is needed. Contact your healthcare provider for assistance and referrals if needed.

Maybe Hillary just needs some intensive therapy.
There may be a grain of truth in what Hillary has said: "... there was a saying around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or too dangerous, the president couldn’t go, so send the First Lady."

I don't doubt that Bill was keen to send Hillary to dangerous places.
I really cant figure out what it is she thought she would gain with this lie. I can see a kid or teenager saying something along these lines to seem tough or cool, but what did she think it was gonna do for her? I just dont see how whether or not someone is shooting at you someplace has anything to do with whether or not you have good ideas for the country, or have enough experiance, etc to be president. she must be dumber than she thinks all of us are....