Clinton 'misspoke' over Bosnia sniper claims


New member
Isn't it interesting how Hillary's significant embellishment of her landing in Bosia, under fire, when unmasked is simply a case of having 'misspoke'.

Seems like quite a bit of her experience in foreign affairs is a 'bit embellished'.
"Misspoke" must be a synonym for "lied" in the politician's dictionary.

I always thought misspeaking was like when Condi Rice inadvertently referred to George Bush as her husband, or grammatical mistakes that subtly alter meaning, as opposed to a tale of high adventure and peril worthy of a screen-writing Oscar.
Reminds me of an old joke.

Two psychiatrists are sitting in the Hospital cafeteria one day eating lunch.

One says to the other "I made the classic Freudian Slip this morning to my wife.

The other thinks a bit, but he doesn't have any idea what "the classic Freudian Slip" could be, so he asks "Oh really? What did you say?"

He replies: "Well, what I meant to say was Please pass the salt, dear but what came out was
You bitch, you've ruined my life

What sets the Clintons apart is the detail and gratuitous nature of the deception. The Monica story isn't just false, the girl is a trailer park stalker. They didn't just want friends to run the travel office, the old personnel were corrupt. It isn't that people are asking expected questions, there is a vast right-wing conspiracy.

Now, she doesn't just remember how dangerous her trip to Bosnia would have been, they had to duck and run for the vehicles bypassing the reception.

By this point, I have to think that people who would have her as president should have a fairly good idea of what they would get.
zukiphile said:
Now, she doesn't just remember how dangerous her trip to Bosnia would have been, they had to duck and run for the vehicles bypassing the reception.

She was genuinely confused....they told her it was a Fox News crew.
Not only did the Serb snipers not shoot at Hillary, they even let her get on stage with Sinbad and Sheryl Crow and SING to our coalition troops....

Those Serbs are downright EVIL!.... :eek:
Were her lips moving? C'mon, this is a woman who told a risible lie about how she came to be named "Hillary." I wouldn't believe her if she told me Vince Foster committed suicide in Fort Marcy Park. Wait a minute . . . :eek:
This just in from Reuters. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talked movingly today at the VFW in Hogwaller Mississippi about leading her special ops team in the hunt for Saddam Hussein. "The team had just cleared the area and were about to move out when I saw what I was certain was Saddam's footprint on the dusty floor and ordered them to search the area more thoroughly. Sure enough, we found his spider hole. I went in first, crawling on my stomach with my Ka-Bar in my teeth. To my utter disappointment, the putz didn't even offer a fight, begging instead, for his life."
I hear from someone with connections in the military that the people who were responsible for the security of her flight and her entourage are extremely angry and insulted at her implication that they would have been so derelict in their duty to let the First Lady land under fire and scramble to a vehicle.
Clinton 'misspoke' over Bosnia sniper claims
Just like she misspoke about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary, who no one had ever heard of until three years after the bitch was whelped. The cow has simply been caught in another lie.
What is the deal with language lately? Using the term "misspoke" when "lied" would have been more correct is rampant. I guess politicians never lie, they just misspeak alot: everything from the reasons for invading Iraq to "I did not have sex with that woman!"

Regarding Hillary: How being "first lady" qualifies someone to be president is beyond me, but if it does, why isn't Laura Bush running instead of McCain? She probably knows the difference between Shia and Sunni Iraqis, or, having been a librarian, at least would know how to look it up!
JaserST4 posted:

This just in from Reuters. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton talked movingly today at the VFW in Hogwaller Mississippi about leading her special ops team in the hunt for Saddam Hussein. "The team had just cleared the area and were about to move out when I saw what I was certain was Saddam's footprint on the dusty floor and ordered them to search the area more thoroughly. Sure enough, we found his spider hole. I went in first, crawling on my stomach with my Ka-Bar in my teeth. To my utter disappointment, the putz didn't even offer a fight, begging instead, for his life."

Can you blame Saddam? He must have figured that an alien had found him and was going to take him up into space to conduct terminal experiments on him. He could never have believed that he was seeing another human, because he'd seen lots of ugly humans in his day. But he'd seen nothing like what he saw crawling in after him with the Ka-Bar sticking out of her teeth, which are scary enough on their own.
What is the deal with language lately? Using the term "misspoke" when "lied" would have been more correct is rampant. I guess politicians never lie, they just misspeak alot: everything from the reasons for invading Iraq to "I did not have sex with that woman!"

Hillary is missing a spoke alright, in fact, she's missing more than one. That's why she wobbles and wiggles on her political stances, like a bike tire which is missing a few spokes.
She's a pathological liar and anyone who would vote for her is an idiot.

That may be a little harsh, but all in all thats what 90+% of the posters on this board feel.

We have probably all asked ourselves, how can anyone like, more or less vote for the Clintons? and yet millions do, why?

O'Reily made an interesting observation on this today on his radio program when he opined something to the effect that: Traditional conservatives in this country expect honesty, where as the secular, progressive left feel the ends justify the means. They want x,y, and z and how they get there dosen't matter. If Clinton has to tell some lies, or use some tricks they could care less as long as they get in power and achieve their leftist goals.

When we hear of Hillary's lies we are outraged, when her supporters hear them, they don't care.