Clerk at Walmart

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Why bother taking ammo up front? I make the gun counter my last stop and pay for everything there; no waiting.

By the way $26 for a box of 100 Winchester .40 S&W target is a pretty good price. It would be $45+ in most gun shops.
tiefmen1948 said:
... It's bad enough she has to work for wal-mart, a corporation that treats there employes like farm animals....

To bad most wal-mart jobs are held by single mothers or, people who have another crappy job and need the wal-mart gig to live.

I don't believe anyone in the history of commerce has ever started a business out of the altruistic desire to provide single working mothers with jobs, crappy or otherwise. Only dreamy social-progressives with zero business experience could imagine this feel-good scenario.

Businesses are run for the express purpose of generating profit. Note the proliferation of self-checkout machines, intended solely to eliminate employee expense. If these catch on with consumers, more single moms and working poor will be let go. It's not personal, and has no social implications at all -- it's business.

Having said that, I agree with you that Wal-Mart is a very poor employer. I believe strongly that employers have a responsibility to exercise leadership and motivate employees. Good will and loyalty from management begats good will and loyalty from employees. It all starts with leadership.

However, it's a free market economy. If you don't like Wal-Mart, vote with your dollar.
My wife manages a sporting goods dept. at Wally World, and yes, she knows her stuff. I helped educate her, after they moved her to that dept.

You should hear some of the stories she brings home about ignorant customers, or the idiots who go ballistic when she actually makes them fill out forms properly (or by themselves), have the correct ID, etc... After a few of these, I have come to the conclusion that some people should not be allowed to own firearms without taking an IQ test.

The questions they ask are mandated by corporate so the morons among them won't make mistakes. The ones (like my wife) with a brain, don't bother.

Then again, her employees are worthless, for the most part. On a GOOD day, they actually show up. Good help is evidently still hard to find.

Oh, I get a 10% discount on ammo, so listening to her rant isn't ALL bad. :D
I have always found the Wal-Mart gun counter people to be friendly and fairly-to-quite knowledegable. I have never met a Wal-Mart gun rep with the horrendous people skills and attitude that is common at small gun shops.

Wal-Mart's problem with entry employees is not the employees fault. Institutional problems (poor quality workers) are leadership failures that always start at the top.
my only problem with my walmart is i can never find a sporting goods employee until i start shaking the door of the ammo case. then they come running out asking can i help you?
My wife manages a sporting goods dept. at Wally World, and yes, she knows her stuff. I helped educate her, after they moved her to that dept.
I'm glad to hear that. I know a woman who has run the sporting goods department at wally world for several years. I asked her what weapons she had, and she turned white. "I've never fired a gun, they scare the he** out of me!" Ok, then.
I really get tired of the the old "is this for a pistol, sir?" spiel when it doesn't phreaking matter. Buying 9mm, .357mag, and 45ACP...thinking to myself "No, its for a carbine, dumbass! I'm obviously old enough so why does it matter?"

Once I had a run-in with the socially conscious grandma clerk who felt it her civic duty to ask "You're not going to shoot anyone with that are you?" *somewhat offended* "No. It's for target shooting."

Come to think of it, When I buy ammo from WalMart, I've been targeted by several pointed questions upon purchase of ammo. I will hereby refer to it as the "moron test", a necessity among WalMart customers and employees.
Q: What is the ammo for?

A: Does it matter? <plop down ID> I'm old enough either way. Add a six pack to the tab and a can of spray paint please :D
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Funny wally world story.

After my grandpa died my grandma forgot to fill her zoloft for depression stating "I don't think I need it anymore." We said no you need it so I ran down to wally world and got it. The pharmacy girl apologized for calling the house the morning after grandpa telling us that grandpa ran out of pills, my mother replied that he was dead so it was ok.

I got her zoloft then went to the gun counter without really thinking and got a box of shotgun shells. The old gentleman asked what else I got and I said anti-depressants. He looked at me funny and just smiled.

I think he thought I was joking but I wasn't.

Thats wal mart for ya.
I've had really good experiences at my Walmart sporting goods when buying ammo. The staff is always friendly; I go all the time so now they don't even card me anymore :cool:. The manager is a really good guy, knows his stuff. We were talking about .45 v. 9mm the other day and I have the distinct impression he carts around a Colt 1911 when off the clock :D:D
KyJim, its obvious that your not in tune with todays women and conversation:D. You missed a golden opportunity as this person was obviously attracted to you and just making conversation, Maybe your response should have been "no maam,but with that wonderful smelling perfume your wearing do you plan on dating this-evening". ;)
my only problem with my walmart is i can never find a sporting goods employee until i start shaking the door of the ammo case. then they come running out asking can i help you?

My approach is to pick out some cheap durable thing off the counter and start dropping it on the ground. Like hot hands warmers. Then they show up.
I believe strongly that employers have a responsibility to exercise leadership and motivate employees.

and to refute that using your own statement...

Businesses are run for the express purpose of generating profit.

No, business owners have a responsibility to provide for their own families and to do so in a law abiding, moral way. It is probably to the benefit of any business owner to do what you say but it certainly is not their "responsibility".

On topic... My local Wal*Mart has excellent, knowledgeable employees in Sporting Goods. I worked in a bank nearby several years ago and the people behind the SG counter still know me and ask about my family and such things.
The people in my local wally are good, the one that's normally there tends to roll her eyes and joke her way through the questions.

But the other day I had a bit of fun with the new guy...

I was buying a bag of charcoal, 2 cans of spray paint, and 100 rounds of 9mm. When he asked if the ammo was for pistol or rifle I just handed him my license and said, "Actually I'm just gonne throw all this in my grill and see what happens."

The best part is he just laughed and chose pistol from the list.
I love questions from stupid people but not enough to get em fired. I figure if they work at Walmart they are not living on welfair, or robbing my house while I shop. Here are a couple of responses
1. I only shoot zombies.
2. Whats your sign?
3. Who told you Im going to Denver?
4. The trunk of my car will hold three bodies. (Give a long blank stare.)
5. Where can I buy an axe...I need a real sharp axe....and a rubber mask
6. I only shoot people who agrivate me.
I fully agree about the automotive department, but they are better than my local Jifo-Lube (put the wrong oil filter on my car, almost ruined the engine when the gasket blew out). I wouldn't trust the J-L boys within a three-meter cattle-prod distance any more.

Rifle or pistol for .22lr, answer "Yes". Then watch the eyes roll into the back of the head. Like a slot machine paying off...
I fully agree about the automotive department, but they are better than my local Jifo-Lube (put the wrong oil filter on my car, almost ruined the engine when the gasket blew out). I wouldn't trust the J-L boys within a three-meter cattle-prod distance any more.

Rifle or pistol for .22lr, answer "Yes". Then watch the eyes roll into the back of the head. Like a slot machine paying off...

my bro in law had his whole engine trashed because of jiffy lube. they put the FUEL FILTER ON BACKWARDS which caused his fuel pump to burn out driving back to san diego from Vegas.
Oil changes at Jiffy Lube? :confused:

Closed for veering off topic and for completely running its course.

Nothing new to see here for a long time, folks. Move along.
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