Clerk at Walmart

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How the heck can you shoot someone with a box of shells?? That's like having a gallon of gas and someone asking you if you're driving someplace, you need a car to drive and you need a gun to shoot. Just because you have shells or gas doesn't mean that you're shooting or driving.
OK I missed the thought that it was not in a pointed way, if it was meant as a joke then yeah make light of it.

I have had clerks at walmart give me crap for buying a few boxes, like anymore than 1000 rounds might be a crime.... Whats up with that, it's like they never had anyone buy 20 cases of shotgun shells before :rolleyes:
She was a clerk in "automotive"? Should have asked her if she was planning to run over any one when she left work. See what her reaction would be to that.
Then you point out how stupid her question was.

Your experience at Wal-Mart was a little too much like mine recently, except mine was in the sporting goods department at the firearms counter. I asked for some +p .38 cartridges, and the clerk told me they had none. After several prompts and several denials about what they had behind the counter, I finally got him to pull a box out from the cabinet and lay it on the counter. This guy was clearly anti-gun, and trying his best to keep customers from purchasing ammunition. I won't go into our complete dialogue here, but I left pretty miffed. A few weeks later I remarked to a different sporting goods department employee that their gun supplies were becoming pretty spotty (many bare hooks & shelf space). He said they were doing it on purpose, and he didn't seem to care about hiding the fact. What's with Wal-Mart?
Why do you think these kind of people work at Walmart in the first place? They obviously couldn't get a job at Gander Mountain or Bass Pro Shop. Walmart does have some of the dumbest policies I've ever seen. You can't buy spray paint unless you are 18, you can't buy unedited music anywhere, but rated R movies are OK. If teens buy any quantity of eggs or toilet paper they refuse to sell it and call the authorities. I think that is over stepping bounds there. As far as ammo or guns, they probably have the fear stigma that all people who have guns are potential killers on the loose.
Maybe she just liked you and wanted to get your attention... When I was younger (warning old man story) a cashier gave me a hard time about an address book I wanted to buy because it was labeled "My Little Black Book". I didn't notice until I got home that she'd written her name and phone number in it. Go back and make friends. Maybe take her shooting. :p
MarkoPo said:
If teens buy any quantity of eggs or toilet paper they refuse to sell it and call the authorities. I think that is over stepping bounds there.

Then you've never had your house egged to any severe extent. Being a victim of "criminal mischief", i agree with certain restrictions around holidays and such. Kids rely too much on instant gratification and get bored at night.
To be quit e honest; People that know me also know how sarcastic I am, I am also thought of as an a**hol* in smaller circles.

With that being said, depending on her context, I would have said something irresponsible, just to put her back in check(probably like " not if you're working tommorow") like I said, irresponsible. But, in the same stroke I shrug very little off, and let NOONE step on my toes.
i live in Canada and i am yet to see shells in a Wal-Mart, i envy you Amercians, you lucky bastards.....

Come visit Arizona where you'll find guns, ammo, booze and food all for sale at WalMart. :D
My local Wally has good people in Sporting Goods who know their stuff and actually care about keeping a good supply of the ammo their customers want.

I get my oil changes at a Super Wally 40 miles away (no auto service at local one). I've watched them work and they are not idiots. The job gets done quickly and competently. The low price saves enough to pay for the gas, and I get a chance to visit several gun shops that I otherwise probably would not see more than once a year.

They don't even sell 'man-killer-4000-xtreme' rounds. It's all plinking ammo at the local walmarts here... Sporting ammo for sporting purposes... they definately should lighten up a bit.
I couldn't find any humor in her voice but, after the questions, everything was polite and professional. I certainly did not respond as a hotheaded "gun nut." I suppose I could have misinterpreted the first remark, but when she came back at me with the second, I'm pretty sure she was letting her anti-gun sentiments made known.

As far as it being an invitation -- well, I've been married over 25 years and that ain't happening. Plus, she was so ugly . . . [fill in ugly joke of choice].
Liberals can't help it. They see things in very simplistic and idealistic terms. One liberal gal (50ish)I was talking to in a small group thought capital punishment was no different than
me going up a water tower with a rifle and eliminating citizens.
I went to walmart one time to get some ammo.I went to the counter
and there was this old guy.I ran down the list to him.

1 box of 00buck 23/4 12g
1 box of slugs 23/4 12g
1 550 round brick of 22.
And forty rounds of 7.62x39

He bumbled around pretending like he didn't have any 12g slugs when I pointed to a box.He gave a fake "Oh".

I got the 22's no problem but when I got to the 7.62's,he said

"You gonna target shoot with these?"

Like it was his business.I simply told him the truth.I said

"No there for my AK.":eek:

I think I scared the poor old geezer...:D
Give these people a break. They are probably just minimum wage slobs who needed a job to feed themselves or their kids. If They lack custmer service skills, knowledge, or tact then Big f'n Deal. If they did not lack these things they would get a better job. The guy I buy ammo from asks me a dumb question or two every time I go there. This is the price you pay for cheap ammo less than a mile away from home.
The other thing you have to think about is that woman may have been the clerk in her own store before Wal-mart put them out of business and she had to find a job elsewhere. I have seen lots of local specialty shops dry up in my area since Wal-mart has been here.
Please just remember these are human beings(who sadly may have a vote). We want them to see us as good people and responsible gun owners. Just don't take everything that they say so seriously and remember to laugh sometimes.

ok end of sermon
Sign of the times

You all need to keep in mind the times not just that WE live in, but that THEY live in as well.

School shootings, work place shootings, drive-by shootings are now a regular mention on the daily news. With it an awareness by the average Joe/Jill citizen that each one of us could prevent one of these by being vigilant (not vigilante) and aware of what's going on around us. And if necessary, reporting it to the authorities, after assessing that it's a valid threat. This assessment might require a couple of unsophisticated questions to confirm or dismiss any potential danger. Is that SO irresponsible and offensive? Take a chill pill man. Guns may be common place and quite normal around YOU, but they're scary to the average person who's not familiar with them. They ARE instruments designed to kill, that much everyone knows...

With that in mind, look at the lighter side, give the benefit of the doubt, don't look for offense and give a gentle answer, it turns away wrath. (Prov 15:1);)

Pierre ><>
Another thing is some folk have a different sense of humor. When I carried it was under a leather vest in a shoulder rig. I had certain people that knew I did and one was a clerk at a store... one night with no one else around she said "This card is reported stolen do you have another?" I swiffled my vest open a bit and said "jist this one will it do?" she chuckled as did I and later on her ol'man and I were out seeing who's harley could set off more car alarms with straight pipes...
Sign of the times #2

I remembered just after posting the last one about a recent incident in my small hometown.

A man in his car in a doctors parking lot sees a guy walk out of his car with a shotgun in hand and walk into the doctors office lobby. Logical and proper reaction in this day and age, call the authorities and report it immediately. Any delay in this could mean the lives of people.

This stuff happens too often nowadays. How many people are secretly very remorseful following a deadly incident that took place after they saw something questionable and just fluffed it off ?

The incident in my town was harmless. It was a doctor bringing his shotgun to work to show to a colleague. He explained this after their office was swarmed by police and SWAT.

Here again an innocent, but gun happy, unaware of his environment or the other people in it, gun owner tip-toeing through the tulips with a firearm out in the open. Can you just think for a moment before deciding to flash your gun doc ?

Living in a community comes with responsibilities.
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