Clerk at Walmart

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Hey Brent.

Thanks for the invite man. I've been doing a lot of research and looking at guns and prices since my first posts. I check for replies regularly. I ain't bought nothin yet.

We'll eventually get together. Call me if you come near Marianna.

"Are you going to shoot someone with that?"
Only if they attack me or my family. (short, simple, and the truth)

K Doe: you're in the wrong country my friend. Move south of the border and you'll enjoy life (and your freedom) a lot more. By the way, we'll only stay this "lucky" if we FIGHT to stay more free than Canada is.
Whenever I get asked the pistol or rifle question, I always say neither, it's for a subgun. Talk about getting some bewildering looks.

Sometimes you just have to make your own entertainment. ;)

I think I would have mentioned that even Wal-mart as crappy an employer as they are will fire employees for criticizing costumers. Then I would have gone to a manager and told them that I do not take insults lightly and would that I would be reporting the incident to corporate.

They like that kind of stuff.

Last time someone started to say something like that to me I said "Gee that sounds like a good way to find yourself out of a job". They shut up quickly.

Sure it was a stupid comment, but to try and get someone fired over a comment, someone you'll never have to deal with or see again? That just lame. It's bad enough she has to work for wal-mart, a corporation that treats there employes like farm animals, now she has to deal with an over sensitve grown man/woman who cant take a joke? What a nightmare. While I was in school I had to work in retail and I watched alot of people lose there jobs or be reprimanded simply because a whinny customer demanded it. I think it makes otherwise unimportant people feel like they really are someone. To bad most wal-mart jobs are held by single mothers or, people who have another crappy job and need the wal-mart gig to live. Unless its a real offense, get your change and recpit and leave the pissing and moaning to the 80 old ladies.

Sorry but I really find the above behavior to be disgusting. Good for you for letting it slide.
It's bad enough she has to work for wal-mart, a corporation that treats there employes like farm animals

How ‘bout she gain some skills and get a better job? Meanwhile, how’s WalMart so bad? They provide a whole bunch of unskilled people with a paycheck that they might otherwise not get.

I don’t have a lot of use for WalMart; they just don’t for the most part, sell the stuff I want. But, when all the socialist libs started crapping on them because they oppose labor unions, pay minimum wage and don’t provide a class A healthcare plan for their employees, I started shopping there occasionally.

I do have to admit that I no longer shop there. The reason was I noted that the store would make PA announcements in English, followed by Spanish. After a while I noticed the Spanish announcement would come first. Then, after a couple of times hearing the announcement in Spanish with no English follow-up, I quit going.
I sometimes think that antis have the fear that everyone is like they are. Untrustable and lacking self discipline.

What jumps to mind in response to the question (Gonna shoot someone?) would be: Why? Are you afraid you would?
Even though some of us may not see it and even though this topic has nothing to do with party politics, it is political.

Moving to L&P.
...I have at times just smiled and bought more ammunition. It's such an odd question, though, that sometimes, if I was caught off-guard enough, I've been visibly surprised and asked why they'd even ask such a thing?

Buying some shotgun/rifle/pistol ammo is a perfectly ordinary activity, peaceably done by decent folk every day. If you buy a couple gallons of water, no one asks if you're gonna drown puppies in it. If you buy a cheese knife, nobody asks if you're gonna skin your kin. Cartridges are no different, an' shame on him or her who thinks otherwise.
Untrustable and lacking self discipline.

What jumps to mind in response to the question (Gonna shoot someone?) would be: Why? Are you afraid you would?

I can't wait for the opportunity to say that! :D
A few Wal-Mart ammo stops ago I was asked by the woman who worked there what I was going to do with all that ammo. I said, "Practice." Make a long story short we got to chatting and she said she was interested in a firearm for home protection. I explained all I could and ended up telling her where to take a NRA class and where to get hands on instruction. It had nothing to do with being a 2a proponent etc. I was just being nice. I am sure her experience with a gun nut was positive.
She may have been suffering from a type of conversational dysfunction I call "YOUR most obvious characteristic." I can imagine what she says to tall guys or people in wheelchairs.
I got that question asked for me for the first time just yesterday when I got a brick of .22s at one of the front checkouts. Had I not been fresh off my mind-numbing day at the office, I might've come up with a snappy response. But, I wound up saying "rifle" and still got carded. I've only ever got carded on buying an R-rated movie and canned air to spray out my keyboard, what gives?! LOL I'm going to have to take those bricks up front more often to see what kind of looks I can get.
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