Clerk at Walmart

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I was getting my oil changed over the weekend at Walmart. While waiting, I went to the sporting goods department and bought a box of shells for range use. The bag is pretty much see through and I wasn't trying to hide anything. But I also wasn't waving it around like I was kid with a toy. It was just another purchase. When I got to the auto department, a female clerk says, "You're not going to shoot anyone are you?"

I thought I would make a joke of it so I laughed and said, "Not today."

She replied, "But what about tomorrow?"

I was starting to get ticked a little, so I said, "You never know about tomorrow."

I had decided to say something further to the clerk when I paid. I figured there was no reason to keep it public. Then the guy in front of me asks me where I shoot and this started a nice conversation about shooting and him taking his kids to a public range.

By the time I actually paid, I was back in a good mood and decided not to say anything to the clerk. I'm just wondering what you all thought about this and whether you would have pursued it further.
She chooses to work where they sell guns and ammo. Maybe she should quit and move to a country that has outlawed firearms. I'd call the store manager and at least mention it.
Humorous. They say ya can either laugh or cry about somethin', and I ain't a real weepy sonb**h, so I figure it's pretty funny.
I was getting my oil changed over the weekend at Walmart.

I think that was your first mistake, I wouldn't let those trained monkeys touch my car with a ten foot pole. Other than that, I think I'd have just replied to her first question with a short "NO".
I think I would have mentioned that even Wal-mart as crappy an employer as they are will fire employees for criticizing costumers. Then I would have gone to a manager and told them that I do not take insults lightly and would that I would be reporting the incident to corporate.

They like that kind of stuff.

Last time someone started to say something like that to me I said "Gee that sounds like a good way to find yourself out of a job". They shut up quickly.
Okay, she said something stupid, I would have just laughed it off and been on my way. I don't agree with her losing her job over it. Life is too short to take offense at everything.
this story reminds me of a time i had at walmart. it was early in the morning and i was finished with my route for the day, so i figured while i was there i would pick up a box of 22s to fire off with my step son. there was no one in the sports section so i was told to take the ammo up front. when i got to the register i got a nice older lady, when she scanned the ammo, the computer was asking questions. she asked me what i was using them for. i was set back a bit and replied "excuse me?" she asked again, and this time asked if it was for a rifle or a handgun. i replied neither, she just looked at me. i simply told her it was none of walmarts business what i used them for or what i used them in, and i left them laying there on the belt and walked out. i often tell people about this, but i dont feel its their business. i know she was just doing her job, but still.
She probably did not know why the screen was asking her that question BUT it is Walmarts business, as a federal firearms licensee, same ammo I know, BUT if you say only have to be 18 to purchase it, IF you say handgun, you must be 21 to purchase it.

Walmart is hyper paranoid about compliance with the laws as they have been written up by BATF and lost lots of $$$$$ in court for failure to comply with feredal law.

The clerk could care less "WHAT" you were using them for.

ya, I get the stupid "pistol or handgun" question sometimes. It's because they can't sell pistol ammo to people under 21, so for calibers that are often used in both types of gun the computer tells them to ask if it's for a handgun or rifle, and if you are under 21 and say handgun they can't sell it to you. :rolleyes:
The regular sporting goods employees know the purpose of this question and usually tab through it if your obviously over 21.

As for the wal-mart employee, some people just don't know when to hold their tongue. You work in a store that sells guns and ammunition and you act condescending to the people who buy it?
She probably did not know why the screen was asking her that question BUT it is Walmarts business, as a federal firearms licensee, same ammo I know, BUT if you say only have to be 18 to purchase it, IF you say handgun, you must be 21 to purchase it.

i was just annoyed at the time, but maybe this lady woked in crafts during normal hours who knows, i still buy ammo there but never been asked the question since. just relating a story :cool:
Maybe she was "fishing" for an invitation to go shooting...You are all looking at this as if it was a negative thing.

And when you act annoyed by her question,think of this-What if your angry response had made her think all gun owners are short-fused and easily angered?That,besides creating a mindset that will probably prevent her from ever becoming a shooter,might,just MIGHT,force her to call the local LEO and express her "concerns" that you may be planning to shoot people,due to your inappropriate response."After all,officer,I was just joking around with him,and his reaction,quite frankly,scared me".That will put you on a list you really don't want to be a part of....It doesn't matter if you're a squeaky-clean,former Eagle Scout upstanding member of society,anytime you have an interaction with any Law Enforcement personnel,including applying for a CCW permit or maybe something NFA related,that will show up...Think about the possibilities...

My answer would have probably been along the lines of "Well,actually,I'm going shooting tomorrow,and I'd really love to invite you,but I don't think my girlfriend would approve.And she's a better shot than I am,so her approval IS important to me.After all,we do have loaded guns in the house.Have a nice evening..."
I think that was your first mistake, I wouldn't let those trained monkeys touch my car with a ten foot pole. Other than that, I think I'd have just replied to her first question with a short "NO".

+1 at a local walmart ive seen them with my own two eyes take off a good tire and break the bead with the flat tire starring the man in the face by the machine.
Okay, she said something stupid, I would have just laughed it off and been on my way. I don't agree with her losing her job over it. Life is too short to take offense at everything.

+1...I would've just laughed it off too.
Coulda' been flirtin with ya. You've never said something you know isn't 100% accurate just to get a girl's attention? I am usually pretty sensetive about this stuff but unless she had a tone about it I'd let it roll of my back.
Ok it might kinda be a little off but it does have to do with walmart employees. When they ask me if I am 21 when I buy pistol ammo I say "Nope" and just look at them. The stare you get back is priceless as the machine makes a constant monotone noise. After a bit I give 'em a break and tell them I am age X. Another one is when they ask if I will use it in a rifle or a pistol and I say "both", their computer does not have an option for both and a girl called a manager one time on how to go about that. I bought 1300 rounds of 9mm one time and the kid behind the counter asked what the hell I was going to shoot with 1300 rounds. I replied "you don't want to know". The next day when I came in to buy 700 (all they had) more 9mm rounds he was like "are you serious?" I told him 1300 wasn't enough, he said enough for what? I said, "Skookum". Thats what we call bigfoot localy around here. he just rung me up and don't ask me anymore why I buy ammo...
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