CCW for extremely light clothing?

Clyde: So you're saying an LCP, Glock 42, Sig 238 and a Kahr P380 aren't "serious defense weapons"? I would consider a "serious defense weapon" anything that I can comfortably control that will defend me in a life-threatening situation.

Bob: The only person who will know that I'm carrying a firearm are myself and my close family members. I think individuals who use firearms as a fashion statement do our country wrong. I have been in martial arts for over six years, and if that's taught me one thing, it's that self defense should never be "shown off", but used to protect myself and others around me. Period.
Black Adder LXX: I'm not really looking for a pocket gun (as of now, anyway). I do really like the 642 snubby though. Awesome grip for such a small gun.
I think people make this much more complicated than it really is. If you get the right holster and have an appropriate belt, you can concealed carry almost anything. I'm in Phoenix so I wear a t-shirt almost every day. I carry a Browning Hi Power IWB at 4 o'clock and it works very well.
.380acp ....

My response;
A few years ago, a off duty Las Vegas Metro cop walked into a armed robbery in progress & had a huge shoot-out with the armed felons.
He was seriously wounded in the exchange but was able to hit several of the robbers. They were later arrested & convicted.
The brave officer returned to full police duty & was named NRA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.
After the critical incident, the cop went from carrying a small pocket gun off duty to a full-size duty pistols with 2 extra magazines. :D

You can choose what you want. When it fails or falls short, then you may, may be able to learn from the event(s).
One incident that could, or could not have been due to the caliber of the weapon used. If his shots did not hit vital areas required for instantanious stops, it didn't matter how "serious" his weapon was.
I'm sure for your one example there are ten fold where a "mouse gun" did the job perfectly well.

However, this thread isn't about a caliber war. It is to answere the question by the OP about what, and how to comfortably carry While wearing very Light clothing.
DaftHazard said:
Brian: I'll probably stick with IWB mostly. My dad carries a full size XD-M in .40, but he's a bigger guy, so hiding a larger frame is easier I guess. Any personal preferences for summer clothing CCWs?

I've been carrying a Glock 33 in a Crossbreed Supertuck since January 2009. I picked up a Glaco OWB holster a few weeks ago and it is much more comfortable but OWB just doesn't work for many situations. I highly, highly, highly recommend the Supertuck. It has been fantastic and extremely rugged, as has their belt that I've been wearing just as long.

Had I t do it again, I'd have probably bought an M&P in the same caliber (.357sig) but the Glock is a fine gun and has served me well. They no longer make the M&P in .357, or my other preference 10mm. Today, I'd probably buy a Glock 29.
In response to your shootout example;
1) I plan to carry two extra magazines in my backpack or on my person at ALL TIMES. And as was said before, if doesn't matter if you have a .380, a 9mm, or a .45. If you hit someone in a stop area on a body, he's going down. Let the caliber/gun size war rage on, but a handgun is a handgun.
2) If I walked in on a bank robbery, I hope that I would not have the ridiculous impulse to draw my weapon and start firing. Me versus 2-4 assailants who are aware of me? I don't care if you have full body armor and an AR-15, that's just straight stupid. I'm not saying what that man did wasn't brave, and possibly life-saving, but before you ever, EVER draw a weapon, the first step is to evaluate the situation...and I personally don't think that was the right thing to do in that situation with the tools that he had.

I welcome a reply, and I appreciate your opinion, but as cheapshooter said, let's stay on topic! I have already made my decision as to what type of firearm I want to carry, and it sure as hell is not a full size with two magazines! :)
First of all, welcome to TFL, DaftHazard!

For what it's worth, there are several IWB holsters that might suit your needs. I used to carry IWB much more often than I do now, but I used a horsehide Theis holster, and it was very comfortable. It's basically a Crossbreed Supertuck clone, and there are several other brands that are a lot like it. Galco, DeSantis, Bianchi . . . Take your pick.

IMHO, having a good belt goes a long way to making carrying a firearm comfortable. Having to hitch up your pants every few steps gets old quick. It's also a dead giveaway (to anyone who knows what they're looking for, which ain't many folks) that you're carrying. Aker, The Beltman, Galco, DeSantis, Bianchi . . . Lots of folks making serviceable belts, too.
642 j frame in a kydex pocket holster. Or various small pocket pistols. Colt Mustang in the pocket with holster or beretta bobcat in the pocket. I'm 6'2" 245 so fairly big and cannot iwb carry for the life of me. I've tried various nice iwb holsters and nothing worked for me. Sometimes I carry the Mustang in a owb high ride and that's second favorite to me pocket being my first pick.
NRA law enforcement officer of the year....

Well, the Las Vegas cop was in a bad situation, you may have nerves of steel or ESP but I'm not going to second guess the actions of a sworn officer(or any license holder) caught up in a gunfight.
I agree that you need a measured response in a critical incident but if bad guys are going around with guns, then game on. I'm not going to be risk adverse or flee if I can prevent any future crimes/violence.

Many years ago, when I first relocated to where I live now(2000), there was a incident where a father witnessed his son & a few other employees caught in the middle of a armed robbery of a video rental store. The dad went to pick up his teen son when the crime took place in front of him.
The father contacted 911/sheriffs & quickly loaded two rifles he had in his vehicle. As the robbers fled the armed father pointed the rifle at them & detained the crooks until patrol deputies got on scene.
No one was hurt & the bad guys went to jail. ;)
The local sheriff told the media; "if the citizen was a sheriff's deputy Id give him a medal".

Im bit bigger than you but i carry a mid sized glock in a blackhawk serpa paddle holster just under my t-shirt, it will print depending on how i twist but most people are clueless that im packing , and im happy with the amount of weapon i have with me
LCP OWB...perfect size for those hot summers and an active lifestyle. Easy to shoot accurately, reliable, conceals easily, light, thin, and inexpensive.

Plenty of practice and you'll be set. Best of all you don't have to look goofy wearing pants two sizes too large or poking a gun down your pants.

In the summer I can drop the LCP in a cheap fobus holster with no belt on my shorts and an untucked T. On the other side my cell balances out the pistol. If I'm wearing cargo shorts or pants with large pockets I can toss it in a pocket holster and drop it in my front pocket, a little heavy but not too bad. If I decide to wear a belt a beltslide makes it disappear completely.

If you want something a little larger check into the CM9. If you want something a lot larger but still somewhat easy to conceal check into Shield sized single stack options.
The LCP's are said be be good, but didn't feel right in hand. Lightest & simplistic is Taurus TCP. Best is SigP238

You are thinking the exact same thing I was thinking when I bought a firearm for concealed carry purposes seven years ago now: I'm not going to change how I dress, I want to have something really small, carry it in my pocket, and have it just in case.

I say: that's a perfectly fine attitude to have when you start out. The posters above recommended some pretty good firearms. I started out with a Kahr MK9 (it was pocketable, but I found that I preferred carrying it on my hip because of its weight.) I have a Kahr P380, too, and it's very easy to carry in a pocket when needed, definitely check those out. You might also want to check out the Glock 42 (.380).

Now with all that said, once you get a gun for carry purpose, do yourself a huge favor. Buy as much ammunition as you can possibly afford for it and then take a serious defensive pistol class. You're a martial artist; you know the importance not just of practicing, but of getting training so that you know *what* to practice, and also so that you can pick up the little things. Shooting stationary paper targets is not the same thing as fighting with a pistol.

ETA: By the way, shortly after I took the class, I reevaluated a few things, sold the Kahr, and now find myself carrying a Glock 19 in IWB or OWB holsters. Why? It 'works' better for me under stress than the Kahr MK9 did - something I learned after taking a training class. I also found that carrying a pistol in an IWB holster didn't require that many mods to my wardrobe.
Diamondback DB9 for pocket carry, and a Ruger SR9C for OWB, (With a loose shirt). The width specs for the Ruger seem wide, but that measurement is including the 2 ambi safeties. Oherwise it is a fairly thin gun.
Thank you guys so much. Lots of excellent advice. I've learned a lot from this thread, and I have a much better idea of what I am looking for. Lots of great handgun and holster suggestions. Feel free to keep them coming!

And @Johannes_Paulsen, that is some GREAT advice. I hadn't even though about taking a defensive pistol class.
It hasn't been said, so I have to say it....a Glock "safe action" in thunderwear, clip draw, etc is UNSAFE. Give this some thought and you can see why, they trigger is too easy to pull in the holster.

Use common sense.

That said, some thing small and light in a good IWB or shoulder rig should work fine...I like CCO 1911, Kahr P40, S&W 340...small light, capable rounds, can be shot fast & accurate.
A dark shirt with patterns will hide your gun better than, say a white T-shirt. If all you wear over your gun is a light colored shirt someone will see it print. You could also try wearing a vest of some sort.